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Oh Louie louie

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Everything posted by Oh Louie louie

  1. You got a Van for winning a proper cup, wonder if its a moped a man with these sponsors
  2. A Chelsea fan said to me years later you got lucky with the weather that day! What rubbish I swear it was those conditions for every cup tie I went to that season! The wind and rain might have affected sausage fingers beasent, but it didn't effect Ronnie one bit
  3. I know steptoe was from West London, the bush I think, so there's a good chance he was a cottager..
  4. I can recall going there and I think it was lumsden who became I'll overnight and someone else took charge,
  5. I felt for him, pope was face down, kissing the floor..
  6. Bet Gary plumleys going to be getting a call, made Ian leighs look like Gordon banks
  7. The real Hitchcock lived close to brisbane road, his house is sadly a petrol station now.
  8. When uplands construction started sponsoring rovers you needed a police escort driving down the hartcliffe way!
  9. The headline in one paper after Hitchcocks penalty saves was, Hitchcock the master of suspense
  10. Steptoe pulls off the high belt look too a tee, a second hand pose?
  11. Wilfred bramble told a funny story about getting arrested for smiling at a policeman in some lavatories in London, thought that was right out of order, now ive seen him in civvy clothes, I can see the cops point,
  12. Im getting near fifty so we can't wear jeans, or tracksuit bottoms, doesn't give us much to work with tbh better dig out the Farrah's
  13. I like how the flags as big as the seating area
  14. Holloway in Scotland, takes a bit more than a accent to get you gigs up there, this could be comedy gold
  15. After his boasts about getting Grimsby in the premiership, no doubt the odds will shorten on Motherwell winning the prem, hope he gets that gig, be another obe, out before Easter
  16. He said a few weeks before Xmas they were going to overtake us, the well thought out multi choice poll seems to indicate hes staring at the dole que,
  17. Pepe wore a puma hoodie yesterday and non matching shell bottom's, still looked a million dollars, the last time I saw that look was in two pints of larger and a packet of crisps, but he still carried it off
  18. Hes always gets teams out of trouble, pretty much guarantee one thing. Neil will fix it for you..
  19. Harry and Megan met a delegation of top Scientologists yesterday, there was speculation this meeting could be about the pitter patter of tiny feet arriving, sadly Tom cruise could not make it...
  20. I had a half city half arsenal hat, before some Bolton fan took it off my head at Wembley and swapped it for a Bolton one, I did nothing but complain on the coach journey home
  21. The position is vacant, pretty vacant..
  22. If only they would have fell into the hands of alien abuctee Micheal knighton, he couldn't raise the Thirty million, but he did do six keep ups tbf
  23. Yep and the worse thing was the last train to Sheffield was around 440, that day, earliest I have ever had to leave a game
  24. Dave beasent dropping a bottle of salad cream on his foot,he was out for weeks after that, one of my fave scenes ever him sat in a muddy goalmouth with his hands on his head after the two ts charged at him
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