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Oh Louie louie

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Everything posted by Oh Louie louie

  1. Bs3 cant remebet so he calls me odd? What on earths wrong with you lot today.
  2. Bit of humour in a answer like that dont hurt
  3. You dont remeber cool somebody will recall the whole east end waving fake tenners soon. You could have just said you didnt recall originaĺy tbf
  4. What podcasts, what assumptions? Simply asked for memories of a game. Not the first to tell you port, you are way too uptight
  5. How many people called bruce have had tenners waved at them over the years. If you cant suss out which bruce im om about. Than thats just the way it is
  6. Always liked people who brought props to games. I gleefully took a fake tenner off a bloke in the east end that day to wave at hruce, he didnr let it bother him one bit tbf. My main memory from this game is him catching the ball behind his back, anyone have any memories or footage from this game please.
  7. Yep the bloke who bought fc hallan on the way to avonmouth, because thet play in a hamlet....
  8. I wonder what the tea lady out the rovers ground gor for scouting nigel martyn, reckon dunford bought her a new kettle.
  9. Sad news about bitton. More departures than temple meads, currently be a good way to describe nobodys going anywhere!
  10. When he got the villa job. He turned up late. And got in a spat with virgin trains on twitter, which didnt end well. But he did point out if you cant get from preston to brum on time. How on earth will richard branson get to the moon.
  11. That guy who used to stand outside the robins cafe for years, he had a loud rasping voice, and just shouted soccer special, 3 star post no joking you could hear him by the grandstand, his lyrics needed some work. But was relentless and got results.
  12. Never heard a fan or player say a bad word about richard latham.players certainly trusted him.
  13. Western daily used to cover city . Evening post.was evening then, was a early one star or 2. I forget. But the western daily was the only option for a weekday morning city write up.
  14. The epitome of cool, rob newman driving abour bs3 in his cortina gt
  15. Hes 5, 1 in the betting to be next pm, got to he worth a fiver
  16. Makes my spelling mistake look like small beer tbf doesnt it!
  17. Fair play above for admitting that he never went to the show. Id sussed that anyway. But good on you, not many on here would do that.
  18. I gave you tenefit of the doubt phil . And accepted your apology now look at you. Ole was talking about unlucky groinds in the west midlands, so to mention wolves is nit talking rubbish, i mean you do see the connection. Tbh your spology looks very insincere now.
  19. No worries phil, im off to watch gossys giants for a few hours
  20. Another issue with that yarn is the show had no audience.
  21. Oh is the euro 96 edtion on youtube or any info on line about this episode? It finished way begore 96, i out it too you none of that happened
  22. Goof manners dont hurt and if you have no ideal who folk sre talking about please be moee diplomatic
  23. Somebody who just had to google saint and g.good god. 5his j7st gets better.
  24. I mean peoplr are saying who are you talking about. I said rip jimmy g ages ago. I cant spell but at least i dont come across ad s total idiiot
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