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Oh Louie louie

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Everything posted by Oh Louie louie

  1. Cant be accused of lack of effort. Sniffs out a lot of chances. Was in the right place right time today.
  2. The que for xmas steps chippy in the 90s at dinnertime. Whatever time you went there, was 20 deep. I think theres still a wimpy in cardiff, that could be the dealbreaker.
  3. Alfred hitchcock, he was a east london man. Leytonstone i think, his old house is now a petrol station. Tiny plaque, you cant even see it. As for kevin hitchcock, dont get me started on him.
  4. Fair play to him. He was sponsored, by a butcher down st johns lane in the 80s. Who would you most like to meet he was asked in the programe. The person who broke into my car and stole my stereo he said!
  5. Should never have sold them john macphail. Recall the crowd having some banter with eric gates, when they were in the old 3rd.
  6. Recall, fergie blaming man u getting hammered, because soton, wore a shirt colour. Bit of a cheek, they scored some crackers that day.
  7. Watched a video, the other day, theres a town in scotland where anything green gets attacked! The gentleman said in the video, its the only non green subway shop in europe. They also had a petition, to get asda to change, they wouldnt. I think the video was called the town where green is banned.
  8. Last time i listened to us, on freeview out of bristol, was in torquay, in a hotel. Think it came up as radio somerset,
  9. Yes, that was the first time i saw reading, come in big numbers. I recall a game, against them, when nigel hawkins scored, late 80s. And A block was empty.
  10. Yes, there was a pub on york road. Used to work with a bloke used to drink there. He told me was a bikers, pub and all the bikes used to be parked outside. One pub, i used to go in now and again after a away game, was the blarney stone, in st werburghs. That went i dunno, at least ten years ago.
  11. Also in that era, i can recall reading bringing loads to a end of season game. Think they were gong well, and i recall a bit of grief on ashton road. Pretty sure it was last day of the season, and somebody saying the reading fans had cb radios.
  12. Yes, last day of the season. Brentford had to get something to stay up. They brought loads that day, they filled the old open end.
  13. It shames me to admit, i was one of the hundreds,in the grandstand Chanting at the bottom of the ladder. Shit your pants. Then we got you surrounded! Some said he was gas, others swindon.
  14. The one song sang at both grounds, or maybe 3. We all agree, roger malones a..........
  15. Best random one. Feed the welsh, to the tune of feed the world, the day wrexham were going bust. Terry christian, even joined in, listening to the phone in on the way home.
  16. Another game sticks in my mind. Mansfield at home, never saw such a one sided game. Was a draw, i think gavin came on, took the ball past 5 players, and either scored or crossed it for someone?
  17. Devon white was impossible to mark. The game we should have took 3 points from, was the draw with huddersfield at home. Think nicky morgan just joined, or made his debut. Was a night game
  18. Uefa, actually call some of these firms, partners, not sponsors! Betting firms and beer.
  19. I didnt even know he sold it! I think the betting offers they do at half time for instance, is much more tempting to have a bet, I think thats encouraging, to someone to bet more, than a team being sponsored by ladbrokes for example. If they are going to ban this on shirts, may as well ban the adverts.
  20. Only fancy dress i went to was the junior reds gig of 1985. Went in a green jumper, and a swimming cap, i was john shaw! Terry cooper even paid me a compliment!
  21. Dont keep us in suspense, what you going as marcus?
  22. Everytime i watch a game on sky, every other advert is for betting. In the world cup, it was beer. I wonder if mr murdoch, will stop that?
  23. There used to be one over old market, on the main drag. I dunno about now tbh
  24. They have connections, to those snappy dressers chas and dave. We once had the keyboard player from bros, running the gaff!
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