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Oh Louie louie

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Everything posted by Oh Louie louie

  1. That record could stand for another 10 years. Nobody would be suprised.
  2. Is Andy tilson, still the record singing there? I dont recall, them spending more on a player since? That was about 30 years ago now,
  3. I would say, even money on him lasting the season, is generous.
  4. Anybody want to lay odds on him lasting the season?
  5. Whats this blokes name marcus, il chance a fiver on them giving him the job.
  6. I knew he would be out by easter, after dragging them deeper in the mire. Was so predictable. Well earned obe.
  7. In the book, it keeps saying its his hometown club, if im not mistaken? The ginger bloke who played upfront for reading, forgot he bought property in dubai. Ive never read such rubbish
  8. Ive read that secret footballer book, its some of the things in there are far fetched to say the least. One day the writer had the squirts, so he got out in the road and went infront of everybody at roadside. A builder wouldnt do that, let alone a prem striker. The bit about him forgeting he bought a house in dubai was it? I wouldnt waste your time reading that rubbish, no way a footballer wrote that,
  9. The away end at notts county that year in the cup looked mental. Year before my time, but seems like half the ground was city that day.
  10. There was a lovely gentlemen called bob flicker who ran the supporters club bar for years. And his son repesented england at the subbuteo world cup, about 1991.
  11. We have the suspension bridge as a backdrop when we sign somebody. They have a shed.
  12. Yes, the nobel prize. Again if somebody can point out anytime since the 1980s bristol rovers have came to ashton gate with a exciting brand of football, id be amazed. Or like i said even a midfielder who can pass?
  13. The ball was never on the grass under francis. Same with ward. Same with holloway. If somebody said to me who was rovers most entertaining player to watch, say over the last twenty years, i cant think of 1. Anybody think of somebody they had with say, hartleys, nobels passing skills?
  14. It wasnt a bad goal they scored saturday. Sadly fleetwood scored 4 and then the manager got sacked. They have never played decent football in my life.
  15. They have been long ball merchants all my life. Tisdale likes a passing game, that is a alien concept to them. Suprised if he takes it, but he can work without funds.
  16. Tony Thorpe was always going that, too perfection too. Jet just used to stroll to the spot, casual as you like, coolest taker i ever saw.
  17. Its made my day knowng, they can see a city shirt while supping a pint! Il drink to that! Cheers op!
  18. Right outside the wellington! Cant see them doing that on ashton road. They must be fuming.
  19. The paper, should just rename itself, the bullshit factory.
  20. After his debut. one of the best ive seen from a young un in years. He would have had a few teams watching him il bet. Only stating the obvious, but we are going to struggle to keep this kid next year.
  21. I wouldnt be at all suprised if they end up homeless again.
  22. I just heard on the radio, they are letting in 3 thousand, i think, in doncaster races today.
  23. Prince harry and meghan, are having a party, and inviting many a list stars tonight i see. There is speculation about them releasing, a statement in the press that they intend to tell people at the party about the pitter patter of tiny feet arriving. Turns out tom cruise cant make it
  24. Fury will knock aj into next week. Everything he said he was going to do to wilder, he did. No denying wilders a class act, made him look like a rabbit in the headlights.
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