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Oh Louie louie

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Everything posted by Oh Louie louie

  1. One thing is sure this al whatever there name is family. They make dunford look like roman abramovich.
  2. What sort of club gives a drug runner a job as stadium announcer? Junior got his own back on him a few years later when he scored a goal in extra time at the mem and dumped them out the cup. How mental are you when you think you got a chance of promotion, and your best signing is someone out the army for 600 pounds? After 5 years they have finally woke up to the chairmen it seems.
  3. One of my personal fave chants was at wrexham one day when they had just gone bust i think? We where singing feed the welsh to the tune of feed the world the whole game. Infact when we tuned into the radio even terry christian was singing it on 5 live :laugh:
  4. Yes bs3 he did indeed. Can remeber roger milford the ref giving a talk too.
  5. Sorry alan where are my manners. im terry was a year above you in school. I recall your mum worked in the bon bon when i did a paperound there. Hope you are both well.
  6. I remeber you well alan you lived opposite the robins cafe right.
  7. Guys im sure some here will remeber the chant if you all love devons neighbour clap your hands? I heard a unsavoury rumour he was giving carl saunders wife one, Hes old bill now btw. Anyone else hear this?
  8. I was there 87 too buster :laugh: i was the goalie. dave lea the window cleaner was good as gold.
  9. Me too buster i used to play for raleigh sports in the fed leauge. Hartcliffes manager then was a real gent called Bob berkshire. He also used to pick the federation of boys clubs side.
  10. Batman goes to visit ossie osbourne in hospital. Oh go away you dopey sod im not in the mood. Ok ok says batman no need to bite my head off.
  11. Theres one more hartcliffer with qpr connections. People in mid 40s may recall the goalie nicky johns. Also played for tampa bay rowdies and hartcliffe boys club.
  12. Thanks bsb, Whenever bob taylor scored a hat trick Joe jordan subbed him. Id like to think i can retire from this thread after supplying that stat.
  13. Heres a intresting one. Darren peacock ex qpr think he was some sort of transfer record at the time? Gas released him. He was a hartcliffer too from up teyfant way ive been told,
  14. Didnt the gashead meaker play for qpr and the gas too?
  15. Romanian guy goes for a job on a cruiseliner. Any experience of work on boats the captain asks? No says the Romanian, none whatsoever but im very very honest. Can you work in a kitchen? Ive never cooked in my life he says, but again im very very honest. Captain decides to give him a start. They are out at sea and the shiphand had given the Romanian guy the job off mopping the deck. Anyway this big wave comes and sweeps the Romanian overboard. The shiphand runs to the captain. Captain he says you know that new guy the Romanian? Oh the honest one said the captain? Well hes just swam off with the mop said the chargehand.
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