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George Rs

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Everything posted by George Rs

  1. Don’t think it’s as bad as that tbh. From my seat the middle twenty of that half we looked the better team, wasn’t up until we scored then we seemed to forget how to pass. Couple of referring decisions allowed them to keep the pressure on and they capitalised. 0 point in continually bringing up JLs “top 6” comment imo as it’s so obviously incorrect.
  2. Ghost Dicks does have a certain ring to it to be fair
  3. Might be a ridiculous question, but wouldn’t this lack of structure in senior positions make the club much harder to sell/bring in investors? Forgive me if I’m missing someone but currently our senior staff is made up of, Jon Lansdown-chairman, who if the club was sold wouldn’t stick around I would’ve thought, Gavin Marshall-Bristol Sport CEO, probably the most competent out of the lot but stretched extremely thin across the whole group, Tom Radcliffe who seems to be both the COO and CFO who I’ve never seen nor heard from and Brian Tinnion who’s actual job role is shrouded in mystery. Director of Football? , Head of Recruitment? , Academy Manager? , most likely a mix of all three and now he’s being called a CEO who’s learning on the job? For any investors that must seem like a complete cluster**** to walk into. Currently functioning without a recognised individual Bristol City CEO, COO and CFO, a chairman who would be leaving upon new owners taking over, and a completely over promoted DOF. P.S. Just seen a job advert released a week ago by BCFC for a new Assistant Grounds Manager, with the way we seem to operate might be a punt worth taking, you could find yourself sitting in on board meetings within 12 months .
  4. That’s technically been in the rules since the first attempt to create the ESL, all premier league teams (and new ones who joined since) have signed off. Unless plans changed, all premier league club owners had to sign a “Owners Charter” and one of the main rules was at no point could they join in an attempt to create a breakaway league. Whether it’ll be enforced once people start flashing money around will be a different story.
  5. According to a supercomputer we are stuffing hull instead of a turkey this Christmas! It did get the Sunderland game correct as well at 1-0 to city .
  6. At the moment I’d agree, could easily see Lloyd Kelly surpass though if this january move that’s been touted around actually happens. Would like to seem him go to this new look spurs personally, understudy for Ben Davies for now and succeed him soon. Alex back in the squad for Bournemouth as well who are looking better this last few games, before he got injured I saw a couple of Bournemouth fans on Twitter saying “enjoy him well he’s here” already! Will be interesting to see how far Tommy goes in the game as well. I still think it’s safe to say the money made from our academy over the years surpasses many at our level though, and completely trumps other clubs who have yet to get prem football.
  7. Don’t see how you don’t give that, he’s got a good view as well. Also not giving a yellow to the player who scythed down Sykes after playing advantage, pretty poor.
  8. Anyone got a clip of the first penalty shout? Couldn’t tell how bad it was from my seat
  9. Would love a win today, think bell needs a rest. Sounds a bit crazy but I’d like to see Tommy on the left and Cornick go up top. Think Williams has played well enough to keep his place but wouldn’t be surprised if TGH came in either. Just hoping to avoid the massacre that Jack Clarke could give Tanner. 2-1 city COYR
  10. Personally I think we are 3-4 players short of this kind of system working. A left footed left winger, attacking midfielder, a goalkeeper and potentially a striker but that’s probably the lowest on the list with wells coming back (and hopefully the other 3 will contribute to better chances being created for our current strikers.)
  11. Need to give Cornick a start imo, potentially with Tommy next to him. He plays a lot better in a two striker set up imo.
  12. Another game another result that was less than what we deserved. I like giving youth players minutes but in the right context. Bringing an unpolished Yeboah on is just criminal in that situation imo. And surprise suprised when TGH comes on we start moving the ball quicker and looking more dangerous on the attack who could’ve guessed.
  13. Starting to lose my rag a little bit now, lansdowns have got this decision so wrong for the umpteenth time it’s ludicrous. You’ve had twenty years and it’s not happened, move on so we can move on.
  14. Think this half has perfectly summed up our situation, a pretty average set of players who were playing in a system that suited them best allowing them to overachieve now having to play one that doesn’t suit them highlighting their weaknesses. We certainly weren’t World beaters under nige but it really makes you wonder where in the table we would’ve been without the injury crisis he had at the end. But that half really showcased our shortcomings, almost no creativity, poor forward passing/movement and a lack of composure in their half.
  15. Thought that as well, but we have lost our composure since conceding.
  16. Everything attacking wise is just poor, off the ball movement, passing, crossing.
  17. Someone said last game that bell seemed to have lost his speed and I didn’t see it at the time, tonight he looks a little weighed down almost? Don’t know what it is but he looks less agile for some reason, might be just me but looks a lot different to him last season.
  18. Am I the only one thinking we defend extraordinarily narrow?
  19. both teams lacking the final pass here, very open game but we haven’t looked out of place at all. COYR
  20. got no clue who that is to be honest, tried Googling it and the only thing that came up was “North Texas Traditional Dance Society” if that’s what your asking then no I’m not related to it .
  21. Didn’t know where to ask so thought I’d just start a new thread. For the people who know more about football than me, hypothetically if a team were to get a points deduction of this value and finish a season still in the negative points. Would they start the following season in the negative points to that value or would they get wiped to 0 like everyone else?
  22. Very difficult to judge how Mannings doing at the moment for me. Over I like the football he’s trying to play, seems more controlled and thoughtful. I don’t see what there is to gain from comparing him to Pearson, not only are they two completely different style managers but at the end of the day what’s done is done. Whether there was more to the nige sacking then we know, he’s gone and he won’t come back. To say I loved the nige era would be an exaggeration as it wasn’t all sunshine’s and rainbows. But I fully appreciate the tremendous job he has done for our club. The question I think that is most prevalent now is how much more does manning need? For the first time in a long time, the way we try to play is a system I can see winning a team a lot of points and hopefully promotion. But with the ability of players currently it hinders the efficiency of the play style significantly. Can Manning coach the players to a level that the can carry out this style to a high enough degree? How many of them can he coach to that level? And if we need reinforcements how many? How many windows will it take? All questions that currently can’t be answered, but those are the ones that are most important for me. Today will be an extremely interesting test of what “manning ball” is capable of. COYR
  23. On the bright side, rob Dickie for 700k might be one of the signings of the season. I retract my previous comments about him not being above midtable quality, what a player.
  24. Probably that bell would be more of a match pace wise for their Right winger, who was their only decent outlet all game.
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