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George Rs

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Everything posted by George Rs

  1. Just seen lamps in the club shop picking up a home shirt, guaranteed to be new manager. Heard it here first.
  2. Obviously don’t know have the connections you do, but in GM’s interview when asked about Lampard, his response was “I can’t talk about individual candidates, we’re still going through a process..” Doesn’t that suggest he’s a candidate for the position, or at least interested in the job. If there was no truth to it why not just say that, doesn’t affect the other potential suitors for the role or the club? Might just be trying to fit square pegs in circular holes but see no reason why he or Jon wouldn’t have just squashed false rumours.
  3. I really don’t know what you’re trying to gain from this? Extremely pointless arguement.
  4. ******* hell, told you Roy wouldn’t shut up about this. How much of a mess can our club be when even a nonsense backwards ridiculous unfit decison for the club is reported by a troll turns out to be correct.
  5. Grasping at straws maybe, but potentially strange tweet for Piercey to like? Given false info maybe?
  6. The big downside people aren’t talking about if this does come off is Roy DeAlien won’t shut up about this for a millennium.
  7. Could’ve been talking about eustace/rowett etc
  8. Has this rumour heated up again? Didnt JL basically laugh this one off in the interview this morning? What have I missed?
  9. Really like Curtis, top quality bloke. Is it only me that thinks he makes talking about an upcoming game sound like the boys are going into a war. If and when a new manager comes in I hope he sticks around but seems very unlikely. Good interview. Good coach. Good luck for Saturday. COYR
  10. Doesn’t that mean SL plays the detective looking for the murderer (new manager) though? If so I don’t know what poor Ben Miller has done to deserve that comparison.
  11. If it was ever going to be lampard, would’ve been picked up and reported by some of the big name journos as well probably.
  12. Cant wait for this to be shut down by Bristol live, just for us to do the same thing with both Luke Williams and Liam manning. 4 large rumours, 4 shortened odds. One new HC. Curtis Fleming. Given up fantasising that the board will make decent decisions anymore.
  13. Alex assist for Bournemouth against Liverpool tonight, apparently having a stormer. Played very well against Burnley too. Wonder how long he stays at Bournemouth for, won’t be longer then 2 seasons imo.
  14. If we get to Saturday and don’t have one in it’ll be Curtis Flemming
  15. That’s ******* hilarious, wondered why they sounded as if they’ve got no knowledge of football. Surprise surprise they’re lansdowns mates.
  16. Are you John Eustace? Joined yesterday and have been talking about him as if we’ve just got in guardiola.
  17. We can say all we want about him being the face for BTs football but I think now that nige is gone he’s the best on offer. Wouldn't of wanted to see the reaction had it been rowett or jones. No reason to not get behind him and the players come Saturday, and I hope he does become the man to take us up. Won’t forget the job nige has done but don’t see any point in tarring the start of someone else’s appointment when it’s all done now. If it is him, good luck Eustace and COYR I say. ( In saying that, still very much Lansdown Out)
  18. Feels like this could all implode soon. If we get a manager in before the next two games and we don’t get results it could all get particularly nasty. Seems this new head coach will have next to no say imo, will just be training the players and the more important part, sitting in front of the press taking the blame when this batshit idea of us being a promotion capable squad doesn’t come to fruition. As others have said, JL/BT and the board need to be held accountable for what happens next. They’ve made their bed now and should rightfully face the consequences. Personally, I think we are lucky there are 3 teams at the bottom of the league who are so fantastically awful.
  19. Being probably on the younger side on this forum, I’ve been watching Bristol city for 10 years and have been a season ticket holder for 8. During this time I have probably been quite lucky compared to what most have endured following bcfc. Winning the double, that carabao cup run, flirting with playoffs and watching some extremely talented youngsters. My dad, who’s been watching city for the better part of a half century, told me as we were singing “we are the champions” in the Atyeo stand after thumping Walsall 8-2 “this isn’t how it usually is, remember this as it doesn’t happen often” and my reply was along the lines of “stop being so negative dad we are on the up”. After what went down yesterday, I’ve never felt so disillusioned or down right angry as a city fan. Until the past couple of years, I’ve never really been that interested in the behind the scenes, finances and the goings on at city behind what’s done on the pitch. But being on the forum the past 2 years, and actively trying to be more aware of the behind the scenes, now it just feels like we are here to make up the numbers. Lansdown might say he wants us in the prem but no longer wants to front the bill to get there or keeps making decisions that I feel are completely contradictory to that aim. As other teams fans like to say “classic mid table Bristol city” we always seem to be on the verge of something but never pull through. Not really sure the reason for this rant, but wanted to share my views on what’s been going on i guess. How do you lot who have seen similar all before and been supporting way longer feel?
  20. My god if it’s Gary rowett. Cant see any tangible reason for someone to want him in over Nige, except the fact that he might not be as outspoken.
  21. To be fair, don’t think he was to bad at Chelsea, and iirc was good with blooding youngsters and utilising them correctly. 4th place and an fa cup final in your first season in the big house isn’t too bad. Pretty sure that was their season under a transfer embargo as well. Don’t think it’ll happen, but would take him over Nathan jones in a heartbeat. Prefer unproven to proven pile of shit
  22. I play football manager quite a bit, reckon I could do a job. I don’t have any experience but will follow your every word like it is a gift from god Mr Lansdown. (Surely that puts me right to the top of his candidates list?)
  23. Anything I would want to say has been covered but for the record; Cheers Nige, top bloke.
  24. Sat here speechless. How such a successful business man can continue to make such awful decisions stuns me. Got no clue where we go from here. Could clearly see the players were all behind the manager in these very tough past few games. Dread to think what could happen now.
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