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Open End Numb Legs

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Everything posted by Open End Numb Legs

  1. That picture reminds me so much of health & safety online courses where you click the mouse over a hazard you have spotted. The random BBQ outside the door is brilliant.
  2. Whilst I like a laugh as much as anyone on here, I wish safe travels to all supporters tonight.
  3. Sorry to bring up the fruit market story Miah, but if the MKD stadium was the sort of build hoped for, what would the cost be in today's money do you reckon?
  4. That's the reason no one could find Row M - the lid was loose and some of the paint leaked out.
  5. Kind of my thoughts too. They might have to rent a crowd, a bit like film extras on a set. How much would you demand to be paid to go?
  6. Interesting to know how they measure the crowd for a test event. The weather forecast is very grim tonight and might put off some of their faithful from going. Do they measure tickets sold or actual people through the gates?
  7. Looking on the up side, if they remove the pillars and the roof collapses at least the old floodlights will work better.
  8. Don't they have gravity in north Bristol?
  9. Popped over to get the bigger story. Ended up reading their transfer window chat. The usual stuff, 'Rovers linked with X' rumour, 'a player who will go on to play in the PL', 'it will be a club record fee', 'sell on at a big profit'. We may have heard this before......will the fax machine have another hiccup? Local news tonight saying Martin is coming back.
  10. It will certainly be a good test. Worst storm of the winter so far I think. The roofers will be busy over the next few weeks.
  11. A portaloo at this time of year..... I assume they don't include heated seats.
  12. Thanks for posting the updates. A tough thing to read as a distant person with no connection, I can't imagine what it must be like for the families and friends. What a fine tribute with the use of the life boat. Just as an aside, my sons are always drawn to watching the TV documentaries about the RNLI. The volunteer aspect seems to make an impact with them.
  13. We should applaud their avoidance of overcrowding by making a stand that is a lot bigger than needed.
  14. I don't know anything about Deeney but the best advice I heard was from Terry Venables talking about management. He said individual players responded individually. Pre match, some would need winding up, some would need calming down (he was referring to Gascoigne I believe). Taking that further, some respond well to a kick up the backside, some need an arm around the shoulder. That is how you get the best out of your team and it applies to business as well as sport IMO.
  15. Sounds like they had a beef with the council too.
  16. Is this for real? That is pretty shocking if so. Portaloos have their place in the world, maybe music festivals or building sites, but this is a structure that will stay there all year round surely?
  17. So the Gas are back pedalling on filling their ground? (Sorry, the best gag I could think of).
  18. Better to be 6th in the PL than '6th richest' and be in L1. I know a few WH fans, not local to these parts. They don't seem to appreciate how well off they are. Maybe this is a thing, football fans feeling glass half empty. The only team you would say are doing better than 'average' so far is Villa.
  19. Well done for finding a red wardrobe picture!
  20. Whilst they would have been shivering in there this week, I would imagine with the back of that stand facing south that space with dark blue paint it will become an oven in high summer.
  21. I think Moyes is a good manager and a good role model for other managers. Decent and honest I think, could easily have ranted about the ref, their missing players and some of our challenges like some might do, waving their arms and screaming into the face of the 4th official. He has my respect but that isn't what their fans want, they want to be top dog in London.
  22. There has been some discussion about naming rights for the new 'stand'. If anyone knows any big businesses that would like to sponsor the stand I suggest they get in early to avoid the rush.
  23. Needed cheering up so have had a read of Gaschat. Before the match they expected the new stand to be 'rocking' and 'the Canaries wont know what's hit them' Photo of under the stand - 'Is that Wembley?'
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