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Open End Numb Legs

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Everything posted by Open End Numb Legs

  1. You can set up your team however you want but if the tactics aren't working after 20 minutes then you have to adapt. That is where the coaches earn their corn, during those 90+ minutes. If plan A doesn't create shots on goal then you can't keep repeating that and expect a different outcome, you need to change something in game and ideally, not wait until the 70th minute to do so. When losing I have been encouraged by some of the subs giving it a go as it shows we can do something different but it is disappointing that we leave that too late sometimes. As a fan I want to see us giving it a lash and not lose with a whimper, playing it backwards and allowing defences to re set.
  2. Over achieving as the 6th richest club in the country.
  3. So it seems the Monopoly makers got it right then? Adding all those attendances together, in a typical week there could be around 50k butts on AG seats at various times. A word of appreciation too for the pitch staff at this point...a lot of action on that grass and plastic
  4. A lot of it about, have seen a few Christmases spoilt this year, not us thankfully. Swift recovery.
  5. The OP is an example of why professional footballers dislike supporters forums.
  6. Any excuse to quote one of the best comedies ever seen, IMO, with a little twist at the end.... Norman Stanley Fletcher, you have pleaded guilty to the charges brought by this court, and it is now my duty to pass sentence. You are an habitual criminal, who accepts arrest as an occupational hazard, and presumably accepts imprisonment in the same casual manner. We therefore feel constrained to commit you to the maximum term allowed for these offences: you will go to THE MEMORIAL GROUND for five years.
  7. If you are playing a fast moving sport like football that benefits from good peripheral vision then surely playing in a bright kit must be a benefit. Not a huge benefit maybe but in this age of small margins, worth taking. Watching Arsenal in their bright yellow kit it is so easy to see the passing options. Black in a night game? Can't be great.
  8. He might need to speak to the makers of Monopoly about that. There is a queue for that position and it starts at Bristol Manor Farm doesn't it?
  9. Having a lazy morning, just watched Sky's re run of the play off final between Blackpool and West Ham from 12 years ago. The stress involved in that. A lucky goal 5 mins from time..... made me think if/when we ever get to another play off final I think I will go for a walk in the country with my phone switched off. I know, not a proper fan, better to be in it than not etc.
  10. Flight Radar confirms the great man is on his way .
  11. Shockingly sad. Very sorry to hear this. Please pass on our condolences.
  12. Because they had all travelled south.....to Blackpool Sands near Dartmouth. Damn those sat navs.....
  13. Looks like the highlight of their day will be bumping into Swindon fans on their way home from Tranmere.
  14. Christmas can make tough times tougher or good times better, hope everyone can enjoy themselves, especially those who will be working looking after the public. Thanks to those who post the funny comments that make me smile on a daily basis. If City can hide under the radar just below the top 6 that could make the rest of the season very enjoyable. Merry Christmas.
  15. Quite the modern footballers haircut Kim is sporting there...
  16. I like a good analogy. If this new league ever took off it would be like a bigger version of that time in a hotel lobby when the Leeds players walked past some of their young fans, ignoring them on the way to the game, head phones on, looking at their phones.
  17. Unless that is the name of a local Chinese restaurant, not for me!
  18. I am not a green politically but like a lot of people I am concerned about how sustainable this would be. Elsewhere I have posted about the Welsh, Irish and Scottish rugby teams travelling to play club rugby in South Africa and vice versa. Not right for me, Cardiff flying to SA when they have Bristol, Bath and Glos on their doorstep? Same here with the football. Not burning the carbon in the 1st place should be the priority. Offset existing carbon is ok ish, creating more sports travel is not right in my book.
  19. All about money and greed, simple as that. A move in totally the wrong direction, the game would be further away from the grass roots and fans. Not sustainable, not wanted, less is more.
  20. Nothing says Christmas more than some old traffic cones holding the Grotto door open.
  21. I have no medical training but find it uncomfortable watching players who have his type of history, fearing for their safety. It must be very tough to turn your back on the game but you have to take nature's hint sometimes.
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