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Open End Numb Legs

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Everything posted by Open End Numb Legs

  1. Christmas can make tough times tougher or good times better, hope everyone can enjoy themselves, especially those who will be working looking after the public. Thanks to those who post the funny comments that make me smile on a daily basis. If City can hide under the radar just below the top 6 that could make the rest of the season very enjoyable. Merry Christmas.
  2. Quite the modern footballers haircut Kim is sporting there...
  3. I like a good analogy. If this new league ever took off it would be like a bigger version of that time in a hotel lobby when the Leeds players walked past some of their young fans, ignoring them on the way to the game, head phones on, looking at their phones.
  4. Unless that is the name of a local Chinese restaurant, not for me!
  5. I am not a green politically but like a lot of people I am concerned about how sustainable this would be. Elsewhere I have posted about the Welsh, Irish and Scottish rugby teams travelling to play club rugby in South Africa and vice versa. Not right for me, Cardiff flying to SA when they have Bristol, Bath and Glos on their doorstep? Same here with the football. Not burning the carbon in the 1st place should be the priority. Offset existing carbon is ok ish, creating more sports travel is not right in my book.
  6. All about money and greed, simple as that. A move in totally the wrong direction, the game would be further away from the grass roots and fans. Not sustainable, not wanted, less is more.
  7. Nothing says Christmas more than some old traffic cones holding the Grotto door open.
  8. I have no medical training but find it uncomfortable watching players who have his type of history, fearing for their safety. It must be very tough to turn your back on the game but you have to take nature's hint sometimes.
  9. I only have a left and right foot so this means nothing to me.
  10. Well done with the thread title, it is indeed all about Leeds as far as TV are concerned. By then, we will be on a good run of form....
  11. We were too passive mid week until 2 down, then looked good once we had a mountain to climb. Hoping for a brighter 1st half and a reaction win.
  12. Sorry, but this needs a log in and I don't do Facebook. Any chance of seeing a screen grab instead? Thanks in advance.
  13. I went out for a curry last night, the spices of which I hold responsible for a very detailed dream. As with most dreams, there seems no link to reality, but maybe someone can explain the psychology of it. City were playing away v Derby. The stadium was all concrete, all indoors on a synthetic pitch, however although indoors it was raining heavily (?? yeh, I know). I had a seat too high up to enjoy so just wandered down to sit by the corner flag pretending to be a ball boy. Wayne Rooney was playing for us (?? yeh, I know) and I had a chat with him before he took a corner kick, told him to put some pace on it which he did, the ball was headed out, but there was a cool finish from the edge of the box, curled left footed into the corner of the goal by a faceless City player. I went back up to my seat and found my sons were ignoring the game and had missed the goal. Disappointing. When the alarm went off this morning we were still 1 up but under increasing pressure. So, that's it. I can only assume my sub conscious brain is telling me we need a left sided player, my boys don't like football and Derby County have a leaking roof. The good news is we were playing away in red with a nice robin on the shirt and the City fans were in great voice. The Yate flag was there, draped on the seats. I said it was detailed. Any help appreciated. When I go back for the next curry I hope to report on how the game ended.
  14. If she makes a mistake I hope everyone realises it is because she is human, not because she is female. It will be interesting to see if players scream in her face and wave their arms about as much as they normally do.
  15. I agree with the premise of the OP, what concerns me most is our best play only came once 2 goals down and the team went to plan B. Whether that was LMs plan B or not would be good to know. Early on we played too much ball to feet instead of running into space with the ball ahead of us.
  16. My view, how a manager interviews is not really an issue. They have a media job to do but whatever is said is unlikely to hold any real weight. What is a thousand times more important is how the players see him through the week. I watched about 80% of last nights game in between family duties. What I saw was a City team that only came to life after going 2 goals down. Why was that? What was the mind set before ko? It might be that LM needs to develop his own style to include some hair dryer treatment or at least a way to fire the team up. They looked set up to pass their way to a draw, little ambition and movement off the ball until it was too late. I wasn't impressed by Blackburn, there were points on offer there for me. We finished the game well but too little, too late.
  17. I am guessing that if Rovers are his last team that when he tries more attention grabbing stunts the media will automatically refer to him as 'the former Bristol Rovers manager'. They (Rovers) could do with him getting another managers job.
  18. The coward in the brown jacket - what was going through his tiny mind, kicking the ref whilst he was lying on the ground? Pretty shocking stuff. The only good thing that could come out of this is a new approach at all levels to respecting the officials. I don't expect agreement with decisions and mistakes will still be made, but it is about how teams react. Teams like Man City must learn how they are part of setting the right example that millions see on TV.
  19. I travelled a lot for work in the late 80s and 90s. Found myself in Nottingham one week, a work colleague from Scotland had a mate who was a pub landlord in the city so we went there for a couple of pints. Turned out the landlord was John Robertson of Forest and Scotland. He pulled the beers, no charge. Cheers John, nice ale.
  20. That is the same face people see when I open my Christmas present socks.
  21. James seems on a different level to the others on the pitch. 4-0, game on.
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