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Open End Numb Legs

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Everything posted by Open End Numb Legs

  1. Have watched so far. England have the quality to win the game but are trying too hard at times, too much complexity with an ambitious pass which isn't needed when the simpler option was on. They don't need to play like Real Madrid. Scotland have closed down well but can barely string a few passes together in the first 30 mins.
  2. I get the bit about team sports, winning a match and enjoying the after match drink is something that is hard to explain to someone who hasn't done it. Cricket was my sport and even when you lost, a bit of a laugh at your dropped catch with your mates a couple of hours later is very healing. In my opinion, much better than an individual sport, say competitive golf, where your only chance to commiserate is with your opponents.
  3. Mitchell Johnson has just gone massively up in my estimation. Sandpapergate was one of the worst examples of pre meditated cheating ever seen in sport. Those involved should have been banned for life in my opinion. Breaking a rule or law in the heat of the moment is part of sport but the idea of taking sandpaper onto a cricket pitch shows a mentality that does not belong anywhere. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/cricket/67611042
  4. These tennis balls on the pitch. If they want to get their protest seen they should practice throwing the balls so that when the balls come to rest (easy now) they spell out a protest message, like sack the board or something. This is not incitement for it to happen at AG. In fact the opposite, protests should not stop others doing what they want to do IMO.
  5. Early kick off for that! About 8.30am would be best.
  6. Not sure if you think I have spoken out of turn or the teacher, but apologies if it was me. We were fine with considering help for our son, the problem for us was it felt as though it was just this one teacher who had that opinion. We did the right thing and engaged with the Senco coordinators. They felt there was little to work with yet the teacher persisted with her comments. My take on it, just as an uninformed parent, was the teacher had received some recent training and was over reacting.
  7. Environment apart, it just shows how much in a bubble elite footballers can be. Their supporters travel by any means possible to get to away games whilst the squad at Prem level are treated like royalty. I am more than happy to see a team hanging around on the pitch after the match, giving away shirts or other kit to show how much they appreciate the supporters efforts. Players who get down the tunnel seconds after the whistle should be dragged back out again!
  8. When our eldest son was at primary school one of his teachers for 2 years mentioned him having some form of issue every single parents evening, fortunately out of his earshot. We know he can be a bit awkward in social groups but when we have prompted this topic with all other teachers ever since they have instead shrugged shoulders, just said how warm and friendly he is and how everyone is on a spectrum somewhere. They have not wanted to 'label' him which can be a problem in itself. We have gone with that approach but it seems some that are trained to spot learning difficulties can't help but show off their skills. My own thoughts are, get several opinions.
  9. Great 2nd half. Can I just say though that 3rd Eng goal, have to feel for the keeper, through the legs like that.
  10. A bit frantic isn't it? Execution of passing not what they would want, the 2 goals though were very composed finishes.
  11. You can thank me for this comeback to 2-2. I switched on and saw our 2 goals immediately.
  12. If the cricket ground could be sold for development it would raise a lot more than Rovers could afford in competition with property prices. I also reckon a county cricket ground would likely be more welcome in nimbys back yards compared to any league football team so they would be more likely to move. If this ever went ahead (I doubt it would personally) the folks who bought apartments so they could enjoy watching the cricket from their balcony would be somewhat annoyed.
  13. It is only a small wait to the 12th whereas the 19th is far away.....
  14. From the BBC:- "We would like to thank our fans for being patient with us throughout this thorough process whilst we identified the correct person to lead us in this new era for Bristol Rovers," chairman Hussain Al-Saeed said. Were they looking at police line ups?
  15. That has always seemed odd to me. I hate a hangover and hate feeling out of control drunk. Love a good pint of real ale so it's 1 or 2 of those at the most. For youngsters it comes down to peer pressure to keep drinking. Once you get used to saying no and your mates expect it you realise that peer pressure is not what you thought it was. I would rather be called a lightweight than end up too drunk to look after myself.
  16. If confirmed, at least the blue quarter, or is it a fifth, of Bristol will be represented by someone who isn't known for his long list of misdemeanors. He will have some challenges. A mix of loan players and creaking oldies on their last contract.
  17. Surely the best support their club should expect is from the steel beams holding up the new roof?
  18. A team can be adrift at Christmas, sack the manager, get a 'bounce' and some confidence and pick up points relatively quickly. Adrift at Easter is much harder of course.
  19. So, what do we think is the underlying cause these days? Drugs? I will admit to being a naive oldie, but it sounds a tough thing to control if so. Early kick offs and no alcohol won't help if someone can take something in a matter of seconds. I know a head doorman of a club who tells me there is no reasoning with such people, they lose control of common sense and it explains the abuse to the young and elderly. It probably explains why stewards are reluctant to get involved too.
  20. My view on the match, Southampton passed the ball better than we did, however we had the better chances. Had we taken them we would have won fairly comfortably. So, I am still hopeful, but I think a couple of our forward players will be disappointed with their personal performances last night. Good players who need to take the next step to being clinical.
  21. I don't know who the interviewer was but feel sorry for him, it sounded like he wanted to tip his mug of tea over Martin's head. I used to have conversations with my ex boss like that, sounds like there was previous.
  22. The reports in this thread are a lot more saddening than just losing a match.
  23. They know he has pace and and are marking him heavily. He needs to drag a marker out of their zone.
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