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Open End Numb Legs

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Everything posted by Open End Numb Legs

  1. Great 2nd half. Can I just say though that 3rd Eng goal, have to feel for the keeper, through the legs like that.
  2. A bit frantic isn't it? Execution of passing not what they would want, the 2 goals though were very composed finishes.
  3. You can thank me for this comeback to 2-2. I switched on and saw our 2 goals immediately.
  4. If the cricket ground could be sold for development it would raise a lot more than Rovers could afford in competition with property prices. I also reckon a county cricket ground would likely be more welcome in nimbys back yards compared to any league football team so they would be more likely to move. If this ever went ahead (I doubt it would personally) the folks who bought apartments so they could enjoy watching the cricket from their balcony would be somewhat annoyed.
  5. It is only a small wait to the 12th whereas the 19th is far away.....
  6. From the BBC:- "We would like to thank our fans for being patient with us throughout this thorough process whilst we identified the correct person to lead us in this new era for Bristol Rovers," chairman Hussain Al-Saeed said. Were they looking at police line ups?
  7. That has always seemed odd to me. I hate a hangover and hate feeling out of control drunk. Love a good pint of real ale so it's 1 or 2 of those at the most. For youngsters it comes down to peer pressure to keep drinking. Once you get used to saying no and your mates expect it you realise that peer pressure is not what you thought it was. I would rather be called a lightweight than end up too drunk to look after myself.
  8. If confirmed, at least the blue quarter, or is it a fifth, of Bristol will be represented by someone who isn't known for his long list of misdemeanors. He will have some challenges. A mix of loan players and creaking oldies on their last contract.
  9. Surely the best support their club should expect is from the steel beams holding up the new roof?
  10. A team can be adrift at Christmas, sack the manager, get a 'bounce' and some confidence and pick up points relatively quickly. Adrift at Easter is much harder of course.
  11. So, what do we think is the underlying cause these days? Drugs? I will admit to being a naive oldie, but it sounds a tough thing to control if so. Early kick offs and no alcohol won't help if someone can take something in a matter of seconds. I know a head doorman of a club who tells me there is no reasoning with such people, they lose control of common sense and it explains the abuse to the young and elderly. It probably explains why stewards are reluctant to get involved too.
  12. My view on the match, Southampton passed the ball better than we did, however we had the better chances. Had we taken them we would have won fairly comfortably. So, I am still hopeful, but I think a couple of our forward players will be disappointed with their personal performances last night. Good players who need to take the next step to being clinical.
  13. I don't know who the interviewer was but feel sorry for him, it sounded like he wanted to tip his mug of tea over Martin's head. I used to have conversations with my ex boss like that, sounds like there was previous.
  14. The reports in this thread are a lot more saddening than just losing a match.
  15. They know he has pace and and are marking him heavily. He needs to drag a marker out of their zone.
  16. Once used deep heat on a cricket injury many years ago. I had been hit at the top of the thigh muscle by the ball from a fast bowler. All was fine until I went to sleep. Without the underwear to hold things in place, gravity made the crucial item contact the deep heat. I woke in severe pain in the early hours, rushed to the cold tap in the bathroom..... Not a good experience.
  17. I thought this thread might be announcing that they have built the Honiton bypass. (One for the oldies)
  18. Some might know that it is difficult to buy shoe polish from anywhere these days. I tried and failed, apparently it is not environmentally friendly and is not stocked by many shops. So, I bought a tin of dubbin instead a couple of weeks ago, still available as it is made mostly from wax I think, not oil. Have used it on my sons school shoes and my walking boots, all good. The 'shoe cream' they try to flog you instead is absolute rubbish. It might colour the leather but that's all. This must count as the most boring post today!
  19. Taking a tip from cricket, a winning team should appeal against the light and go off early.
  20. It is correct that most of the rugby reviews are to help protect players from serious injury. They have put a framework in place where head contact is a card of some colour then they look for mitigation why the tackler got it wrong, such as a 3rd player affecting the contact. If they find mitigation then the card may be downgraded. VAR could do something like that with say, elbows to head but it would probably over complicate things. Rugby has regular stoppages so the TMO seems to fit the sport better. Every offence is different and it will always be subjective. Communication is the key here, improve that and VAR looks a much better prospect.
  21. Safe travels to all going. For those tied up with other things, I have noticed that for Sky customers the red button option is allowing recording of the match. Maybe this is normal now but I thought it was an option that comes and goes, at least that is how it seems on my box.
  22. Too many bins already. Black for recycling, brown for garden, green for landfill. I can't keep up. On a more serious note, as with rugby it sometimes just needs to apply the existing rules. Respecting the ref would be a good start. Happy to see decisions questioned but not the screaming and gesturing. I would say no to sin bins but yes to more yellows for backchat, then red if they carry on.
  23. I had the opportunity to meet Tisdale a couple of times away from football back in his Exeter days, found him to be a bloody nice bloke, down to earth, spoke openly about the perils of professional sport. He wasn't keen on fans and their forums though - thinking about it, he is probably right! It was tricky when he went to Rovers. Wanted him to win but Rovers to lose!
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