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Open End Numb Legs

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Everything posted by Open End Numb Legs

  1. I had the opportunity to meet Tisdale a couple of times away from football back in his Exeter days, found him to be a bloody nice bloke, down to earth, spoke openly about the perils of professional sport. He wasn't keen on fans and their forums though - thinking about it, he is probably right! It was tricky when he went to Rovers. Wanted him to win but Rovers to lose!
  2. The highlights from last night are now up. When I say that, I mean the best bits of the game, not the weird bright strip of light against the dark patch of grass. If Plymouth played a night game there they would be in serious danger of disappearing.
  3. Can someone at the far end of this stand see this corner of the pitch when they look down?
  4. Premium because you have 2 x roofs over your head?
  5. Oh dear. Where to start. Can I ask why is there a chunk of missing seats in the left corner? What goes on there? Is that the naughty corner for fans who get accused of being Teds? The famous concourse? Or they just didn't order enough of the kit stand to finish the job?
  6. Thanks to whoever posted the YouTube link. I have watched some of it but it is a bit painful and I gave up quite quickly. I think these opportunities are definitely the right thing to do and I applaud those taking part from club and fan base for doing so. Next time, it just needs someone to host the event in such a way that they take the nervously asked question, re present it or re word it to the panel and challenge them to give a proper answer.
  7. Didn't see much of it but it sounds as though it needed Fiona Bruce to add focus to the questions.
  8. I think it would be pertinent to ask after Nigel's health at least.
  9. Seeing as its 'beginning to look a lot like Christmas' I guess their Santas Grotto will make its annual appearance - that doesn't really look much like Christmas at all.
  10. On the news today - the rise (unfortunate terminology) in STI infections in older age groups. See a doc ASAP!
  11. If only we had VAR in the Championship so we could properly review this action.
  12. Is this the same as spot the ball, only easier?
  13. Was it Walter Pigeon or Steven Segal? (I may have cracked those jokes before, sorry).
  14. And we can't even blame an international break!
  15. It is a tough world to get big investment for something as relatively frivolous as a football club, but the bit I still don't get is I have seem comments on their forum that suggests they still think they are a rich club, just that they haven't decided where and how to spend it. If they had as much money as some say, they wouldn't have built a kit stand with pillars and the back room staff would have been professional with their planning permission. We are all in the food chain somewhere (eg Alex Scott), just that some of their fans pretend it is just a matter of time before they actually spend more money than Spurs on the ground. No surprise that deluded is an often used word on this thread.
  16. The sort of coach and person that players want to play for. I never met him but on TV he came across as a warm and positive sort with a big smile. The stories tell us he was happy to invest time in his players as people. RIP.
  17. For anyone on here who has been through an unwanted redundancy, this 'fire everyone' attitude will never sit comfortably. Just because a sports or TV personality is well known, there seems to be an assumption that they earn £250k pa, can lose their job and still live comfortably. Legends like Scott are no different to the rest of us, they still have bills to pay and families to support. I hope he stays at the club as long as he wants to.
  18. I didn't see the game but this cat and mouse approach early on, were we just trying to draw them out and create some space? Quite normal if so, though not entertaining, I get that.
  19. Very disappointing that he couldn't tell us the winning lottery numbers but otherwise a sound interview.
  20. Carrick on the BBC:- "The good thing again is we're capable of scoring goals and we've proved that again today." Er, maybe goal, singular. Re the penalty, always amusing when a defender chops down an attacker, then points at the ball (which he was nowhere near).
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