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Open End Numb Legs

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Everything posted by Open End Numb Legs

  1. To get himself embedded into a position where he can do most damage as an agent, he has to be believable.
  2. It must be tough for Rovers to go away to lesser stadia these days, now they have their shiny new stand pillars.
  3. A quick check on the table, 8 points covers 14 teams.... tight as always.
  4. Sounds like we made it hard for ourselves but excellent result, to be celebrated later.
  5. I hope we are as professional at running down the added time as other teams are when we are losing.
  6. This is why I use the set menu when eating out. Too many choices.
  7. Come on chaps, is it Manning in or Manning out!!?? I can't keep up.
  8. Where's my paracetamol? It looks like a school D&T project.
  9. That bit in the corner looks very weird, it seems to have overlapping pieces of roof and multiple pillars. My father in laws car porch is similar but he designed that himself and doesn't charge people to sit under it. I guess that is what you get (I assume) for buying a kit of parts rather than a bespoke architect design?
  10. When they built that airport in Hong Kong they did some sort of landfill to create the runway. Maybe that could be the answer. Or just relocate to the runway in Hong Kong. It would encourage pass and move with an A380 coming in to land.
  11. Hang on, Marshfield is heading out my way. Not In My Back Yard! I would suggest one of those islands in the Bristol Channel might be best. Flat Holm, Steep Holm or Lundy.
  12. I used to watch my wife's nephew at some prem club academy matches and we were told the only thing allowed was polite applause. No communication with players or officials. Unfortunately my sister in law's brain seemed to project forward in time to seeing her son's earning potential when he might be playing in the Prem and Champions League. It became a bit of an obsession for her, a source of understandable pride which got out of hand as the years passed. He didn't make it and I often think that the lost potential earnings still affects her behaviour and in the same way, that of abusive parents. They see refs as blockers to their child's potential, but behind it I think are the enormous wages that are being paid to the top 1%.
  13. Looks like he has just arrived from an Elvis impersonator show. He doesn't look best pleased to be fair.
  14. Fairfax House did a very nice sausage, chips and peas pre match when I was a very young lad.
  15. Just for the avoidance of doubt, I strongly recommend that, should they ever get promoted or at any other future stage, they do not try to remove the pillars just to get a better view. They are there for a reason (mainly that it is built on the cheap). They should put them to additional use instead, get value for money. Other than holding up the roof, they could plant runner beans at the base, tie the patio chairs to them on a windy day, hold up netting to catch the wayward shots at goal or mount the big screen on them that apparently is the measure of a massive club. Admittedly that might block the view some more but until the rest of the ground is developed that has to be a good thing, right?
  16. The skin is the best bit. On the potatoes I mean, not the nose.
  17. Don't know about the fans but Wael might be getting a bit twitchy. A quick look at Gaschat suggests they are ready to see him spend his remaining €£$ on developing the other sides of the ground when he hasn't finished this one yet! Hold yer horses there chaps, might need to wait another 20 years for that.....
  18. Unfortunately that is the sort of outcome that happens when the job is done early. I am grateful we have qualified without stressing about it, in a group that could have turned out differently with Italy and Ukraine. Of course we need to improve but last night was just a formality. I feel sorry for fans who paid £££ for tickets if they were hoping for something spectacular but I think we all know that a match is more memorable when there is something important hanging on it.
  19. So it looks as though if you sat in that corner bit under the 2 overlapping roofs, you would have 3 pillars spoiling your view of the pitch. That might have its advantages of course (more pillars please...) but that probably exceeds the definition of 'restricted view'. More like, 'a view of some pillars with a football match in the background'.
  20. That far corner has a bit of Filbert Street about it. Only smaller.
  21. That is one very weird looking stadium, I had no idea where it was at first. I have cheated online (out of curiosity) so won't give away the answer but it continued to look very weird in later years! It looks like something Picasso would have designed.
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