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Open End Numb Legs

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Everything posted by Open End Numb Legs

  1. Looks like a chicken that got left in the oven too long.
  2. My Marina cost me a fortune in filler. I tried to tell myself it was worth it as some form of homage to the Dolman family but that theory didn't work any better than the car.
  3. My 1st car, unfortunately, was a 1974 Morris Marina. No one who was connected to the terrible BL cars of that era deserves my sympathy.
  4. My sister has been married 3 times. Each new husband has been welcomed into the family though from our point of view, we got on well with the previous one. That is how this feels. The new manager will have my support even though I wanted Nige to stay. On a side note, my sister nearly married a Notts Forest fan, fortunately not as he turned out to be a complete @rse.
  5. Mascots having some handbags, real or not, is always good fun. The T20 cricket final does that race around the outfield for the county mascots, puts a smile on everyone's faces.
  6. According to the web, between $35k and $55k per machine.
  7. That is his choice and one that fans of every club obsess over, however if we can't fill a subs bench that suggests that things are being run a bit too tight.
  8. See, I always thought players only had a left foot and right foot. Are they evolving into having a back foot and front foot as well? I am not too concerned about possession. 30% is often enough to score goals if you get the ball into space quickly. We are not good at breaking teams down so that is possibly his first task, if confirmed.
  9. As long as he doesn't say 'looking forward to managing the famous quarters' by mistake, he will probably get away with most things. A smart move would be to wish Nige all the best with his health.
  10. Remember when that chap went to the BBC for a job interview and was somehow, mistakenly interviewed live on air about current affairs instead? Maybe someone will arrive at AG to install a new fridge and instead be taken out to the HPC by limo, meet the players and take training? This is the risk with under the radar names.
  11. The betting companies seem to be linking their odds to what is said on here. Kind of inside trading really. Maybe OTIB should get a gaming licence and betting business, spread false rumours and spend the resulting profits on a big day out at Weston?
  12. It is refreshing to hear City fans be realistic or even pessimistic about who we could possibly attract unlike the blue lot who seem to think they are a massive club that managers are queueing up to 'do a job for' for. Looking forward to hearing the news whatever it is. Much like checking the final scores, bracing myself in case of disappointment. Remember, whoever it is, we shouldn't judge them too soon.
  13. Come on chaps, be fair, firework displays on this evening.
  14. Can I just ask, if there is any jam roly poly can there be custard too? Thanks. (More important than a new manager).
  15. Fair point and well made in saying 'some capacity' as he is a bit older now and having some health concerns might alter his outlook on daily coaching. I find it hard to watch the older coaches like Hodgson on TV. The stress and pressure can't be good on match day. Trouble is, these guys live and breathe football. Walking away could be worse for them!
  16. Nige getting to read messages and comments is important because I can't think of a way that our paths will cross again. Hopefully he will regain full health quickly and some of us might be lucky enough to bump into him on a walk somewhere, say hello and thanks.
  17. I suppose 1 thing in his favour is he is a committed, career coach rather than the previous bookies favourite who is a top ex player but has dabbled in the media and not succeeded in the coaching he has tried.
  18. I think that is a very fair question though possibly through the eyes of a person with a 'normal' job (guessing here obv.). As seen in his CV, moving jobs in football and the risk that entails is all part of the scenery. Personally, I hated moving jobs so I am with you here, but in football they just can't resist moving up a peg. Apologies to Oxford, no disrespect intended, just judging that historically.
  19. I would not have been surprised with a little known appointment but I confess I haven't even heard of Liam. That probably says more about me than him though.
  20. We will miss these threads when we know who it is. A bit like when the World Cup or Olympic Games finish.
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