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Open End Numb Legs

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Everything posted by Open End Numb Legs

  1. Looks like the coach that Fletch and Godber get forced to break out of Slade Prison in, then sneak back inside with, in the Porridge movie. This is on topic as it was during a football match.
  2. 'Congratulations, you've got the job'. 'Great, thanks, see you Monday' 'Could you bring your socket set and spanners?'
  3. Well the prospect certainly polarises opinions. My view is he would be a bigger gamble than others, a roll of the dice. The media would rather he fail than succeed. Do we need a roll of the dice?
  4. We can't have Pep though because he is going to Rovers.
  5. Yes, however what I understand is that Nige was summoned to a meeting where he was told to recruit some OOC players. Is that confirmed? If so, why play such games? Was that to annoy him into resigning? I hope not.
  6. So it would seem that Nige's replacement was lined up before he was pushed out.
  7. In the short term, as the other thread suggests, how the players react will be so important. Whoever is in charge of training would be well advised to keep them distant from the board and make sure they just focus on football. None of us or the players are in control of this so keep the team in isolation from all the corporate stuff even if it means being 'unavailable' for meetings and PR.
  8. I am a bit concerned. When a team is fired up we know that it is possible to find an extra 2% and dig deep. This will have unsettled them. I agree that the crowd support will be crucial.
  9. Yes, thought the same, as though there was maybe some sort of wrap up question and answer that got edited out. Thing is, I didn't really expect much different. These things always sound corporate and fluffy.
  10. The last couple of days has highlighted how important some comedy (this thread) can be to cheering us all up.
  11. One of the problems here is Nige had a presence and respect. An incoming L1 type youngster will need to win the squad over, that is a tough ask. Not like we are in the bottom 3 and needed change.
  12. In terms of the type of manager, I would prefer someone who has experienced what elite level football is like in recent years rather than a journeyman manager who has spent a career moving around L1 and Championship clubs. I look at some of the names discussed and see people who have not stayed anywhere for long and not succeeded in anything notable. I don't want a Frank Lampard, but someone that generates at least a bit of excitement and respect amongst the squad at the prospect and has more than just a list of clubs and Manager of the Month awards. We had a manager in Nige who had that elite level experience and need to replace him, like for like.
  13. I never bet on anything but it is sometimes interesting to see what the betting odds are seeing as getting that right is what those companies do for a living. Most of the names mentioned are there so far, Scott Parker is one I haven't seen talked about but there are so many posts I might have missed it. For comedy value, Joey Barton is 33/1. Rowett top at 4/1.
  14. My wife thinks Gerrard Lampard is one person so she would find him being called Frank very confusing.
  15. If it was my club I would mitigate that by offering him a DoF type role and ask him to choose his head coach. Maybe they have already talked about this, maybe Nige likes the coaching, pulling on the boots at training and prowling the touchline.
  16. It is so weird, if the club is up for sale you want an experienced manager to guide the ship through choppy waters. Who better?
  17. Yeh, just a silly reaction post from me, minutes after reading the news on here.
  18. All the best to you and your family Nige, hope you get to read all these comments.
  19. Too gutted to think about it TBH. You draw up a list of available managers and Pearson is top of it. Offer him the job.
  20. Well if they rebuild all 4 sides with pillars that will be hilarious.
  21. Their result will be interesting today. If I was in their team (shudder) I am sure Barton leaving would improve my spirits no end. However his coaching gang is still there (for now) and it won't change the balance of the squad in it's on loan/ageing/injured approach. I predict a win for them today (sacked coach bounce) but still a difficult season ahead. Potential relegation battle if they don't have a bounce.
  22. His magnetic personality..... Polar opposites push things away. His unique approach to management.... Others don't manage this way for a reason, because they know it is bad for the club.
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