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Open End Numb Legs

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Everything posted by Open End Numb Legs

  1. Good that Foden played the full game. As a sub it feels like he tries too hard sometimes to make an impression in the short time he has on the pitch.
  2. Anyone told Italy that Ukraine are now winning?
  3. Rashfords tracking forward is pretty good....
  4. I am left footed, can I play? Also, why did the ref give possession to their keeper after their defender head butted Bellingham as he was about to score?
  5. I am sure they will flush out the culprits.
  6. These things take........no, not gonna say it, you know the drill!
  7. I don't agree with booing national anthems but the fans in Glasgow took it to another level. There will always be a few that do it, I don't ever recall the whole of Wembley booing though. If they did then they were wrong to do so, in my opinion. Scotland have played well and deserve their success but I enjoyed watching the likes of Bellingham who was so good against them in that friendly. The booing probably inspired England, they have played much worse in friendlies at Wembley when the games have had no edge so maybe I have it wrong and we should encourage it!
  8. Fairly straight forward from my point of view - their players deserve to qualify. The fans who booed our national anthem recently and hate everything English do not.
  9. Have their fans suggested offering Eden Hazard a contract yet? Along the lines of 'he could do a job for us' etc etc.
  10. Tonight, your dream will be complete. We go on to win 5 -3.
  11. The best thing they could do would be to pop round to my place and help out redecorating the front room. Then I can go out on the spa day and beer/skittles.
  12. It is worth remembering that after going through all this the fans reward will only be an ugly stand with pillars. I feel for the neighbours affected. Not only is their daylight reduced but their view will be horrible. I think they should build it lower, if that means starting again, so be it.
  13. I would have done the same but wiped my arse with it first.
  14. The red card against Arg was one of the great injustices of refereeing. He got absolutely clattered from behind, could have milked it but didn't, flicked a leg which wouldn't have knocked a toddler over, that got milked, ref gets abuse by Arg and somehow feels the need to give a red. Still annoys me now and together with the hand of God goal will always be remembered, by me anyway.
  15. As a footballer he was very good. I hugged the TV when he scored the free kick v Greece. By all accounts I have read, he is a down to earth, decent bloke. This self publicising documentary, which I will probably never see, sounds like all his wife's idea. Will she ever smile? Probably not.
  16. It's all well and good managing at domestic level but if he is successful at European football, that will accelerate Howe's standing hugely. Who ever takes over England will need to continue the skills that have been on show in recent years. The way England passed the ball against Scotland was brilliant to watch. The Scots hardly touched the ball in the 1st half. I don't like the American word awesome, but it was just that.
  17. Yeh, a bit of a giveaway quoting you word for word. By the way, I like the idea of the holiday you are planning and the washing machine sounds on the way out. Could you get the dog to bark less? Thanks!
  18. Well done and respect to all those who made it there last night. We heard you singing and the win was what you deserved.
  19. Thinking back to last night, it was a scrappy game that belonged in non league football. It reminded me of an FA Cup match where a prem team visits a L2 side and gets dragged down into a long ball battle. It is no surprise that some players found it hard to adjust. It isn't the sort of training they would be used to, so on that basis it is probably best not to judge anyone on that game alone.
  20. The game tonight was otherwise so rubbish, anyone from bigger clubs would have turned over to watch something else by the time he produced his magic. Down with highlights.....
  21. I would be surprised if Tommy was yet match fit for a 75 min run out. Just my guess. If he was further down the recovery he would have come on earlier maybe?
  22. The odd thing about the 2nd one was the ref stopped the game before at the previous corner, only seconds earlier and told the players not to hold at corners. He then bottled it when it happened right in front of him in live play at the next corner. Very poor.
  23. With the bench we had I don't quite understand why the 11 starters didn't give it more of a go earlier? We were treading water, just doing the basics, playing like a team who expected to play the full 90 mins. Conway was absolute class of course but he was blowing at the end, not yet match fit I would say which is understandable.
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