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Open End Numb Legs

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Everything posted by Open End Numb Legs

  1. Having been out passed and out classed, could that knock Scotland's confidence with Spain up next?
  2. No shots on target from the Scots. A comprehensive win. The goal post makers will be particularly disappointed.
  3. The greatest players need to come back from serious injuries. I hope that never happens to Bellingham obviously but that is what a long career tends to bring at some point. A joy to watch at the moment, he has everything.
  4. He said some very nice words, struggled to get them out mind! I predict Scotland will play much better 2nd half, will get more space. Hope we learn from past games and bring on fresh legs a bit earlier to preserve the lead.
  5. Anyone swinging on the cross bars yet?
  6. Would have liked to have seen Grealish running around out there tonight. Come on as sub just as they get tired, draw some fouls, create some space.
  7. Handbags. Trying to drag us down to their level. Keep playing the good football lads, don't get distracted.
  8. Biggest cheer so far is for an England hand ball. It is the Anyone But England show again.
  9. You can taste the bitterness! The crowd are like a pint of 6X that has gone off.
  10. ......So Rovers are hoping to get planning permission semi-retrospectively, as soon as possible..... What does that mean? They either get permission before or after the build has started. Time doesn't work any other way. Just putting in the application in doth butter no parsnips.
  11. Looks like this saga has a way to run yet. Bulk order of popcorn required!! ???
  12. PLCs have their shareholders to defer to. If there is a better deal out there for some land sale than a football club then they have to take it. Developing the Mem seems the only way, we said that months ago on here. Trouble is, rather than getting people onside, they have created bad feeling in the neighbourhood and the council by their attitude this summer. They have poked the bear. Further development has just been made harder.
  13. We had the Alice song sung to us at our holiday hotel in Mallorca by the evening entertainers one night recently. It was really tough to keep quiet, it now just seems natural to 'enquire' who Alice is but there were children about! Maybe a good reason not to adopt it at AG......
  14. Don't know but looks as though some of the land became a Tesco distribution warehouse. Pesky Ted supermarkets.
  15. Reminds me of those optical illusion puzzles with all the stairs in! Not quite sure where all the parts end up and connect together. I am sure they have it all in hand, yeh? ???
  16. Take your time, there's no rush! We will wait just outside the Prem for you. Good to see there are a few sensible posters on your forum. They deserve better but there you go.
  17. Latest is they didn't really like the brand spanking 25k fruityhad idea in the 1st place:- Let’s just rebuild the Mem. Old school stadiums are much more “romantic” anyway. Out of town bowls are boring.
  18. Ok, I admit, getting a soggy custard creme into your mouth is not easy. Takes years of practice, training, dedication and ideally you need access to a clean shirt afterwards. Sounds impossible but it can be done. Good luck to you all.
  19. Back a few months ago when they applied for planning permission I thought this would entertain us up until around the start of the new season. I was wrong. If this is a negotiation tactic, I guess the next meeting won't be going so well. Sounds like the only thing agreed on in the first meetings was which biscuits to have with the coffee? (Custard creams for me BTW).
  20. 'while tentative talks have also been held...' Nice to see tents are still on the agenda according to that article. What happened to 'adjusting to their new found wealth' and the 'money to burn' as stated on their forum a few days ago?
  21. There is a sign saying 'keep off the pitch' at the end of the clip. Ref thinks that includes the players?
  22. Sounds a great mini career, I guess we would love to hear some anecdotes although what goes on pitch side stays pitch side so wouldn't want you breaking any confidences.
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