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Open End Numb Legs

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Everything posted by Open End Numb Legs

  1. 200 people all called Matthew Taylor, what are the chances?
  2. 'An exciting new lottery'..... Is that about getting a seat in the new stand?
  3. They have more chance of getting to Row M that way.
  4. With my sensible head on, at that time the world was still recovering financially from COVID. Still is I suppose but there have been purse strings tightened all over the place, look at what has happened to some Prem rugby clubs. Sports clubs need long term plans, not quick fixes. Build up the squad, invest in youth, employ a wise head coach. The cynic would say Rovers have had the dream of overseas money for some years now, 6th richest club etc. Time for that to bear fruit (no pun intended). Temporary stands, loan players and a management team that your own fans dislike should not be plan A.
  5. Do you think the Barnsley fans will get suspicious when they are each handed an allen key and hi vis vest when getting on the coach?
  6. So the old myth of fans being locked out could come true after all, though for different reasons.
  7. Point taken Miah but the scenes will be very much up front and centre if the Rovers season ticket holders have nowhere to sit and the rest of the ground has to be reorganised to accommodate the away fans including separation.
  8. Is this why they play in the 'quarters'? Because quarter of the ground will be missing?
  9. Interesting photo update, somehow not surprising. Do we need one of those web based countdown timers? 2 in fact, one for the 1st game ko and the other for when the stand will be built because clearly the 2 moments will be months apart.
  10. It wouldn't surprise me if they had a builder lined up but it also wouldn't surprise me if same builder will be without staff until the new footy season whilst they go on holiday. I suppose the club will need some netting behind the south goal otherwise the players will be knocking on the neighbours doors asking for the ball back from their gardens. Could be a lot of added time in their home games.
  11. I expect someone cleverer than me can mash up the club badge with an allen key in place of the sword.
  12. My assumption was that they would sign the 400 allen keys on loan, not buy them ?.
  13. I know this sounds like a maths question and school's nearly out, but if we assume it takes a week to build the stand with one allen key, how long would it take 400 season ticket holders with an allen key each? Some quick maths based on a 12 hour working days suggests it should take them about 12 minutes. No problem then.
  14. It is refreshing to be reminded of what a great football stadium looks like after seeing so many sketches of bus shelters on the other thread. Well done with the bin. Must have taken some arranging.
  15. ......Let’s dive into the world of football..... So that's how they win those penalties. .......Exclusive about life in the football World. How I/we train and prepare for elite level competition....... Elite? ?
  16. Makes me look forward to the new season with more urgency, to prove them wrong. Always handy to have a bit of siege mentality or be underestimated.
  17. Meaningless summer infill that doesn't have any criteria.
  18. There's not much worse than someone who thinks they are some wise sage who knows more about everything than everyone else and has philosophical powers that others can only dream of. My old boss for 10 years, also a scouser, was exactly the same. Pick any topic and he thought he knew it all. Usually total nonsense and it drove us all mad.
  19. But they beat Melksham didn't they? That must mean something surely? Must have set alarm bells ringing throughout L1.... or maybe that was the court house bells....
  20. So they took 40k but only 25k watched the football. Always plenty to do in London. Presumably the missing 15k went to see the sights, take in a show etc, then met up with the bus after the game. All very plausible.
  21. Normal question example:- 'Would you like to go to Ashton Gate to see a match?' Rhetorical question example:- 'You don't want to go to the Memorial Ground to see a match do you?'
  22. Clever how the R is so well placed behind the zip. Or is it a different letter?
  23. Hypothetical can be the real world though. I am decorating at the moment. If I said to my wife 'I am going to paint the front room bright pink, is that ok?' and she said 'ask me when it happens' I would be very surprised. She would of course, instead predict hypothetically that she wouldn't like it. Not as bad as blue and white quarters, but you get my drift.
  24. Dad gave me his copy of the London Evening Standard to keep, printed on World Cup Final day, 1966 (he went to the game). The classifieds are great to read. As someone said above, house prices are hilarious as are the car adverts. Big selling points in the motors section were a radio, wing mirror and heated rear screen.
  25. Well, I think the tone is slightly better now than when I looked earlier, good to see some Rovers fans are not prepared to listen to excuses. I hope their club listens to them.
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