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Open End Numb Legs

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Everything posted by Open End Numb Legs

  1. Sometimes you need the luck no matter how good you are.
  2. That's twice at least that DiMarco has gone down like a sack of spuds then jumped up once the ref comes over to avoid going off. Very Italian.
  3. Wonder if KdB was not 100% starting the game, the way that played out. Or maybe my bottle of Proper Job is misleading me. Should I be drinking cider? Apologies. Maybe my focus on the drink tells you this is quite a dull game so far.
  4. I was hoping they would offer me £100k pa to walk out at HT and FT to tend the pitch with a fork. Maybe that is unrealistic.
  5. It would have been my dream to live near AG as a child, now I am an oldie - not so much! If I did live nearby I would have thought a positive would be having a job at the stadium? Has anyone on OTIB ever done that?
  6. Whilst their supporters will take it all personally the reality is that no one wants a football ground on their own residential doorstep which means that only land which is relatively cheap and poor quality is viable. It is no surprise that most new UK stadia in recent times have been built near to a city docks or old industrial land. The FM is that sort of area but the finances will be the stumbling block. Meanwhile residents around the Mem won't want a capacity increase. Glad it isn't our problem. ???
  7. Do you think he could paint a picture of a new stand at the (very) open end? One of those pictures that deceives the eye as long as you stand in exactly the right place.
  8. Could build sand castles at AG at the moment, probably the case at many grounds.
  9. 'Odd stand' being the key words. Looking at the design, perhaps they should be asking for 'pillars of society' to get involved too, someone with experience in 1950s construction techniques.
  10. A very tenuous observation but it makes you wonder if elite footballers ever get to go on holiday with their children?
  11. Expandable? Are they using lycra? Or canvas and zips again? The only mutts nuts will be on the police dogs outside.
  12. I am confused. 6th richest but not a big club, when teams visit it is their cup final but there is no atmosphere.?
  13. Well it didn't quite work out as I hoped this weekend. Even though I wanted Leicester to stay up it was still painful watching the Everton fans going through the tension of those last 15 mins. Not sure dancing on the pitch afterwards taking selfies as if they had won the cup was a great look, good that most stayed off.
  14. My sister has finally got her hands on her first allotment this year at a brand new site. Last night she sent me some photos of their progress so far and as you are probably guessing there is an uncanny similarity with the photos above. She has free admission at the barrier. There were some delays with planning permission apparently...... I assume the bean canes and tomato plants are just out of shot at the Mem. Fortunately she doesn't have any drainage problems and her sprinklers are Championship ready.
  15. Socks over the knees.....I must try that out as a fashion statement this summer. I am guessing it started with the use of 3G training pitches and the friction burns you can get.
  16. Somebody, somewhere will be checking the difference in price between a Cambridge season ticket (that won't get used) and the cost of a private medical policy. If they could throw in dentistry too I might be interested....
  17. He will be lucky if that happens, without anything to stop it he could be chasing the ball as it bounces down Muller Road, possibly rolling to a halt at.................IKEA.
  18. This is a point, relevant I think, to the planning application. I didn't realise the ground over looked nearby property so much either, never having been there. If the ground was in a dip, raising the roof height would be less likely to cause complaint by the neighbours, but if the new roof height affected the sky line then they can't just assume that planning permission is a given. Maybe that is why they are in constant touch with the council, to avoid refusal and delays. I am guessing that the new stand will move a lot nearer the goal so that the roof line will be at a lower angle relative to nearby houses.
  19. Watching Prem games this season, if Alex wants to fit in there he will need to pull his socks over his knees and wear his hair long with an alice band.
  20. Apologies if already mentioned but I guess Alex should be doing his diligence financially on potential employers as well as footballing preference? You don't want to be joining a club that might be on the downward spiral, in a boom/bust situation?
  21. Could have used it for the old stand as it was. #missedatrick
  22. Not exactly like for like though if replacing Rice? Maybe AS could be comparable in a couple of seasons, but a big ask at this stage of his career. He could well go to WH but I suspect with an additional signing for that role.
  23. You are right of course but perhaps the post you replied to was more about the 'being flogged all season' bit than the opposition. Yes, I know it is your country etc, but I think everyone deserves a proper break.
  24. Did he really mean to say his job is to sell 'ALL their assets'? Freudian slip?
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