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Open End Numb Legs

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Everything posted by Open End Numb Legs

  1. Not having had the pleasure of a trip to the Mem, I have a basic question. Was the tent not for away fans? If so is that end changing to home fans or a mix of the 2? If so then surely it will need a separation space between them which loses seats. They can't have home and away sharing the luxury concourse either. I must have missed something? Or maybe just the away fans are moving elsewhere.
  2. The Twitter comments are quite funny:- 'You forgot Haaland on a free mate'
  3. As mentioned last night it was a bit odd to see him blocking the keeper at corners or lining up with forwards for free kicks into the box when there were 3 other players stood over the dead ball. Would have expected him to be over the ball, seems there is a pecking order. One thing I did enjoy was with it not being a City game I could kind of ignore the match and track his movement. Not that there was a lot of excitement to distract me.
  4. Trouble is it sometimes took 2 touches instead of 1 to get the ball under control and judging the pace on a pass was tough. That makes a lot of difference to a pass and move game. Same for Tunisia, hence they barely created anything. Was it watered? Looked bone dry to me.
  5. So half of 30k = 8k? My calculator seems busted.
  6. Would be nice to see his quick feet create something near the opposition box but today the ball would have probably just bubbled out of control. Looks like a rugby pitch.
  7. It looks like they are playing on Velcro, the ball is gripping on the surface, not what these players are used to and it is spoiling the flow of the game.
  8. That's what being an entrepreneur is I guess. Signs around a stadium are a fair indicator of where a club is in the big scheme of things. Ranging from Premier League - nothing but top end international businesses and recognisable logos on electronic boards, to League 2 - local taxi firms, builders etc on a wide range of individual signs bolted into scaffolding. How long until someone hacks into the e signs and delights the crowd with some dodgy content?
  9. It is his record of bad behaviour which is the problem. In any society or organisation people make mistakes but often they learn, everyone deserves a 2nd chance. JB has a long history of incidents and shows no signs of changing. I couldn't easily support a team that employed someone like that. Good to hear that some Rovers supporters have the same reservations, not so good that some have a blind faith in him.
  10. Agreed, at some point most footballers will put down roots somewhere, if that is the case here then good luck to him and his family. Good choice of area! No problem with him at Rovers if that happened, if he can prolong a career then go for it, many don't get that chance.
  11. So, yesterday afternoon I was thinking this tie was done, don't have access to Euro games, nice weather so after tea, go for a bike ride. 2 hours later, get home and showered, check the scores and its 3-4! Damn! Started watching it at extra time, shame I missed the 90 mins but glad SW won. The little I saw it seem PU only played any football when the scores were level. They got out of it what they put in. A game Sky will show over and over again I am sure.
  12. Was he called bouncer because he bounced the ball twice before kicking it downfield? Good paws there. Probably safe with crosses.
  13. I am very reluctant to click on any links to these type of publications because the article is usually unreadable due to advertising, pop ups and banners. To fight may way through that only to find the article a let down is not worth it.
  14. That's the media for you though. Promotion chasing Rovers were 'impressive', finishing down in 17th. Relegation threatened City 'underperformed' but finished higher in 14th. I won't bother mentioning the different divisions as it is all relative. The way it has been covered across the season is a larger scale version of a match where commentators take an angle on the game, usually based on league position rather than what is happening in front of them.
  15. I agree with those who say it should give us all hope. If it was a play off final between parachute payment teams it would be worse for sport I think. It will be fascinating to see how one of them gets on. Could be carnage. But then the Prem table has had several surprises this season. The other angle is how many players that will celebrate promotion will get a game next season?
  16. So the FA said he used 'abusive, insulting and improper words' to the officials. I get the first 2, but when they say improper words are they correcting his grammar too? Sounds harsh!
  17. I think they should have called him by the names he used against the officials. 'We therefore pass a ban on Mr **** **** of 3 matches. Mr **** **** should not attend matches during that time.'
  18. Barton aside, I know it would never happen but what a great reward that would be for a supporter to sit with the players and coaches for a game. The best VIP day. Maybe just sign a non disclosure agreement so you don't go publicising anything afterwards. I guess you would need to have a thick skin and ear plugs to sit on most benches.
  19. When City lost at Luton it was an ugly game in ugly weather. I assumed at the time that Luton just played the conditions. Many will disagree with me I know but the style of my team is very important to me over a season, probably more so than promotion. I would accept that the final of anything is about the result, but over a season I want to see attractive football. It will be interesting to see how they get on at Wembley which traditionally was always a big pitch. Is that still the case? If they get a hot day the high press might be tough to keep up over the full 90+.
  20. The other alternative to this is that if the 2 clubs were to have split the fee and given it to the grieving family they would have received a huge amount of goodwill in return from football fans everywhere. Too late for that now.
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