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Open End Numb Legs

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Everything posted by Open End Numb Legs

  1. When he says 'goalscoring form', the goal was headed in from about a yard out into an open net unchallenged via a cross that came off the crossbar and wrong footed the defence. Coburn did what he needed to do but not exactly 'form'.
  2. I think most on here have criticised the media, not the owners or the club or the fans. Personally my pride would be greatest if a City side full of academy products could get us promoted, a golden generation if you like. Of course if AS goes in the summer that tells us where we stand in the big scheme of things but I genuinely would rather we didn't go up just due to a Hollywood type of connection. Rich arabs? Boom and bust? Not for me, I want strong foundations before celebrating. I don't want to see City do another 3 x division drop.
  3. Here is the game that went 2-0, then 2-4, then 4-4. The video is not great quality. Much like the defending!
  4. Decided to watch their highlights to check on the goal celebration. I was expecting Leahy to pause facing the Rovers fans and dish out some words but he just turns from the far post, runs past them looking/pointing at them then celebrates with the home crowd adjacent to that end. Something you see every game. I am sometimes critical of goal celebrations being over the top but there is nothing for JB to get upset about. As for disrespectful, coming from him? What can you say? BTW, very good saves from the Shrews keeper 2nd half to keep them ahead, Rovers had the chances. See Joey? Not too difficult to be objective.
  5. That 4-4 cup draw!! Possibly the most dramatic game I ever saw at AG. Grown men, strangers, hugging each other at the last goal. Not normally the behaviour you saw in the Enclosure!
  6. That's fine, my criticism is of the media representation, not the owners and club specifically.
  7. As someone who loathes celebrity culture with an absolute passion I agree with the OP. This is all about the owners and not about sport. Good for the club and supporters right now but is it sustainable? The news media rams celebrities down our throats at every opportunity. I am tired of being TOLD who is a star. That is for us to decide, not the PR for the person involved. The stars should be the footballers, coaches and physios whilst the owners should sit quietly in the background.
  8. Well statistically, Roverz had 21 shots but only 4 on target so I am going to go with 'the goals were too small'.
  9. Maybe they took off 1 player but brought the 5 subs on in one XXL kit. Did the big lump have 10 legs, 10 arms and 5 heads?
  10. Have they been hacked or is it always that bad? I didn't think official twitter accounts were supposed to read like fan accounts?
  11. It's a funny old game. Back in the world cup there were some teams who fouled and cheated their way through 90+ minutes, constantly screaming at the ref. There seemed no hope for some of them. This is a huge game for both teams but it has been played in a refreshing spirit at the same time as full on attacking.
  12. I first reminded of those traps that greyhounds start dog races from. Perhaps this is intentional, a link to their Eastville past. Just needs a small furry animal whizzing around the outside of the pitch to complete the look.
  13. Looks like there should be some buried treasure on it somewhere.
  14. Barnes certainly has a presence, looks like the sort of player you want on your side in the middle of winter when the passing game might struggle.
  15. Always interesting where the recruits would come from. Championship ready (no sprinklers jokes) could mean a top L1 youngster or a Prem player who can't get a game now or just a current Champ rival who wants a change. Wonder what Nige is thinking when he says that.
  16. Whatever happens I guess we at the time of the year where we see the TV showing pictures of crying children (and some adults) at the final whistle of some games. Not something I enjoy, glad we aren't involved in anything like that this season. We saw a lot of pitch invasions last season I recall, hope it all goes off safely.
  17. Have to say how good it is to see Brighton, Brentford, Palace and Fulham all above Chelsea as it stands today. I've never liked Chelsea, can't explain why, something a bit arrogant about their fans. Would be a shame to see Leicester go down IMO, their title season was a boost for all 'smaller' sides.
  18. See what you mean (excuse pun), sat right in the corner low down you won't be able to see across to the nearest goal. However, since the average attendance is about 3,000 below the new capacity there should room elsewhere to change seats so that's fine, nothing to see here (oh that's another pun, must stop doing that).
  19. The word 'rich' clearly has a very loose meaning, as in 'we are the 6th richest football club in the country'.
  20. That would make a good crowd announcement:- 'Will all away fans please stop dismantling the stadium'. I hope they didn't buy it from IKEA....
  21. There can be only one explanation - gravity is much stronger in north Bristol and cantilever designs won't work there.
  22. You really want the builders moving in the day after the last home game. For them to be on standby waiting for planning permission is not ideal. Then the school holidays kick in. On the plus side for them it isn't actually that big a structure. My guess is the stand might open without the concourse ready, just the seating? If they get it all built then fair play to the builders. Maybe there will be a penalty clause to encourage them, you know, 'get it built in time or we will make you watch the games'.
  23. To fair, with the pillars you get restricted views and that has to have big appeal when watching Rovers.
  24. Sky Red Button is a good option for me, particularly if Sky make it recordable. It means even on a busy day I can watch the playback once I have ownership of the remote, past 9pm.
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