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Open End Numb Legs

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Everything posted by Open End Numb Legs

  1. So it is the players fault then, good of him to clear that up. I bet the loan players in particular can't wait for the season's end.
  2. Reading the title I feared he had been locked up!
  3. Do you think the appearance of a genuine Row M might have caused some confusion when they got to the ground?
  4. There is so much that rings true in the comments above. A short anecdote - I was around with the in laws one evening years ago, we watched a Champions League game, possibly a final. As the players walked out to the music in front of 60k fans, my sister in law said 'wow, it is really exciting to think that this could be xxxxxx (her son) doing this in a few years time'. Her son was in the room, he was about 14 and at Southampton's academy. I nearly choked on my drink at how irresponsible it was to say that. Of course, he never made it. He works in a building trade now, had a tough time with injuries and got very disillusioned. Everyone else got blamed by her, the coaches, the club, the physios, it was all someone else fault. For me, he didn't quite have what it takes, but the major issue was the system and the way the lads seem to go from hero to zero. I also blame her for constantly bigging him up which made the fall that much harder. I applaud any improvements that change how this all happens and would point out that it is similar in rugby too.
  5. I only saw the highlights on MoTD last night but that Arsenal defence looked very open, just not tight enough, running away from players with the ball plus some rather average goal keeping too.
  6. That picture of their fans looks like a modern day subs bench.
  7. Some on their forum predicted an away following of 1100 or 1200 for last night. The sensible ones were saying around 500, not too far off to be fair. As I said earlier, I wonder if the Joey factor is an overall negative for their fan base. I just wouldn't be comfortable supporting a team with him leading it. In comparison Nige is a voice of reason and level headed calm. He doesn't like journos and their rubbish questions but that is fine by me.
  8. I am from Wiltshire, not Bristol so don't have a feel for their chances of doubling their support. Times are tough. It is one thing to wear your teams shirt around town but another thing to commit to season tickets or attend regularly. This is why I have so much respect for those that do. As Eric Morecambe said, he was playing all the right notes just in the wrong order. Just building a new stadium and expecting people to fill it won't work. They would get some that attend just to see the new ground but that would be a short term effect. They need to own a good team under a manager that they all support - it seems not all Rovers fans like him. Get promotion and become a solid Championship side. The way they are doing it is around the opportunity of the FM. It is like spending money on your car paintwork whilst the tyres are shot. This will come down to money as with all things. Spend on the squad first, build the new stand at the Mem. Going down the FM route as a priority is fraught with business risk and as others have said, smacks of publicity to impress the fans.
  9. That is a good point, his ego is what drives his behaviour. Puts others down to make himself sound better, mentioned about young players still learning the game, in other words not as good as himself. That isn't leadership. Good leaders inspire others whilst being modest about themselves.
  10. Standard management rhetoric from almost any industry. Summed up it is all 'jam tomorrow' From wiki:- Jam tomorrow is an expression for a never-fulfilled promise, or for some pleasant event in the future, which is never likely to materialize.
  11. So the north most area is south of the river and the south most area is north of the river. Got it! On their forum a Gas fan has pointed out to a Plymouth fan that they are no longer sold out. The Plymouth fan has explained they were but because Rovers haven't sold their allocation the blocks have gone on home sale.?
  12. So when they said 'one of the big 6' they meant these 6 big pots? Now it makes sense.
  13. '......tempted to cross the river....' You would think he would swim across through crocodiles and piranhas if necessary. ? ?? As suggested though, probably just a bit of mischief.
  14. Do you think they will appeal for retired volunteers to build a whole new stadium for free? You know, just to keep their hand in.....can't be that difficult.
  15. So if they got to lease their 40,000 seat stadium, what happens with the 31,500 empty seats on match day? There will be a terrible echo....echo....echo....
  16. Holy mackeral, it is worse than I thought, there is no hope for them. Pure fiction. 'Once upon a time in a galaxy far, far away.... '
  17. The media covering them in recent seasons could be used as a study for English lessons in the use of adjectives and contradictions. Promotion chasing Rovers or relegation threatened? 6th richest club or little old Rovers? Membley or a pitch that ruins their passing game? A lovely new stadium or build onto the old one which has so much character? All in the same week usually.
  18. My sister and me used to follow their results back in the 80s as it seemed they would get hammered every week and we felt sorry for them. I passed through Brechin for work a few years ago, no time to go to a game though which was disappointing.
  19. They made sure of their place by losing 2-0 and this is a positive?? Plus they could not have been certain if mathematically uncertain. Who wrote this parody?
  20. Yes, I agree though wondered if the Rotheram player ran at Pring to get the contact. This is becoming a big thing where attackers are deliberately tangling legs with defenders making life hard for refs. You get the sound of the legs tangling and the attacker goes down naturally, very easy for refs to get that wrong and pleased to see some Prem games on TV lately where they have spotted it and waved play on.
  21. That penalty for them.... I don't like having a go at officials but what was the ref thinking there? The striker even fell over like it was a dive with clear air between them. Sometimes the officials are only proven right or wrong with a TV slow motion close up but that wasn't needed with this case.
  22. Is it 13 loans? Wow. I have heard some say that is common in L1 and L2, but you can't build a team like that surely.
  23. Maybe the 1st one was playing on their minds a bit.
  24. I kind of picture them counting the days like in an old prison drama, 4 strikes and one angled across the 4 makes 5 days. IIII/ IIII/ IIII/ IIII/ IIII/ IIII/ IIII/ IIII/ IIII/ IIII/ IIII/ IIII/ IIII/ IIII/ IIII/ IIII/ IIII/ IIII/ IIII/ IIII/
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