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Open End Numb Legs

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Everything posted by Open End Numb Legs

  1. The stats might show a low return but my hunch is that angled crosses from the corner of the box are unsuccessful but getting to the by line and pulling it back is much better. Maybe that is Memheti's job, create space in the box by drawing a 2nd defender then crossing from the by line.
  2. Thought he could have brought them on earlier TBH. Not much time for them to get into it when already losing.
  3. If anyone has Nige's number for me I would be suggesting that since we often lose possession on our throws we need to practice what some teams do which is when we are under pressure on a throw that the ball is delivered on the volley to the receiving player. That way we cannot be closed down, as a defensive throw it gets cleared down pitch.
  4. Was about to say much the same. Whilst I hate the result, I think we showed in the 1st half that we would be better suited to the Prem than SU. Even when we faded they could barely string 3 passes together. If you can't pass well in the Prem you have no chance.
  5. Have checked my recording of the Bèll incident on 14 mins, the foul was outside the box but arguably a red card. Not offside, only the keeper to beat.
  6. This Sky commentator is just terrible. Like a clubs own one eyed coverage.
  7. SU look like their team was kidnapped on the way to the game and replaced by imposters. Can't be that bad in the 2nd half.
  8. Joey's team giving them a footballing lesson no doubt, despite being 2 down.
  9. Earlier this season we would play it wide, dwell on the ball and get crowded out of possession. Now we move it quickly and look much more likely to keep the move going.
  10. If we could nail that final ball in we could be 2 or 3 up by now.
  11. Showing them how to pass the ball at the moment. Home crowd a bit edgey.
  12. If we do win the talk will be how Sheff made a mess of an opportunity rather than we beat them. Oh well, I guess we have to earn that sort of bias by being higher up the table at ko.
  13. Sky commentary setting themselves up for a home win. Predictable but it does annoy me when media do that.
  14. Apologies if mentioned already somewhere but it is recordable from the match menu showing on Sky 403. Not 401 though, same live main match but different red button options.
  15. Seeing as the moustache in the original photo looks like it is stuck on I think it acceptable for a fake to be used in the event of a player not having the maturity required.
  16. I think I went to the 1st home game we played against them. Can't recall the year or division but I remember seeing their fans drinking with ours outside the pubs in the sunshine before the game and how good that was to see rather than with most away fans being chased across the park by police on horseback. No history = no trouble? That said, my nephew was sent to their academy from Southampton about 8 years ago after a serious injury lay off and it was so depressing there he gave up football altogether, so it does sound a bit of a mess.
  17. That's the problem in a nutshell though. I am sure nearly all pro sports people are nice characters away from their sports but they get remembered for what happens once over the whitewash. The FA charges clubs with not controlling their players sometimes and that is good terminology - the players lose control of themselves in heated moments. What Robertson did wasn't even a heated moment, the whistle had gone for half time. I think he was having a tough time looking after Saka and the pressure got to him. Unfortunately writing nice letters and charitable work can't make up for abusing officials, good as it is.
  18. Is this sort of stat a compliment to the analysis and coaching teams in that they learn from the previous defeats against those teams? Might also explain the better 2nd half to the season?
  19. Not helped that the unconscious spectator, having fallen somewhat conveniently into something like the recovery position, is pushed onto his back where they could easily swallow their tongue and suffocate.
  20. New from Disney+, The Memorialonian.... ??
  21. Looking at the 1st picture it seems to have been written by a director? Or at least, he has put his name to it. Not a good look that, if he did write it.
  22. Sat under a dripping roof gutter once, it wasn't even raining, everyone else was dry! Wouldn't want a season ticket there....
  23. My Dad nearly took someone's eye out with his umbrella in the excitement when Royle played his debut. Now that was something worth moaning about. Sorry again to that man in the Enclosure....
  24. What did the South Stand moaners say when Weimann curled in that perfect shot v Blackpool? Hope they had a good view of that.
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