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Open End Numb Legs

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Everything posted by Open End Numb Legs

  1. Officials are human and will make mistakes but there will be no game without them. If they were treated better it could attract better candidates and the sport as a whole would then benefit.
  2. The game shouldn't be surprised if the officials have to stand up for themselves, the FA aren't doing much to help them. One way traffic, players screaming at officials for years now.
  3. They should have made him work in a charity kitchen for a few weeks.
  4. My honest view is their plan would have a much better chance of working before COVID and before Putin's ego went nuts. The money will decide it, not the football sentiment. How many football clubs make profits to be shared out to investors?
  5. Any manager known for coming in, late season, to rescue clubs from relegation. It might be necessary but you can guarantee it won't be pretty.
  6. Understood, but there is a difference between spreading liabilities and getting everyone else to pay for something.
  7. Prospective investors? Hang on, why are they needed? Are they saying that Wally hasn't got the money now? How can that be for the 6th richest club?
  8. If only they could have a ground in north Bristol....ah...
  9. Just had a quick look, a very wide variety of opinion from 'it's happening, let's think of the new stadium name' right through to 'so many previous disappointments'. Maybe that could be the stadium name then, the So Many Previous Disappointments Stadium.
  10. Ah I see, high standards there but this is a high performance task so fair enough. I suggest that next time, seeing as the bins are on wheels, that NTTDS just drags them along to the back of the stand for the photo. Ideally returning them to the pub after the game - only if we win if course ?.
  11. Ah, think you have stumbled on something there. The extra land space of the fruit market will be needed to accommodate those outside the ground. 8k inside (sell out), 40k in the car park. Has anyone told the developers they won't be able to build the flats and retail?
  12. Bins in the 1st photo ?. Where was the betting white board? Looks like you got lost and ended up in the groundsmans lock up.
  13. It is a large area, however by the time you build a car park you will lose a fair bit. Then you take away space for what the developers need to build to actually make money and there isn't a lot left. If money is tight they could build with canvas, sure I have seen that done before somewhere? ?
  14. How different things might have turned out if Shilton had stayed on his line for that cross.
  15. If they did move to Totterdown they could copy what City had years ago - a picture of a suitable local landmark on their club crest. We got the world renowned Clifton Suspension Bridge. They get Totterdown Bridge - not quite so famous. Seems appropriate?
  16. The rumour is that relaying their pitch will be the new record signing this summer.
  17. Far being a City fan 'seething', I am off to buy some popcorn so I can enjoy the ride. The numbers won't work. Either Wally puts the money in (and he hasn't previously) or it isn't happening. Whilst a sale of the Mem gives them the land swap unless they pay for the build why would the developer risk having a stadium on their land when the football club (any football or rugby club) is a huge risk relative to any other option that they could build? It would make more sense for them to build an indoor arena than a new stadium. Relax everyone. The world is a strange place financially and businesses are very risk averse these days. High interest rates will be around for a while. It may be Rover's pipe dream but that won't be a dream shared by Conygar who are a PLC and won't be allowing their shareholders to take risk on behalf of a lower league football club with a dodgy culture and an owner who is on an ego trip. ???
  18. The funny thing was I could see the game ok until the Luton guy smeared the rain drops all over the lens.
  19. Thanks, would not have expected that. I have selected the record option off the menu for the Oxford game which although L1, kicks off around the same time.
  20. Me neither. This could be the only chance? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cryonics
  21. 'The journey begins......' When my employers used to say that, it was an analogy for 'things are going to be difficult at work for a while'. The trick here for the developers is to judge whether including a football stadium would detract from the value of other options they have for the land.
  22. From BBC Sport:- Wael - “The council are pro investment. I see no reason why they shouldn’t be on board with us.” How will you fund it? - “It’s inappropriate to talk about it at this point.”
  23. 'Over the next few months, we will work with Conygar to play our part in creating a vision for the site' They don't have a vision yet? '........ in Nottingham City Centre – a mixed-use scheme for over three million square feet to include new homes, life sciences, grade A office space, creative market, a lifestyle hotel, retail units, student accommodation and associated public realm.' Sounds like this company have built multi use schemes in the past to get the best return on investment, no mention of a football ground anywhere?
  24. I remember my Dad buying the Greenun in the city centre after games. It did impress me that they would have a photo from early in the game I had just watched in the flesh. A messy read though, like the ink was still wet.
  25. If he is that busy at least it will save him the grim fate of appearing on I'm A Celeb or some form of dancing or baking competition in between coaching jobs.
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