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Open End Numb Legs

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Everything posted by Open End Numb Legs

  1. So when he brags about being rich, apart from being such a idiot for doing so, does he not link his insider gambling profits from football to that wealth? https://www.theguardian.com/football/2017/apr/26/joey-barton-banned-football-18-months-betting-burnley
  2. Punishment is made up of 2 factors, revenge and deterrent. It won't be much of a deterrent if they go too lightly on him, it will send the wrong signal to others and set the wrong precedent. He must have known what the rules were.
  3. On TV it had a feel of non league. The small ground, the odd camera position, the camera man or woman wiping the lens every 5 mins, the clear sound of the home coaching staff constantly effin and blindin at their players, the ball apparently being kicked over the stand out of the stadium (?), the bad weather making for a physical long ball match, the weird stands with weird advertising boards. Remind you of anywhere else? Through the smeared lens the pitch looked fine which is something I suppose.
  4. Acker Bilk cracked the joke about the song Trouble Over Bridgewater years before it became an album for someone.
  5. I didn't catch most of the 1st half but I was disappointed that we lost to a team better set up for the conditions with our injury list. They were very physical which is fine but conceded yellow cards to professional fouls rather than mistimed challenges. The rugby tackle on Max when trying to start a quick break was bizarre, I think I would be very disappointed to see that from a City player. Overall whilst they are riding high I have seen much better teams play us, as in better set up for any promotion. I don't think they will get top 2 and the style of play that works on a wet night at home probably won't work at Wembley if they made it to the final. (Cue quoting this in May when they get promoted!).
  6. Tough choice, a new player or biscuits. Maybe there is a compromise available? Couldn't find a player called Hob Nobs, but how about this chap? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_McVitie
  7. In poor taste. About as poor as ripping a shirt off an opponent or getting booked for rugby tackling a keeper as he tries to launch a quick break. Maybe it was the salt that the camera man was wiping off the lens during the game last night.
  8. If the state of the pitch decides whether JB stays or goes they should get out there planting potatoes day and night. Runner beans too, don't worry about the canes. Fresh veg for the fans in the summer - result.
  9. Haven't read the rest of the thread and don't want to sound like a sore loser but how do Luton fans watch that pile of crap all season? The conditions were bad but they were just a very physical team that will get carded out of games if they ever got promoted. Better referees won't stand for that. On a night when we needed our biggest defenders we didn't have them.
  10. It doesn't look like that when Gino D'Acampo is cooking his food on TV. My wife's family are from a small town 50 miles east of Napoli. They would give it a miss too.
  11. I don't think I can ever recall a coach of any sport belittling one of their players international prospects. That is very odd. I have seen similar behaviour at work where there might be talented individuals in a team, the manager sees them as a threat to his standing in the wider company so he criticises some aspect of their work to try and re establish the gap to his authority. That is the only thing I can see going on here. It actually shows a lack of self belief by the manager, scared of others being more popular or more respected. This behaviour has the reverse effect, as with my ex boss everyone eventually hates him as they cotton on to his ways and develop a lack of trust.
  12. Latest from the Mem is that the other bobbles are going on strike in support of their pitch mate. The presenter of Bobble of the Day, Gary Greenacre, said the program may not go out on Saturday night as the Mem is a key source of their material and reminded him of Bristol derbies from the 1930s.
  13. I feel for the bobble here. Thrown under the bus by the manager again without so much as a pre kick off lift from a garden fork. Once regarded as a Championship ready bobble, it now gets the blame for every defeat. The PBA (Professional Bobble Association) needs to step in here.
  14. Well I've been onto several online dictionaries this evening. I needed to check the definition of 'chasing' as my understanding of 'promotion chasing Bristol Rovers' seems to disagree with several sports journos.
  15. Has anyone considered that we have the Bears rugby often at AG the weekends when City are away? Not trying to make excuses, but that sort of factor wouldn't apply to other teams in the Championship apart from the Welsh sides?
  16. So we reckon he's gone from £5m to £2m to £300k..... sounds like one of those yellow ticket bargains at the supermarket. I suggest we bid £50k at 7pm.?
  17. With about 30 minutes work on the ropes and poles they could have taken down their stand from the Mem, popped it onto the roof rack and re pitched it at FGR.
  18. We found space down the sides v Man City. They are a decent side apparently. Top teams will go for a win to keep up their promo challenge, that creates opportunities in behind. I don't think we break down a parked bus very well though not many teams do I guess.
  19. I don't fear the leading teams, we have some pace to exploit room they might give us.
  20. Nice he came on for him (I think?)
  21. A glorious goal, the sort of thing you dream of doing as a kid. A goal that Match of the Day would talk about for 5 minutes after a prem game....oh hang on....
  22. A bit of luck with the build up to the 2nd but we deserved that, due some. Still a bit shot shy but that will improve with confidence. One thing I find frustrating is when in possession we get boxed in out on the touchline and lose the ball. Scott can wriggle out of most things but as a team we struggle sometimes and need to go back and around to find space elsewhere, then re build.
  23. Me too, in fact worse, I am having some work done in the house by a Gas fan and it was he that reminded me of the ko time....call myself a fan.☹
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