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Open End Numb Legs

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Everything posted by Open End Numb Legs

  1. Lucky break for a BBC journalist somewhere dreading a confrontation with Joey.
  2. Never a good look for the forwards when there are vast swathes of netting behind the goals to stop the wayward shots. Or maybe back passes.
  3. Exciting, a proper mystery. Where could the data have come from? Camping supplies web site? A soft drinks company? (c1992 perhaps). Surely not Babestation ?. I would just like to point out that (so far) I haven't received this email ?.
  4. Is it a list compiled from those who registered for (and subsequently probably got banned from) Gaschat?
  5. The concept of a legends wall is fine, I will also accept that the likeness won't always be there as we have seen with some infamous sculptures around the world. But...but..... to paint it straight onto a block wall like that makes it look like graffiti in a multi storey car park. At least render the wall first and then protect it from the weather. What will it look like in a couple of years time? Feel for him and wish him all the best.
  6. If we had taken an early chance you get the impression we could have had a big win tonight. As it is I fear the late deflected winner by Huddersfield.
  7. Just joined tonight's game on the red button. So the experiment with O'Leary up front only lasted one game then? ?
  8. What makes it worse is when you zoom in you see they have added sugar on the top! I suppose the nausea after eating it would take your mind off the football.
  9. In that last picture the keeper seems to be shrugging his shoulders as if to say 'what the heck is this place?'
  10. Just what I thought, looks like something you pick up off the pavement with a plastic bag when your dog has a stomach bug. Dietary wise, probably best served with a free insulin injection and a defib nearby.
  11. If anyone has some size 9 boots I will give it a go. Size 10 will do with thick socks.
  12. There was presumably less training than usual and more rest. That is not the best prep for a game compared to Cardiff who didn't play.
  13. We are ok box to box but the final.pass has been missing so we lack shots on goal. Not saying it is easy to fix but sometimes we are making a pass too many and get crowded out. Let's have more shots on goal and test the keeper.
  14. Press the backup button, a left arrow inside a square, next to the home button.
  15. Alfred Hitchcock's film Birds has nothing on that scary beast.
  16. I think with a manager at Pearson's stage of his career that whether they are keen to continue at a club often comes down to personal matters. I have no idea of his circumstances but his family will have thoughts, it might come down to how happy they are in the area, whether they always had a hope to retire abroad, personal health etc. We only ever see these people on match day. Like anyone else they will have ordinary parts to their lives - one eye on the future, a property to maintain, a holiday to plan, that toilet flush that plays up. They are all human (well, not sure about Colin with those eyebrows). My hunch is he is the type of person who would get restless and will want to carry on, particularly with the 2023 run so far.
  17. Hard to predict Cardiff, unpredictable would sum it up. Lost at Norwich last time out but beat Reading and Birmingham before that. In a way probably better for us for them to have a bit of confidence, we have some pace to cause trouble if they want to push up.
  18. When they remove the so called stands the ground sheet leaves a patch of pale grass and worms but don't worry, it grows back after a few days.
  19. Just like Bristol, your city is red.
  20. Just throwing this in as a genuine question, what part of Bristol Rovers IS championship ready?
  21. When I was watching the game and today looking at that tweet what it reminded me of was games I attended as a boy in the 70s and 80s. I suppose that was before the days of replica shirts and a plain red and white scarf was essential clothing at the game. Nostalgic to some of us.
  22. Checking the tweet again the Rovers fans are all very embarrassed by this, fair enough.
  23. Some teams in 3rd to 6th can tie up on the run in, feeling the pressure. That shouldn't apply to us so I can certainly see the gap closing, mentally easier to chase something down than protect it. I think we might suffer a hangover from the cup though, hope not.
  24. Thanks Rovers for the picture from a full house at a modern stadium against opponents of world class players live on TV. A media own goal if ever there was one.?
  25. So if everyone who attends the concert is given a small trowel and a small packet of grass seed we should have a new pitch by the end of June?
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