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Open End Numb Legs

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Everything posted by Open End Numb Legs

  1. You'd struggle to throw a paper plane from the back row of that ground.
  2. There were some nice words from Pep and the players in TV interviews post match but if the supporters think attendance gives them credibility they might want to read the news more often:- 'The Premier League charged City with more than 100 alleged breaches of financial regulations on Monday and has referred the findings to an independent commission. The charges relate to a nine-year period from 2009.........'
  3. Some ManC fans are a bit miffed that the game didn't go all their way and was not 0-6. Ignore them, if they are talking about the pitch it is a sign we played pretty well.
  4. What I mean is he looked unprepared mentally to come on, tentative with that collision. Understandable, 99.9% of keeper subs spend the game day dreaming.
  5. The full stadium looked fantastic on TV from the studio angle. Thought their no.2 keeper was a bit dodgy, sub keepers never really expect to get on the pitch. Shame we couldn't test him a bit more.
  6. Remember this above. The rivalry with Rovers is just a good laugh these days, our team, stadium and support is on a different level. If ManC played Rovers they would tear them apart with the U18s. I am not even going to look at Gaschat. We need to look up not down, learn from tonight. The movement off the ball by ManC was brilliant and Foden was class. Proud of our club to compete until so late in the game.
  7. As others said before the game, losing 3-0 felt like the limit to feeling ok about going out. A shame we didn't get a goal to cheer, we did create chances against a club team with a better line up than most teams at the world cup finals.
  8. I can understand some criticism, we just want the best from our team. It is tough though, the Manc movement off the ball is on a different level to most games we play. We look better with the ball than without but the physical toll of chasing the runners is starting to tell. We need some time on the ball and some injury breaks to catch our breath.
  9. Here's one for them - 'for companies like ESPN this is about as close as they will get to ever being a station that knows anything about football'
  10. You look at that team and realise how much of elite sport is in the head. You cannot afford to be intimidated by that line up or you have lost before kick off. Good to have Nige as the boss in this sort of situation, seen it all before.
  11. To be fair the costings are all worked out. 7% = add Row M to the 4 man tent plus Championship ready drainage to take away the water from the leaking Championship ready sprinklers.
  12. I assume you take the word City then change the c to an sh? Doesn't bother me, the league tables make me feel better if anyone mentions their name.
  13. Unfortunately this is probably only going to add a sequel to the existing nightmare!
  14. That ABBA song reminded me of how I failed my history O Level exam. I spent 2 years dreaming about a girl in class who was the double of Agneta (the blonde one). She sat one row of seats forward in the eye line of the blackboard, no contest. Hope you are keeping well Karen, you are forgiven. My usual sporting dream involves turning up at the ground only to find I have left my kit at home and so not allowed to play. More of a nightmare really, I assume someone will explain all that to me.
  15. Hopefully not sat in puddles of spilt beer like I did on the club dancefloors of my youth. Not a good look. Never again!
  16. Nice to have this thread but I hope we all just enjoy this spell one game at a time. I may be wrong but didn't our last good cup run end with a poor spell afterwards in the league? Even more reason to win in the cup this time and keep the bubble intact.
  17. Met him on a VIP day, very nice chap. Condolences to his family and friends.
  18. Just to add, pundits escape my annoying voice rules as they only chip in now and then. Nevin on R5 is usually very fair even when talking about Scotland and is generally a positive observer who doesn't just pick holes and criticise all the time.
  19. As I mentioned on the Motty thread, to become a favourite of mine a commentator needs to have a voice and accent which is easy on the ear. This might sound controversial but for me that tends to rule out some (only some) of the female commentators as their voices can get a bit shrill in a noisy stadium in a key moment. Having insulted half the population I won't insult most of the rest by saying which regional accents I don't like but generally something neutral is easiest to listen to. I haven't answered the question but those are my thoughts.
  20. Thanks to those who put me right! Could Pring do that job? (getting in behind the full back)
  21. I would also add the Mehmeti might offer something different. Prem defences are used to defending a passing game in front if them. Get Mehmeti into a position where he can get to the by line and pull it back.
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