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Open End Numb Legs

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Everything posted by Open End Numb Legs

  1. Hi, I use that name because as a child I used to watch in the 70s sat on a stanchion and that is one of my memories, getting numb legs. Are you saying that causes offence? That is obviously not the intention. I will think of something different if needed.
  2. That is a terrible error posting that. No matter what happens in sport you can't be saying things like that.
  3. He will be cancelling his hotel cancellation...
  4. I was wondering if that was a gloved hand DF was shaking so checked out the left hand. Zooming in, there appears to be bright green nail varnish involved?? Club colours I guess, fair enough.
  5. That might explain the Ashton Hero name he/she gave themselves originally. Surely he would have better things to do though? If not, he should have.
  6. Looks like the linesman made the mistake, he would have been looking along the line and spotted the punch, the refs eyes would have been following the ball which was a fair distance from the 'action'. You can see how it could have happened as both forwards were in the same line of sight for the lino. A laugh at the officials I guess but as others have said the guilty player should have owned up. Lucky it didn't affect the result.
  7. It is obvious what is going on with this thread - up until recently we have been having a great laugh at everything that is Rovers. Along comes someone talking nonsense about something irrelevant from 20 years ago, they go on and on about it, drag in a lot of attention. We then forget about all the chaos north of the river. It is classic distraction technique! I think we need to get back to having a good laugh about them. Plenty of material to work with ?.
  8. He travelled around quite a bit so could be a fan of any league club, had a decent career. Unfortunately for you he couldn't follow Rovers in the league after retirement though as they weren't even in the league! ?
  9. I did warn you a few days ago that you were up against some very well informed people on OTIB and you wouldn't win any arguments on here......I wouldn't try to and I am a City fan! You should have quit while you were....well, behind, rather than way, way behind.
  10. I don't follow Everton's fortunes but I am assuming that by the time the new manager is in place the transfer window will have closed?
  11. All sounds very parish council meeting. 'You don't have the right !?'
  12. My in laws met Frank at a hotel in Liverpool last year. Apparently very approachable and easy to talk to. I hate the selfie culture but they said he did all that stuff with no complaint. With no real management pedigree though, it was always a gamble by Everton. Back to TV then.
  13. We should be careful though - they have an ethos apparently. Have we got an ethos? It sounds important. I hope we haven't lost it somewhere. Maybe it has fallen under a seat.
  14. ? Please explain which ethos that is, the plucky underdog or the massive top 6 club? It seems to change from week to week. Honestly, I am trying to do you a favour here, just stick with underdog. The Boca Juniors tag is too much of an open goal on here.
  15. Er, yeah of course, we are all distressed by a football match 32 years ago involving a team that has given us so much humour since. It is as if an old comedy genius say, for example, The Two Ronnie's, cracked a bad joke in 1989 and we haven't been the same since. No, all the other great laughs they gave us made up for it. I am not sure why you are still here, you keep saying 'it's only a game' or something then try to make out there is trauma from 1989. Look, by all means support Rovers, they are your team, fine, no problem with that. Get them promoted, build a new stadium, get a manager who has earned some respect. When you have those boxes ticked (these things take time), you will have fair and good reason to try and be a noisy neighbour. Until then, to wind us up will be like trying to push water up a hill.
  16. Hang on a minute, how can they say that when we are told that Boca Juniors play in Bristol? I suggest they were just being polite and didn't want to hurt your feelings, very thoughtful of them.
  17. Mmmm, nice red seats..... It would have helped your case if you had edited out the top tier there.
  18. Save yourself any more embarrassment, stop clutching at straws. There have been many articles written about our owner and how he has built up not only BCFC but the rest of the Bristol Sport setup too. It is a shame your owner can't spend that sort of budget for you but that is just the way things are in life sometimes. These things take money, not just time or cashing in on someone elses misfortune. FFP dictates how the football will work out for us. If you want to talk about past wins over City it won't end well as there are many people on OTIB with better memories than me who will put you right. You would be better off spending your time listening to the appeals from help from your club for retired trades people to help out at the ground. Spend your time there instead, turn off the broken hose pipe and get Barton to blow his hot air on the mud. Do something constructive, most smaller clubs only function with volunteer help. You won't win any arguments on here.
  19. As if having the games at Forest Green, Cardiff and Newport also being still on wasn't a clue, the rare event of City and Rovers playing at home on the same day makes it worse as they can't say 'City would have postponed too if they were home'. The forecast is for 5 degC by 2pm. Let's assume they don't have under pitch heating. Why are the non league games able to be played?
  20. I don't see anything suspicious here. If they couldn't get the tent pegs into the frozen ground what else could they do?
  21. The top picture is an all time favourite of mine. If you ignore the Bristol rivalry and forget Rovers for a minute, there is so much going on to enjoy when you zoom in. It is a masterpiece, almost a parody from the Mike Bassett film. First the road they are on. No one in sight, a real tumbleweed moment, not even a stray dog. It is as though aliens have kidnapped the population. The lack of public has clearly affected those on board. Even the photographer has given up. The glum faces remind me of a long delayed flight home from a holiday. Phones are being scrolled in an attempt to relieve the boredom. I expect there were a few fans to cheer them up just around the corner, but in this photo I actually feel sorry for the players, whoever arranged this should have limited the open top part of it to a very short route that guaranteed someone to wave at. Or maybe they did...
  22. I might have the same programme in the attic somewhere. My parents sometimes checked out those nice sofas at Gardiner Haskins on the way to the game but I just wanted to get to the ground and feel the atmosphere. Note the state of the pitch in the photos - ref the quagmire thread - and remember we had one of the best pitches around back then. At ground level you could see a lovely shallow dome shape to it, not sure if Desso pitches need that these days.
  23. I have only met one professional manager. Our sons played in the same cricket team, I won't say who because you will all know him. He was engaging and happy to talk about how tough managing is, in fact he told me his son would not be encouraged to go near any professional sport which was sad to hear and the reason I won't name him out of respect. I will say he was never a City manager but is fairly local. The constant travelling, weeks away, pressure to succeed, media grilling. The highlight was the 90 or so minutes when, hopefully, you could enjoy just the game. This was at a time for him when he was successful! Unfortunately he didn't have any time for fans and forums. His view was that the vast majority of opinions was based on rumour and conjecture which was completely untrue. He understood the passion and reason for forums but there were too many keyboard warriors for his liking. He said something like, you just have to be in it to know what it is like, you can't tell from the outside. Quite sobering talking to him and probably why I do have sympathy for those in the spotlight.
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