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Open End Numb Legs

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Everything posted by Open End Numb Legs

  1. It hasn't been a great Christmas, covid, water leaks, bad backs, broken cars, plans ruined, but the final score last night did cheer me up. @ In the Net - hopefully your very welcome news puts the game last night into context, good luck with the ongoing checks.
  2. Merry Christmas everyone and thank you for your warm welcome to me, joining the forum this year after years of lurking.
  3. Looks classless gloating over Mbappe, perhaps he should remember who put 3 goals past him in the game.
  4. Wizzard wrote a Christmas song a bit like that. I can't see it ever happening, leaders like him fail to realise they are only custodians of the position and seem to think they need to change something, everything. He will be talking 10 a side for 80 minutes next.
  5. I had never heard of him before, hopefully that means my life is on the right track. I would like to know why he was allowed access to the pitch and players by Fifa. What is the relevance? There are so many other people more deserving than a self publicist that could have enjoyed these moments in Qatar.
  6. I don't think I have seen anyone ever say they didn't appreciate Maradonna as a footballer, just those saying he was flawed. That is fair comment whether looking at photos of him claiming 'that goal' or his lifestyle in retirement. Such is the challenge of fame and many have suffered the down sides.
  7. It has occurred to me since the final that although I wanted France to win, by Messi playing such a key role and Argentina winning he will remove the gloss off of Maradona, a good thing. Those Argentinians who remember both will say to their children, yes Maradona was a great player but Messi did it the right way.
  8. Quite a bit in the media today about celebs trying to get a piece of the reflected limelight during the tournament and particularly after the final. There are so many hangers on at these events, I am fine with close family getting on the pitch afterwards but just when the players should be enjoying the moment and soaking up the atmosphere they get jostled by B list nobodies wanting a selfie and politicians wanting some good publicity. A bit like an F1 grid walk. I am not a tennis fan but they do a good job of thanking umpires and ball boys/girls rather than letting the celeb culture rule.
  9. At least Messi isn't an out and out cheat like Maradona so if people want to give him that title then it sits ok with me. This tournament Messi has literally walked through most of the games which is understandable but his balance on the ball seems to defy physics sometimes and the weight of pass is still sublime. I simply can't like south American teams though as the culture of diving and faking injuries is endemic and bad for the sport. For all the good skills Maradona had, that one bad moment completely undid everything. I admit being old school but that's just the way it is for me.
  10. I would rather see a different way of deciding it, e.g. give the ball to the attacker 30 yards out and give them 10 seconds to score, keeper can do what they like. I know this has been discussed before but maybe they could trial it. Maybe they have.
  11. Good time for the flood lights to fail and not come back on.
  12. Will Messi's legs last? I know he walks most of the time but.... If France win this the talk of a virus will presumably go away.
  13. 3 times now the ref has blown too quickly for a French free kick when they have a break on.
  14. Ok, here we go. France will be frantic, Argies will do anything. Edit - get in.
  15. I still think France will have a good spell at some point, if they can take a chance the Argies will revert to type and be negative. Trouble is the French defence is full of holes.
  16. France look like they had a very long and lazy lunch with a bit too much vin. Dembele gets the 1st half crook, not surprising. This will not please the England players who will think they could have done better.
  17. Pitch looks rough in the penalty areas, re turfed in the right hand end? Not great for a WC final.
  18. Agreed, treat world cups like a fine wine, judge them after a few years. With some nice cheese. Maybe some cold celery or red grapes. This is making me hungry...
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