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Open End Numb Legs

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Everything posted by Open End Numb Legs

  1. Watching at the time, I was so shocked he didn't score it took me several seconds to appreciate the quality of the save. I know Max isn't perfect but some of his shot stops this season have been world class. If that save was made by a top PL keeper it would have been talked about a lot more.
  2. I can imagine a conversation between their defender and manager after the game. Something like:- 'Hey boss, another thing, remember you told us that Mehmetti would always cut onto his right foot before crossing or shooting.....?!'
  3. I look back at yesterday, had to do some difficult DIY at home, a bit out of my comfort zone TBH. Watched the City win and afterwards the feel good factor carried over into my DIY, holes were patiently drilled and levels carefully checked. Thanks City, your win and general performance lifted my spirits and contributed to a decent job.
  4. To Port Vale and back on your day off to see 2 shots, neither on target.... Can't see their away support improving after that.
  5. Breaking news.....they have had a shot. It didn't go in. More of a promotion pull than push.
  6. 62 mins, no shots yet. The Vale keeper might as well nip down the pub for a bank holiday pint.
  7. That was the sort of foul the refs were supposed to be clamping down on. The defender never looked at the ball, sign him for The Bears.
  8. I am generally in favour of refs letting the game flow but he didn't want to make the big calls in the box, particularly for us. Not biased, just too passive. As said, would do well with VAR to make those calls for him. Think he will be a bit embarrassed when he sees the coverage, of course, a ref is only as good as their assistants, if they don't step up.....
  9. My West Ham supporting mate (not local) said he enjoyed the match and we deserved it. He does call us 'Bristol City 0' though. Not sure that joke works well now as a WHUFC fan but he is a good mate and watches a lot of football. If he thought we were rubbish he would say so.
  10. Another plus today was again putting pressure on the Sky production team and their perhaps understandable love in with top sides. As others have said, Max was superb. Unlike other GKs, when he pulls off a top class save he just gets up and re focusses, no running around the box, screaming at defenders and high fiving everyone. Thought Vardy did ok, got it on target, just out done by Max.
  11. I am going to err on the side of positivity here and say that most pro success stories depend on a player moving around a bit to other clubs whether on loan or permanent moves. It is part of how they develop and mature as players and people.
  12. Whilst I personally don't have a problem with the Nike cross, to be asked to read anything by Barton on Twitter is completely offensive!
  13. Here's my take having not read the previous pages. 1. I am normally very fussy about these sort of national identity things. 2. For some reason, I don't mind this different cross. Maybe because it is not meant to offend, is clearly just artistic licence and the colours do work well. 3. Is it another case of the media freaking out based on some fans views rather than what the majority think? Blown out of all proportion? Bigger things to worry about?
  14. If they based themselves in Yorkshire they should at least improve their knowledge of club names.
  15. Instead they should get a normal family sized TV and place a giant magnifying lens in front of it. A bit Viz maybe, other suggestions welcome.
  16. I wonder if it needs some sort of crane to lift it, which can't be used because the roof gets in the way? Of course, if they had used canvas, they could have just peeled it back temporarily....
  17. If they don't think they are getting a fair slice of the pie then hand them back.
  18. One of the top 10 rules of being a good manager - when you win make sure you give all the credit to the players. Tick. Great bloke, good to see him well again.
  19. Well, gaps are obviously their speciality. The 2nd one, I assume is a missing mini bus load somewhere from Derby. The 1st one has been explained as where the 'big' screen was before. Will it return? Will the pillars block it? There were rumours that the construction isn't quite to plan so they might have the screen in big Dave's garage but it doesn't fit anymore?
  20. Tough night for the stewards at that end. If you are going to spend 90 minutes with your back to the game you at least want to keep busy looking out for trouble in a packed crowd. One of them has got about 3 fans and a lot of concrete to look at. No excuse for not getting Wordle done.
  21. Is this one of their 'we should be beating teams like Fleetwood' games? Oh, it is Fleetwood.....
  22. It was nice of them to build a better stand for away fans to enjoy an away win.
  23. Bizarre wasn't it? No one queried it live, at full speed. Not the players, officials, commentators or fans close behind the goal. Now the game is over, Kipre must be punished.
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