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Everything posted by RollsRoyce

  1. I would not sack now , no . But I want to see a substantial impact ( not even wins ) before the end of season . Based up to date , I would dump before next season . But he can have another 12 games for his work placement to show he has something worth progressing with . He has been underwhelming. Other clubs would have fired him after the last 2 games . A strong performance against Cardiff and players following his instructions is needed. But it gives you Deja vu when you hear the plan was good but the players did not follow through . We have a few of those t shirts
  2. If we want young and upcoming, put King in charge. He will not be worse. In fact I am almost certain, he would have been a better choice post Pearson. But get Tinnion out
  3. Pearson has gone. Manning is Manning and we have to judge him on his performance in the context of his tenure and circumstances. So far he looks miles out of his depth, but has the opportunity over 12 games to learn and evolve and deliver. But so far, if nothing changes, we need to cut our losses in the summer. He is certainly not what we had hoped for. What we have to avoid is an expensive and time wasting period where the owners try to justify a bad decision by hanging on, only to arrive at the inevitable conclusion. He has plenty of games to show what he can do, and does not mean winning 7 games for example, but giving some indication that he knows what he is doing when the situation os complex and demanding. Thankfully we did not bring him in to avoid a relegation.
  4. So post about how Manning is going to get it right. It is so boring when the only comment is "here we go again" What is it you are seeing that makes you think Manning is the right person. Or your post deserves the same response. Ostrich
  5. That was a very poor performance. Again. 2 sides from the bottom 3, zero points, and dire performances. A week off, players rested, time on the training pitch, and we are even worse. See you in the Prem Tinnion
  6. Down to 10, now surely we can do it. They will sit back. Wde have been better after the changes . We will do this.
  7. Much better after the changes, more intensity. We can do this
  8. Cornick shake em up ! Come on boys we can get back here
  9. We are not ourselves, It is like in In training sometimes you are not allowed to tackle, we are normally biting biting, but we are not there - Naismith
  10. Naismith is saying how it is. Players not showing, no aggression.
  11. Let's see the reaction second half on the pitch. They are certainly a side to beat. Away day win 3-2. It's the hope that kills you
  12. Needs a big half-time sort out by the boss. Players not showing for passes, they are hiding. How can that pitch be up to standard ?
  13. Pitch not helping is it. Well we are back in it, keep it even until halftime and go for it second half after a reset. They are certainly there to beat.
  14. Wonderful headed goal. What a boy Knight is . Getting better all the time.
  15. So any news on season ticket prices ?
  16. By whom ? I loved Nige , would never have sacked him . But I’m looking at Manning and I am deeply concerned . Zero to do with Nige. I am looking at Manning and there is more that worries me that convinces me . Why is Manning being treated different ? He has not got a squad of wasters , has no need to reduce the wage bill by a third , or create a £30 M transfer profit . Lucky for him . He has a different scenario and is judged against that . He has a very different challenge . I cannot see his role remotely comparable to Pearson. I have no idea why you keep talking about Pearson . Manning is Manning . Nige is gone . Manning has run this team for more games this season . I am looking at his impact on the squad . I’m not convinced . I wa t to see much better for the last games .
  17. Manning is very average. That has nothing to do with Pearson. You are obsessed with Nige . Nige has gone , finished . Manning is now.
  18. It’s not bollox though . Pearson has gone but you seem as obsessed with him as you claim WSM is . im struggling to understand what it is you think we should be seeing differently , as many are looking to the future now but you keep looking to the past .
  19. He was not talking about Pearson until someone dragged it up. It is about the future not the past and has been interesting. If you are bored, just block him or do not read the thread. It is a forum for opinions. It is very evident that some get personal, and start using **** or WTF when they are unable to cope with an opinion that is not their own.
  20. I think he makes interesting points, but you keep dragging him back to talk about Pearson. That is also bizarre, as the topic has zero to do with Pearson.
  21. I have never seen him play live, only on video. But a new contract will mean he has built on the promise he has shown and performed well at Newport. He is different to the other young forwards too. I look forward to watching his progress, well done that lad.
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