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Everything posted by RollsRoyce

  1. We look the better side. Typical Championship game though, with lots of bluster, and not so much real quality. But we are right in it, and a win is there for us.
  2. As you rightly state, it is the loopholes causing the issues. Take the Man City use of sponsorship, the initial Chelsea signings on 8 year deals to amortise deals over a longer period (now capped at 5 years). The Derby example of the revaluation of players each year. Which brings us to stadium revenue. `Essentially the expectation is that income comes from 3 streams, tv/media income, matchday revenue and sponsor/commercial. The area being looked at right now is stadium revenue. For example, which would relate to us, why should the football club benefit from using a stadium for rugby? If you have a hotel attached to a stadium, is that football revenue? Why should holding exhibitions in a stadium count as football revenue? Loopholes are where they all fight it out. It is one for lawyers and accountants. For a club like ours, non PP , the tv deal is what? Around £10m a season. Ticket sales and other commercial revenue for our gates? Another £10M . I would guess Us, Cardiff, Coventry with similar attendances will be around £20M in income (I will go check now) from those sources. So where does the stadium company get their turnover from? Rugby ? Concerts? weddings? Why should that count for football FFP? Little guidance in this area.
  3. Turnover is vanity. Look at where the money comes from. The breakdown of the real incoming income, real money coming into the club, season ticket sales, POTD, tv income, and sponsorship. You get nowhere near your (their) numbers. We must be selling a lot of pies or selling intra-group to inflate turnover (and giving subsequent cost base cross charges). To lose £22m with a £30M T/O with a playing staff wage cost closer to £15m than £20m tells you everything.
  4. The issue is less about the player's ability, but the strategy and direction of City. With such a small turnover and losses of £20M plus , again, you cannot flip-flop between developing academy and youth players, or players early in their development, with a player already having a third pro contract and a multi-million transfer. it does not fit. It would be financial suicide. Again. We have already done the Chelsea trio, add in Wells, and that is close to £20M plus wages with zero return. If a player like Twine was of interest, and he was clearly known by the club, then post Swindon was the best time to gamble(as every transfer is to an extent) and at the very worst, when at MK. It is certainly not now. The boat has sailed for a club where our income is low and we we need to develop and nurture. Free transfers maybe, but that sort of fee for a player who is at a Prem club and regarded as not good enough would be a terrible financial error. We cannot repeat this nonsense. The signing of Murphy is a better example of where we need to be, and where we have had some very good success these last few years. The signs are, that we have at least understood this. Twine on loan is a different discussion and would make more financial sense.
  5. You have missed the point completely, which is unlike you. Manning is the wrong appointment if you have to change the squad to"play his way". If true, he was suited to Swansea. If you believe we should be completely changing the club from top to bottom, then you are going to be waiting a very long time for success. Manning should not define the football club. Look at the successful sides and see the difference. We would be doing the opposite. Again. However, the point was about needing to change everything to meet Mannings's needs. I would counter that, by saying Manning is not a one-trick pony, and has shown a pragmatic approach to using the available players. That is encouraging. He quickly reverted the defensive unit back to a more solid 4 after early forays made us weaker for example. Manning, like Pearson, needs a Scott replacement, and some magic in the side (as do 12/14 other non PP clubs) to try and break down the familiar Championship defensive blocks. Not sure we were a shambles when we had a fit squad. We are no longer much of a counter-attacking threat either. The last 4 years were a pragmatic solution to available resources and not the end game. If Manning is to survive and thrive , he will continue to be pragmatic, and compromise to the circumstance. But if we are talking about changing the club philosophy from top to bottom, then go to sleep for a few years as the club flip flop their approach once more.
  6. Then he is the wrong coach for what we need. The overarching principles of how we play are not determined by Manning, or any coach . Thereis a club philosophy that runs from youth teams to first team. So Tinnion made an error in appointing Manning, wrong man for the job if what you say is true.
  7. Deserved the result, second half we were the better side. well done everyone, and hope our fans had a great day out despite the travel issues.
  8. Pring very impressive. Has the attributes to play in the Prem.
  9. What a well taken goal. Conway is the boy. Top level goal.
  10. After the Watford game, there were numerous contributors coming out and stating how well-coached we were, quite clearly suggesting that we were poorly coached before (not a view BTW shared amongst a number of opposing teams we have played) . It was not even Tinnion saying it. So were we as well coached against Birmingham and Milwall, or were Birmingham and Milwall better coached than us? Because one shot on target in 2 games does not look like a well-coached side to me. That is back to the old days of Holden and LJ. We looked anything but a well-coached side in the second half against Milwall. We were out thought and the team and substitutions had no impact as the game was taken away from us. Or does Manning only coach well when we win? It has nothing to do with him when we are awful, when players are also clearly following instructions from the coach. Looks to me like Manning is learning on the job, which is normal, and he also seems adept at doing that which is positive. But some , including Tinnion and the owners are in for a shock if they think Manning is going to transform this squad into something it is not and that we were not well coached and managed before. We were, even with some minor changes to approach by Manning, the overall result differences will be marginal. We are a Scott and Semenyo sized ability short of a full load. We have no magic or stand out players. We are in the mix with the other 10/12 Championship sides who are all much the same. Inconsistent, lacking in real quality. However, if you do not turn up, do not apply yourself to every game, with commitment and desire, in the Championship that gets you into a relegation battle in my view. We will not have that unless we get a lot of injuries as the core ethics are there. It will be interesting to see if we repeat the performance against Watford in a couple of weeks. That will be an interesting test, as it will be one of the games Manning will have this season with a home and away game against the same team.
  11. Based on Semenyo and Scott, Conway entering the last 18 months of his contract will be sold. Who to is a different matter, as he is hardly going to shine as a lone striker, it does not suit him. However, he is well known amongst other clubs, so someone might try for a bargain. If he gets to the end of his contract, it is a compensation situation. With our current lack of options, you would think he will move in the summer, but could we turn down £2/3M in January, as an example? He will not command a huge fee with the way we/he/team are playing right now. Purely opinion, zero factual evidence to back it up, but I cannot see Conway signing a new contract with BCFC. He will get a better deal elsewhere and has shown enough potential that he should prove attractive to a PP club at worst or a relatively low-cost project for a Prem side.
  12. Football is about highs and lows. If all you do is sit in a mid-range stupor of non-events and emotion, well you are in the wrong sport. It is the essence of the game. Of course, you can take the mid term view of things, and managers and the like need to do that. But for fans, that is why we are fans. Hero to zero and back again in 7 days. As an observation, Pep, Klopp, Arteta seem pretty animated to me.
  13. What a question! I mean, finding examples of great success are pretty hard to find, but on the other end of the scale, crap rubbish has been our speciality. Surprisingly so these last 2 decades when we have had "unprecedented backing" by a multi-billionaire.
  14. Until BCFC has new owners, a new recruitment team, a new ceo, new manager and a new energy and direction, it is going nowhere forward. First look at the people involved today, seriously. Can you imagine any other billionaire employing that group of people as their blueprint to get a promotion?
  15. He will be taking the credit for Semenyo next
  16. Not sure why we are discussing Pep. That was not the vision that our Technical Director gave (Ex of X, previously known as Twitter, but now returned after 3 wins, but soon to disappear after 3 losses) on our in-house, pre-planned question interview. Not once did he state we are looking to be a high possession side, building from the back, Mr Tinnion stated that we are already playing, from youth to first team the football he has instilled as the core ethos of the club. And Pep style is not part of that. Far from it. Of course that does demand a subsequent question. Why then did he go out and contract a coach that does not play the type of football he described in the interview? It would be like putting Klopp in charge of Man City and Pep taking over at Liverpool. You can only conclude our Technical director and owners have not got a clue what they are doing.
  17. What is your budget? Are you saying you would have only signed one player last summer? Coventry spent £8m on 2 forwards. I do not disagree with the need, but there are significant financial constraints. I think Nige would have agreed with you, it was obvious we needed to replace Antoine. But it is pretty much impossible with free transfers or a budget of , less say £2m (fee for Knight or McCrorie) . I am not saying there is no one out there for that money, but every Championship club is looking for a £2M forward. You are stating the obvious. It needed a chunk of the nest egg spent on a forward, but that money is not there.
  18. I did not even know he was at Fleetwood. But that must be some record, fired twice in 4 months. Needs to take a huge step back, and go somewhere as a coach/number 2 or academy boss. Never a number 1 in a million years.
  19. An away point is never a bad thing, and after this awful game, neither side deserves more.
  20. A game devoid of any semblance of quality by either side. Lots of running around and commitment, but nothing else.
  21. He is a frustrating player. He has the ability, but his in-game play is very immature. You can see his fellow players throwing their arms up in the air time and again as he misses a pass, takes too long to release. He needs a lot more coaching, and is why his game time since last January has been limited. Bell having some in-game issues himself has made it a tough call between the pair. It is an area of weakness right now. I would expect any January business to address that position.
  22. Any player who reads a fan's forum is insane. They tell you to avoid social media comments in any top-line sport.
  23. You mean he is playing like Mehmeti, he has not changed at all. Just had more game time. Same errors and decision-making, always cutting inside onto his right.. He was doing the same at Watford, but it was masked by scoring a goal. A lot of work still to be done with him.
  24. They already have this. In the early days the PP were to soften the blow on contracts that could not be reduced. Today, it is seen as a way to super boost the chances of promotion back to the Prem. The statistics prove that it is very hard to break into the PP cycle with financial fair play. I still think it is dubious that the competition does not allow any owner to match the payments made to the PP clubs. It is unfair competition.
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