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Everything posted by RollsRoyce

  1. 10 plus easily. They have an international break after this weekend, so they will head into the subsequent games without being deconditioned and having had lots of on-the-grass training. We have a top 6 squad, so will need 10 points from 5 games to reach that target.
  2. Objectively, you are right. But when you say, paraphrasing "It's my money I'll do what I want" then you have made your own bed so to speak.
  3. I am most certainly not a fan or advocate of Bristol Sport. I think it is a pile of BS, a ridiculous cost, with zero benefit. I would fire them all tomorrow.
  4. Conway is out of contract in 18 months. Based on Antoine and Scott, that suggests he will be sold in January if no new deal is agreed.
  5. Not sure uninterested, I rather saw it as a group just starting on a new regime, and having to learn new sessions etc. It is a lot to take on so quickly. As we now know they will have no time off for the next international break, they will have 2 weeks of training sessions, and you would think that will be great for all, as they will get to know each other better, and without games to interrupt the work. It is quite opportune to accelerate that learning.
  6. All looked pretty normal, some quizzical. faces as they start to learn new training routines and sessions. But that is very normal at this stage. Great to see so many returning from injury. With improved key first team players back and available, we should be looking good again. I did not note many of the younger players in the sessions though. Maybe not needed if the injury crisis has reduced?
  7. Yes it does matter whose quote it was. You sought to mislead. If all you wanted to express was that Tinnion was with Probert, there was no need to doctor the official release, you simply had to use the exact text , it is clear that Tinnion was there. The issue is, that you changed a document to mislead. Alternatively, you could have left the quoted words out and just posted "Bristol City Academy Manager Gary Probert, who met Alex and his family along with City Loans Manager Brian Tinnion in Guernsey this week" If your stated intention was to demonstrate that Tinnion was there.
  8. Sorry, but no it is not the same. You have sought to mislead. It is not "literally" the same, if cutting out key elements of the official website release changes the person to whom a quote is attributed to. You have then added text to the quote. You may need to look up what literally the same means. It is similar and doctored. It is very relevant that Probert was there, because he was the person speaking. In the context of the quoted words, it is irrelevant that Tinnion was there. Tinnion was not speaking. Why did you simply not take the words, as published? Why did you feel the need to doctor the article?
  9. Excuse me? Weasel? You purposely added text, and cut off text, to make the quote appear to come from Tinnion. You misquoted. Own your behaviour.
  10. You seem to have a problem with your cut and paste, and strangely you then added some additional text and cut out Tinnion's job title. This is the correct text Bristol City Academy Manager Gary Probert, who met Alex and his family along with City Loans Manager Brian Tinnion in Guernsey this week, said: “During the period of us watching Alex and him training and playing with us he has demonstrated some excellent attributes and potential to further develop in the years ahead. “Most importantly, he has the personality and mindset to fit in at Bristol City to continue to work hard and continue his development. The quote is from Probert, not Tinnion. No wonder you are confused if you are rearranging the text of Bristol City's official web site releases
  11. That's a bit of pot calling the kettle old chap
  12. Why is it accurate? Accurate to support your opinion maybe. But accurate? It is as one-sided as you want to make it, much like some of the other stuff. But as you will then know, if the real truth came out, then the story would be quite different. You do seem to have come alive Sandhurst Red. Got your tank out.
  13. Hmmm but we have done this before, many times. It has always failed. They just fired all of the people who created the platform from Nige, so there is zero continuity. We have thrown the baby out with the bathwater. So if this smacks of having a clear plan, well great, it is the first time in 25 years the Lansdowns have had that, because all I have ever seen is a flip-flop from one plan to another, and a complete ignorance as to why any of those plans have never worked. The reason for that is it would require some extreme self-analysis, and that would highlight where the issues are at Bristol Cty. That you now have Jl and Tinnion inventing the latest strategy, tells me everything. Until we get rid of JL, all of his cronies, and create a world-class recruitment team, Bristol City is going nowhere fast. Manning could well be, after numerous attempts, the one that finally breaks the Lansdown duck of unproven managers having success, but there is a big difference to being an up-and-coming manager dropping into Brentford, Brighton or even Luton (latest obsession) and BCFC. It is the lack of understanding as to why that is the case that will hinder Manning. It is only when BCFC have had stronger character managers have the club has been able to create some success or stability. This is because they can resist the Lansdown-led nepotism and cronyism structure more. But as we have a a squad that is capable of promotion according to BT and JL, then Manning should be an odds-on success with better training, fitness and coaching. Good luck to him, and he will only get support from the fans. No one wants the club to fail.
  14. Indeed, it is wash, rinse, repeat. The Lansdown dream of finding a new young, unproven manager. It has failed every single time, only for more experienced and competent heads to create a team ethic and club culture and drap them back from collapse. it is as if every time he nears a sniff of success, he can forget everything that created it and return to type. Good luck to this chap, never heard of him, but he has two useless support pillars in Tinnion and Lansdown. That is the issue at BCFC. But they get their yes man who they can manipulate, more in their comfort zone. Bless. Bit of pressure having to get a promotion this season though. That was a tough burden to give an unproven young manager. But the 2 really under the spotlight are the Snake and Crayola.
  15. I am throwing in Kevin Muscat Just to be different. Beale has done nothing, apart from lie to the QPR fans (he will fit in well) Eustace had some good things happening with some good loans from the Prem, might be worth a go, Lampard, no idea, loved the player, cannot see what he has done for a club needing someone to play teenagers, a wage budget already spent, a need to sell a player each year for £10m plus and a squad already in place for promotion. Just cannot see Frank falling for that one. Anyone from the lower leagues will be walking into a club with no structure or strategy, and a senior management team who lie, undermine and have no idea what makes a Premier League club. It would be unfair on them. Mark Ashton, when given the chance to choose a manager, did a pretty good job based on the first part of this season. And I dislike the man. But a manager with that type of background would be interesting, someone who has extensive knowledge of what Prem teams and players look like. Anyway, all fun and games, we know how crap we are at recruiting, so this could end up being another in a long line of face-slappers. Imagine, just imagine, that we had limitless money, and we could afford Klopp, Pep, Ange (open your mind) and they come to an interview. The agent has already agreed to the £10m a year salary. And they sit down with Jon L and Slippery Tins. Indeed. I have not looked at the betting list, but I would suggest we will end up with a young "coach" who has minimal experience, and who can be manipulated and will accept input on team selection. We will not bring in anyone who knows what they are doing, as that causes the others at the club to feel inadequate and threatened. Only Jon L could fire a CEO with 25 years top line experience, recommended by Scudamore, CEO of the year, then a manager who had taken Leicester to the top and created a base for a title win, all in 3 months. Nepotism is a very dangerous thing, placing your child in a role they neither understand nor are capable of performing, giving them a feeling of vulnerability as they do not know what they are doing, so they protect themselves with a comfort blanket of yes people, who help them feel adequate. It is sad, very sad to see. Worse though, it is properly screwing up the progress at our football club. Get over it Jon, resign, and go snorkelling.
  16. A bit bored today, but then I heard this on the radio. In between the next manager chat. A great many will never have heard of the song, so sorry. And sorry for the artistic licence that stretches it a bit. But you can get the idea. There's a slippery snake that's going 'round Turnin' the joint upside down, Stool Pigeon, ha tja tja tja He's an old ex-pro that's went away Now he's back, no one's safe, Stool Pigeon, ha tja tja tja "If you wanna squeal", said the BC Board "We can make a deal, make it worth your while" So he told them all and in return He got Nige sacked and Dave transferred And the maximum security Even after plastic surgery "So, go on and squeal", said the BC Board "We can make a deal, make it worth your while" There's a slippery snake that's going 'round Turnin' the joint upside down, Stool Pigeon, ha tja tja tja He's an old ex-pro that's been away Now he's back, no one's safe, Stool Pigeon, ha tja tja tja After all the talk, then they wired him And he took a walk with his previous friends And they joked about the good old days And he recorded it on a reel of tape He caught the mug who did the conditioning And the man in charge of training So the BC Board, they rewarded him 'Cause they like a guy who will stab a friend There's a slippery snake that's going 'round Turnin' the joint upside down, Stool Pigeon, ha tja tja tja He's an old ex-pro that's been away Now he's back, no one's safe, Stool Pigeon, ha tja tja tja There's a slippery snake that's going 'round Turnin' the joint upside down, Stool Pigeon, ha tja tja tja He's an old ex-pro that's been away Now he's back, no one's safe, Stool Pigeon, ha tja tja tja "If you wanna squeal", said the BC Board "We can make a deal, make it worth your while" So he told them all and in return He got Nige sacked and Dave transferred He got a spankin' new identity And a condo' down in Guernsey He bought a plane, a boat and jewellery But he couldn't buy any company There's a slippery snake that's going 'round Turnin' the joint upside-down, Stool Pigeon, ha tja tja tja He's an old ex-pro that's been away Now he's back, no one's safe, Stool Pigeon, ha tja tja tja There's a slippery snake that's going 'round Turnin' the joint upside-down, Stool Pigeon, ha tja tja tja
  17. This is exactly what should have happened if the "health" issue was a worry. Then get him to work on finding his succession man and carry on the exceptional work and strategy, he created. (Not Jon L and Tinnion who are now jumping on it as if they had anything to do with it)
  18. Excellent article. Yes, Lansdown, we are the laughing stock of football. well actually no, YOU are the laughing stock. The club needs new ownership, with a real authentic strategy and a drive for excellence. It is being run by amateurs and nepotism with zero vision or know-how about how to build a football club. It does not need a new manager, it needs to get rid of Steve L, his son, Gavin Marshall, Brian Tinnion, Shaun Gilehspy and all of the nonsense at Bristol Sport. They have had time to deliver and have failed, whilst using the club as their toy. It is now time for competent, professional and visionary people to build a Premier League Bristol City football club.
  19. So what do you think of Garry Rowett? Tins and Jon have it seems decided to appoint him. Is this a manger you will get behind, as you hated Nige. Happy?
  20. This is another in a long line of inept decisions made by the Lansdown family. Presumably, Jon, who only employs his mates and yes men. Phil A went after a few months and now Nige. The only 2 at the club that have a clue about leadership or football. and may have raised questions. Tinnion the schemer has dirty hands on this too. He has previous for that behaviour. Nige, you were not backed despite saving the club from L1, creating a huge transfer profit and finally getting some professionalism into the playing set up. You needed backing not sacking, it is disgraceful. The Lansdowns have a long history of ineptitude in sport, Jon L would never have any position of authority in any business without his father funding it. It is nepotism at its very worst. Nige you got stuck in the middle of it. Thanks for making us a proper team, where there was pride and application, in the most difficult of times. You deserved far more respect than you were given, that is a reflection of the Lansdown family's ethics and ability. Thanks for everything Nige.
  21. An unbelievable decision, taken by people who are are incompetent and have minimal knowledge of football. Nigel Pearson has been treated terribly and undermined in an orchestrated manner. There is a reason BCFC have never been in the Premier League, and that reason is the Lansdown family. The cub needs to change ownership, not manager.
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