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About BeggyBlaggers

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  1. Christs sake Im actually with you on the legalise cannabis for personal use. But its a bit naive and dim to think that once legalised, drug dealers are going to think 'oh eck, best get a job now'
  2. Because 60kilo isnt personal use is it.
  3. Portugal decriminalised the use of drugs, offering treatment and therapy. This was done to stop the rise of HIV and aids, that was coming from injecting drugs. Our country isnt geared up for that because our NHS is buggered and strained through mismanagement as it is.
  4. Whereas i agree with the pharmaceutical side of this......before just bellowing out 'legalise it'. Do some research on Oxycontin - a legal drug. Then go on to look at the opioid epidemic that has ravaged cities like detroit for years
  5. So do guns. Lets get them legalised and make some moonnnnnnneeeeyyyy
  6. If there is to be a positive impact on the club, it can be started by booting manning out and employing an actual manager. A head coach does not work with our setup - the evidence is there from the multiple past failures. Then phase 2 of positive impact is to fire out our Teknical director or side shift him back to his academy/loans role - even make it a direktorship if it makes him happy. Phase 3 of 'operation positive impact' - Lansdown sells to an owner that backs up his ambition of premier league football by employing the right people to get the club there. As for saturday, i will happily sit here and watch us get stuffed if it means phase 1 is carried out.
  7. Think there is a difference to having a liberal 'legalise it' view and drug smuggling.
  8. Im just of the thought that 40 games gone under Manning and there has been absolutely zero sign that it will suddenly improve and we challenge for top 6. There is no substance to the behaviours and patterns he incessantly bangs on about. Be interesting to see a list of managers that walked into a side that wasnt struggling, didnt need much changing YET NEEDED nearly a season of football (and looking like more) to ingrain his style of play and tactics into the players to mount at least a spell sat in the play off positions, let alone finishing in them.
  9. The minute a manager turns it onto the players, saying they have to step up and take responsibility - you know they arent playing for him. It took pearson god knows how long to drum confidence into them - hence the upturn in defensive performances, to now its all back to their fault......bearing in mind Manning doesnt get off his arse to change said tactics and plans, or even try and motivate his players....hes as good as washing his hands of any responsibility. Call me crazy, but you'd think that a good head coach would take each player he has and work tactics and plans to their strengths...... Sooner this textbook exercise coach is out the club, the better. Hes as much personality as my dogs morning shite.
  10. The fanbase spent weeks and weeks yelling from the stands telling cotts to stop playing 352.....and now people want it? How many teams play 352 in the championship?
  11. I expect because hes been there and done it, having a coach undermime the head coach the board identified would be a huge realisation they picked the wrong bloke
  12. After Derby, the lansdown dogsh*t sandwich scoffers were saying its only 1 defeat in 4 league games... Well its 3 defeats in 6 games this season - all 3 we failed to score in. We have conceded 3 goals in 3 of those 6 games - manning needs to realise his behaviours and practises do not suit either the players or the championship. After 40 games in charge, ive seen enough to suggest he is not cut out for the job.
  13. Not sure theres much point in highlighting the 'honours' when the realism is we arent going to win the league or FA cup and since Lansdowns sole ownership in 2002, we have been in the championship 16 seasons - so overall, we are a stable championship club with limited 'honours' to play for. Its a shame the useless ego maniac constantly picks or backs the wrong manager
  14. We are pinning our hopes on Lansdown making the right choice.... The bloke could fall into a barrel of tits and come out sucking on a dildo..... So dont get your hopes up
  15. The only support hes going to get is if he wears a jock strap
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