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Tecknical Director

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  1. Mehmeti over Yu? . what is the ******* point in signing these players if you aren’t going to use them ffs.
  2. *Like? *I’m actually interested and not being confrontational.
  3. Thanks for the reply. I completely agree—Manning seems out of his depth, much like Dean Holden was. It’s frustrating to see the lack of in-game adjustments and tactical flexibility. Honestly, I think the problem might go beyond just Manning. We’ve seen a pattern of managers struggling under the current ownership. Maybe it’s time for a change at the top to really turn things around.
  4. I agree with this @Silvio Dante. I’ve been following our recent matches closely, and I have to say, I’m growing increasingly concerned about Liam Manning’s approach as our manager. The recent results have been disappointing, to say the least, and it feels like there’s a real lack of adaptability in his tactics. Watching the games, it seems like Manning struggles to react to in-game situations. Whether it’s making timely substitutions or adjusting our strategy when things aren’t going our way, there’s a noticeable hesitation. This rigidity is costing us points and, frankly, it’s frustrating to see. I understand that every manager has their style, but the inability to change things up when needed is a big red flag for me. We need a leader who can think on their feet and make the tough calls during the heat of the moment. Right now, I’m not confident that Manning is that person. What do you all think? Are you seeing the same issues, or do you think I’m being too harsh?
  5. I've been reading this forum for years and this post has made me sign up. This is the stupidest post I've ever seen.
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