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Posts posted by westonred

  1. Just now, WRERE said:

    Sky showed an interesting stat. I think it was that we've had 17 games where we've had over 50% possession and only won 1 but we've won 10 where we've had less than 50% possession. 

    Our lack of creativity and quality chance creation is really showing. 

    We are creating lots of chances Blackpool are defending with their lives throwing bodies on the line its not us playing badly its them defnding well

    • Like 2
  2. Without bringing in a CB in the last transfer window i was suprised we let Klose go. He only had another 6 months on his contract left which we paid up so it would have made sense as we were paying him to keep him around 

  3. To me the hightlight of the match yesterday was the amazing bit of skill and trickery Scotty did, twisting and turning away from 3 or 4 players to realease Nakhi to set up the goal for Bell.

    On the EFL programme last night they decided not to show his sublime bit of skilll only to show the pass. If a player from a more fashionable club had done that the studio pundits would have been jizzing, and showing it time and time again

    At least they didnt show us last again this week

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