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Posts posted by westonred

  1. The only one who comes out with any credit is Massengo..  Klose looks shakey, Vyner awful, King's absent Martins not in it Weimann not effective without Semenyos unpredictability up front Not sure Conways quite ready yet. We need a wide attacker like their Miller who looks a tidy signing for them anyone know where they got him ? Yes i know its only a friendly and not many of them 1st choice starters but if we have injuries and suspensions some of this lot dont look good enough     

  2. I like it, I hope it has Red and Black arrows on the shoulders running down the top of the sleeves

    Its very much like the design of a Sampdoria away kit

  3. I can see why clubs wont take up the £20 scheme, loss of revenue but in the end it will price the average support out of going to away games and there will be half empty Away Ends so clubs will lose out in the end.

    Its just another example of Rip Off Britain

    The whole game needs a shake up, the money players are on is ridiculous when players like No Salads new contract at Liverpool is reportedly on £400k a week it will kill off the game in the end because its the fans that have to pay  

    • Like 1
  4. 2 minutes ago, phantom said:

    Great day 

    Thank you to those that organised it

    I kn on here a few don't like a certain initials but it meant a lot seeing so many great friends and all those people who asked after me






    For those that have me on Facebook I've uploaded videos and personal photos 

    Shame i couldn't have made it defo next year

  5. Technically a gifted player that pass he put over for Brownhill to get a last minute winner (forgot who against) was pure magic and like someone mentioned his understanding with Afobe was class. However he doesnt seem to like to tackle or head the ball and will never chase back when to win the ball back when he's lost it.. Overall a very lazy player, a world beater for the 1st couple of games when hes got something to prove then he slips into his comfort zone and appears to not want to be out there ..   

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  6. 8 minutes ago, Northern Red said:

    Can't see where anyone's slagged him off? 

    A few posts back..

    So we get rid of a top keeper and then sign a 20 year French guy with no real experience to go with our other keeper who frankly failed his audition last season , that’ll work 

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