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Posts posted by westonred

  1. After a great performance some people just have to pick on a player to moan about.. Max had a good game so did Memheti and Vyner was good  (all but 1 mistake ) and Cornick never played so whos in this weeks firing line i know lets say Wells

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  2. An interesting fact our average attendance in 12-13 season was 13,448 this current season it is 22,592 an increase of nearly 10k in 10 years.  The supporters have come out and backed the team so to be treated like we have been is an insult and i'm sure these figures will start to drop again until SL emplys someione who has experience in running a successful Football Club

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  3. After nearly 50 years of having a season ticket I will not be purchasing one until things change . The club has lost it community feel and its more like a corporate business than a football club these days and has lost touch with the grass root fans. The club is going backwards after all the hard work NP had put in in recent years. JL is not a leader and clueless about football matters, the very experienced PA found that out and bailed out. BT needs to go back to what he does best, overseeing the Academy he was an awful manager and should not have a say in current 1st team matters and recruitment. With this new TV deal also coming in and games being moved to accommodate TV coverage with matches played at Friday 7.30, Saturday 12 and 5pm then Sunday at 12 and Monday 7.30 pm I cant be arsed to drive up to Bristol 1 hr and 20 min round trip Sunday Lunch or Mon, Fri or Sat night just to accommodate Sky. The football is currently dire and boring 1st shot on target against Swansea in the 70th minute Come on Steve have the backbone to get rid of your Son LM and BT and give this football club back to its supporters by getting in people who know what they are doing Then maybe the S/T sales will increase

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  4. I think we need a total overhaul with JL BT and LM all being replaced BT is good at Academy level but should be nowhere near the 1st team or Recruitment. We need a new CEO someone who knows about football and how a club is run successfully Not JL and BT learning on the job  With these changes people might start taking SL seriously and back him by buying season tickets 

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  5. One question i would love someone to ask SL is and he would have to answer honestly  "If JL was not your son would you have him anywhere near your football club" ?

     I think we all know the honest answer to that 

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  6. I bet SL isnt too pleased wasting all that money on sacking NP and all his backroom staff then paying Oxford compensation to get in someone who clearly isn't ready for the job yet and looks like we will have to pay him off shortly as well.   Well SL if you put you faith in JL and BT this is what you can expect those are the two that need replacing and get people in who know how to run a club properly. We would probably been in the premier league by now if you hadn't wasted so much money  

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  7. 5 minutes ago, GrahamC said:

    Plymouth & Sunderland are both in abysmal form, a team doing well they would relish these fixtures..

    Yes but they will see us a a game they can win and i cant see us getting anything from these games we always bottle games we think are easier

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