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Posts posted by westonred

  1. 8 minutes ago, ziderheadarmy said:

    Were you baffled as stories suggest? 

    I dont see why you think i am lieing what have i got to gain by making this up I am not a billy big bollox story teller trying to get attention if you dont want to believe it thats up to you but anyone who knows me know si am no liar

  2. 18 minutes ago, GrahamC said:

    Urban myth, mate.

    Saw an interview last week with West Brom’s new Chief Exec he said one of the reasons fans were saying their gates were down, was the amount of roadworks near The Hawthorns.

    My immediate reaction was you should come to South Bristol if you want to see roadworks..

    Definitely an area where Gould should be engaging with BCC, North Somerset & Karin Smyth, it is a disgrace.

    It's not mate it is true. I was manager of car park collections for BCC at the time. The day he didnt turn up for work someone from the zoo rang me to ask if i could send another car park attendant to collect the takings as 'Joe Bloggs' hadn't turned up that day. I told him that it was the Zoos responsibility and nothing to do with BCC. I immediatly contacted our Audit department who found out that this guy didnt work for the Zoo and was a fraudster.  I think that BCC and the Zoo are both embarressed about the situation and came up with the story that it is just an urban myth

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  3. 2 hours ago, pillred said:

    Surely BCC could employ 2 men to collect the money on match days (nights) as you entered the park and ride if you were just going to attend the match and give over say 500 spaces in a specific area to matchday parking at £10 = £5000 kerching!

    It doesnt belong to BCC so they cannot put staff in place or collect money The land comes under North Somerset district but part of it is owned by David LLoyd leisure and the car park run by Metrobus this is why it is not being used 

    • Thanks 1
  4. 12 minutes ago, RedRock said:

    No idea how the charging system works nowadays.

    Assume you can catch a bus and get off at the first stop if they are monitoring people leaving the site on foot. 

    Has and, by the looks of things, will always be a monument to the ineptness of public and private sector interests in and around Bristol. Can’t think of any other City, Town, Hamlet in the entire Country that would have a massive car park lie idle which is located a stones throw from a a major entertainment venue. 

    Thought the idea of having a mayor was to bang thick heads together and solve issues like this….clearly, he is as thick as the rest of them involved in this long -running farce.

    You would have thought officialdom would have flagged up these new parking restrictions. Probably the ‘can’t be arsed’ attitude that applies to resolving the LA park and ride applies equally to all parking matters associated with the use of the stadium. 

    I think Colin Sextoy when he was at the club tried to get permission for the Park and Ride to be used by City fans but there were to many obstactles in the way The car park shuts at 9pm so who would pay for the staff to stay on after 9pm for evening games  Also there is the issue dealing with David Lloyd Leisure who own the land BCC NSC and Metrobus this is why it had never been used for stadium parking

    Shame really using those 1,500 spaces would certainly help clear the clogged up streets around the ground    

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  5. 10 minutes ago, The Horse With No Name said:

    It may be me being dim, but what is stopping people doing just that. Surely even if they have multiple cameras, they cant ensure that everyone who parks there gets on a bus.

    There are lots of CCTV cameras monitoring the area incuding the vehicle registrations. They won't be able to catch everyone who walks out of there not using the bus service but probably catch enough to make it a deterrent for others not to risk it

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  6. 19 minutes ago, GrahamC said:

    Well find a compromise then, because it’s virtually empty on a Saturday afternoon & the streets around BS3 are gridlocked.

    It shouldn’t solely be about the council making money, it should be about congestion as well.

    I agree there ought to be a compromise but there wont unless BCC get some payment out of it..  If they wanted to sort out the congestion side of tings they would subsidise the Park and Ride for use by sports fans free of charge on matchdays freeing the streets but will they No

    Also i think one of the problems is the Park and Ride is in North Somerset so BCC have their hands tied

  7. 17 minutes ago, GrahamC said:

    I can’t for the life of me understand why the Long Ashton park & ride isn’t used for match day.


    Because it is a private concern and BCC wont get any revenue out of it and the private company who run the site and the bus comapny are in partnership and only get revenue from people who use the buses to get into town. If people used it for football they would just walk to the ground and no therefore no revenue is generated

  8. It's as if the local council don't want people attending sporting events in Bristol

    What they should do is put long stay P&D machines along there at a reasonable price say £4.00 a day then people wouldnt mind paying that and the Council would get some revenue. The council will say its all about road safety which is bolox it's all about generating revenue from fines and parking charges 

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  9. 7 minutes ago, Top Robin said:

    Pearson has failed massively in one vital area...not improving our defence. 

    Most managers would have targeted that as their first priority.

    As an ex defender he should hang his head in shame at this. 

    Ps he has brought in 5 players so the argument that he is stuck with dross doesn't really stick.

    In Fairness to NP he didnt know that 3 of the 4 first choice defenders would be out for long periods of the season Baker Tanner and Kalas, yes it was a mistake to bring in Atkinson, clearly not good enough. Then he was limited to who was available when he brought in Klose who i think is quality and seems like a good addition to the squad

  10. 18 minutes ago, Akira said:

    Jeez, it's the same old posters that literally have a meltdown if we lose one game. 

    Gets tiring having to defend and highlight the difficulties Pearson has had, which were imbedded deep within the squad/club long before he arrived. The season is a marathon, not a sprint, and we all knew we needed to survive til the summer, which looks like he has now done, so he can clear out a lot of the shite, and if possible, bring fresh faces in. 

    He's played loads of youngsters, which will always lead to inconsistent, poor results. They're young, they'll learn, in time. It also gives Pearson chance to see who can handle the pressure, perform well etc. 

    The call for his head whenever we lose a game is down right embarrassing. Who in earth do we think we are? Seriously, we've got a manager in charge who is trying to instil the right attitude, which for too long has previously stunk at this club. It's never going to happen overnight, especially if he can't get rid of the deadwood/bad eggs. 

    There isn't a single manager out there that would be able to perform better given the shit state the club was in when Pearson joined, along with having zero money to spend due to FFP. 

    I am in the keep NP corner, no manager with the squad he has inherited and the money available could do much better. But i think the Meltdown is jusified and its not just one game is it ? it's the entire season and the inability to win two games on the trot keep clean sheets and play decent football for longer than 45 mins at a time.  However the flak ought to be aimed not at NP but at the Lansdowns who have always tried to run the club as a buisiness not a football club

  11. I think we might take points from Peterborough at home but i honestly cant see us getting anymore points this season the way we are playing other teams all have something to play for our squad seem to be uninterested .  Yes we have been hit hard with injuries again Baker Williams Tanner King etc all out for long periods but the squad is clearly not good or strong enough. Players like Atkinson have been brought in and are clearly not good enough for championship football we need to sign championship quality players not players from lower leagues that we try and sell on at a later date The whole buisiness plan of the club is failing at the moment and one of the Lansdowns needs to come out and tell us supporters what our future plans are so we can either buy into it by buying ST's or not.  Wether we can afford to sack NP is another matter the Compo we would have to pay him would be far better be used on new players. If the club back NP then keep him and let him build his own squad but if the club arn't going to back a manager (whoever he is) financially then no manager can get a decent side out of what we have here at the moment by recruiting 3 or 4 lower league players.  

  12. 1 minute ago, Sleepy1968 said:

    We've spent most of the half either giving the ball straight back to them of playing into blind corners. I think Andy Weimenn is wasted at RWB (or whereever he's actually ended up), but Scott is on a yellow so I doubt if NP will swap them around. AS looks a bit off again. Game there if we can get it together in the second half.

    I would take Scott off for HNM

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