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Everything posted by REDOXO

  1. That bloke Gerry Gow was going to beat the shit out of once!
  2. The only positive from the interview I took was that at least someone said something to a reporter from the inner circle The rest was blah work harder, blah teams try and stop you, blah we need Nigel’s energy, blah, blah, blah! what most of us were looking for was something a bit decisive….this is where we are, this is where we are going! But nope! I am getting more and more of the opinion that SL is talking with one or more buyers for Bristol Sport as yet again this feels like a quiet period. Any word from any of the Lansdown’s could jeopardize further discussions. Thus throwing up someone with plausible deniability if the question was asked (it was not) was the best solution.


    Metaphorically speaking I assume!


    With all due respect yes! Whatever gets served up can not be worse than what we have been put through for years, yet we still take thousands away.


    Not sure Ian could stop talking enough for the players to get out of the dressing room!


    I would pick him up and drive him to Ashton Gate!
  7. I’ll summarize! Dear Jim Er I mean Steve. Could you fix it for us to win a few. Thanks GBF on behalf of everyone!
  8. His brief is to survive. Probably in lieu of a sale or a partner. Mr Lansdown has more than alluded to this already on one of those many podcasts and in the press. The silence again is deafening from those that matter. Its a matter of time now!
  9. https://www.hmfckickback.co.uk/index.php?/topic/194397-taylor-moore/#comments
  10. I was quite literally nauseous at the end yesterday. And am completely crest fallen this morning. Of everything we have witnessed this season that was the low point SO FAR!!! Anyway I keep reading Pearson doesn’t know his best team. Just to keep up with the injury list williams Semenyo Baker king James atkinson Cundy Conway Anyone else?
  11. Succinctly put! Apparently not. Good Point. To help you out It’s Steve Lansdowns fault (mostly) it’s also Lee Johnson’s fault, it’s Mark Ashton’s fault, it’s Nigel Pearson’s fault, it’s Jon Lansdowns fault and occasionally Dean Holden’s fault. Mostly individual players are not at fault as most don’t name the players that they consider are not good enough, but it most definitely is not Dan Bentley’s usually unless he has made a ricket that has cost us points. My personal scapegoats are the entire squad to a greater and lessor degree who are spineless as a collective not withstanding the odd individual backbone. I would look toward the players that came over to the supporters yesterday and clapped them as the ones with at least the essence of a few vertebrae However I would be thinking those that went into the dressing room and those who run the club, who are hiding from everyone as challenged in that area. I suppose hiding is learned behavior that effects the spine!
  12. Why I hung on to my 50 shares. He’s just the majority shareholder.
  13. People knocking Weimann with the ‘he runs around a lot’ tag is laughable when that really is part of the problem. We have nine out field players that don’t run around enough. It’s why we get passed through so much. Ten effing men just beat us 3/1 in 45 minutes as they had more stamina and nouse than an an entire team. We can’t even track players or run back marking them. What shit is this.
  14. I’m not going to get to much into it. But they are second in a league where at least six clubs would **** us everyweek.
  15. He’s worse than Vyner at the moment? Please!
  16. Thank you Private Frazer. Not backing Cotts is a subject a few on here know something about. God knows what the issues were. But as I remember it SL didn’t like Cotterill’s offers for Gayle and the other bloke. It all went bad from there and we ended up trying to sign Sack Cloth as a striker. LJ was as inept as it got. Except for Holden of course.
  17. Taylor Moore gets an assist in a 5/2 win. I can see someone coming back here come January!
  18. Oooh the early 80s just for starters. Of course the administrators helped with that. At least a couple of times since then. Most of the time it means nothing just people blowing off steam. However from a personal perspective this is the maddest I’ve been this season. Wtf. Last minute goals to against Forest, but a 45 minute shitfest where we lost 3/1 to ten men. Ffs!
  19. Exactly. The sack the board mentality is alive and well on this forum. Change of ownership means a willing buyer!
  20. ?? I have no doubt this is true. Ably assisted by Holden and Jon Lansdown. However until a deal goes through to buy Bristol Sport nothing will change. So we best all buckle up and pray an Asian/Middle Eastern businessman/consortium buys it all!
  21. I think they are sent out with shape etc etc etc etc. However they get pulled around bullied and out played because some are simply not that good or don’t care enough or both Particularly in the center of the field. We don’t create much and Kalas is left trying to hold it all together with a constantly pressured back four. We need battlers with a bit of skill, what we have is fairies with limited pride. ODOWDA is defensively poor. HNM adds nothing except the odd drag back. Bakinson couple of great passes today, shame about the other 88 minutes. DeSilva is a waste of a wage. Vyner looks good until he effs it up. Our center forward has the pace of a sloth. Williams is ducked constantly. As is Baker. I could go on and on. We have Bentley Kalas Weimann who put in the effort and are good enough. The two League one signings are constantly under pressure but try at least. Maybe next year. I guess they will look good in league one.
  22. You maybe right. But it was worth a shot. What’s the weather like in the Caribbean right now?
  23. Personally I don't go along with anything that implies that Lansdown doesn't care. He does, however we are a strange club. The board of directors is a sham. The decisions that matter (not everyday) are made by one person. But being as we have had 4 years in the last 111 years in the top flight I suspect it wouldn't have made much of a difference. We are what we are, a backwater football club that top managers threaten their players with loans to and I am beginning to think SL is not capable of changing that!
  24. At HT I said to Mrs Oxo, we are one nil up and playing ten men. ONLY WE COULD MESS THIS UP! And it came to pass! I tweeted Twentyman 'I feel sick' at the final whistle, then I tweeeted it to Jon Lansdown... This season has been one kick in the guts after another. Personally I think Pearson has taken on Ashton, Holden's LJs SLs and JL's poison chalice and he knew it. Our injuries are mounting up again, we are putting our hopes in players across the club who seem helpless and hapless who can not run, shoot, pass, tackle or have any basic technical ability! After that and the meaningless post match presser I'm glad I have two weeks off!
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