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Everything posted by REDOXO

  1. Beep Beep Beep Beep Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  2. YES, he has! The constant bigging up of this boy gets right up my nose. If he is anywhere near the team from the start or as a sub we will concede goals. He looks good with some aspects of his play but he is part of the problem not the solution....I know this is an unpopular view and I'm not picking on him anymore than the other crap we have in there but he is a youngster playing in a crap midfield that will provide little in a battle....
  3. The rumour is he’s close to a deal. Which if true would explain the silence.
  4. Not sure that’s fair. I referred to the aggressive thread that already exists which in of itself shows I’m not speaking on behalf of everyone. I guess you (plural) read into things what you will and judging by the likes etc I am obviously expressing thoughts agreed by some/ many!
  5. Yeah. I’m a bit more than disappointed too. But i was trying to take the right tone. The lunatics can shout into their keyboards the rest of us like yourself need to keep our heads. But to be clear we are awful. :laugh:!
  6. I know you and Mrs L do pop in here fairly regularly. I also note another thread that starts in a frustrated manner. Yes we are a disappointed bunch right now. Things are not going well on the field in several areas, we are a bit/a lot shot shy the midfield can not retain possession and the forwards have nothing to work with and are just hoping for defensive mistakes Not great. However The manager is doing what he can with what he has been given and I suspect we are not far away from a couple of new faces from the academy starting soon Just keep with the plan. Pearson is the right bloke for this job at a club where Pep would struggle right now. Its going to be a fight over the next few months and hopefully we can gather a 16 that are up for it from within and perhaps spend a little cash when allowed.
  7. What a mess, anyone talking about rebuilds and transfer windows needs to read that spreadsheet. God Pearson has inherited/taken on a problem. The wages being pumped out on that lot must be obscene.
  8. Yes I wrote something similar recently. @Davefevs you know this stuff who is OOC at the end of the season? Atkinson and Tanner are here for a while as is Weimann and Baker has 18 months. However the wages of those Mentioned in your post must be massive. Movement is clear and This will be a part of bringing the costs down toward a break even level. Pearson took on the poison chalice, that has one thing going for it, it’s youth policy. The thought of any midfield with HNM in it when either defending our goal or getting a late one is vital fills me with trepidation, this goes for Bakinson too. Vyner was shown up by just the merest nudge by Deeney yesterday and My mum has more pace than Martin. Buckle up City fans. We are in trouble all over.
  9. Yes I nipped out to The Rams Trust site....Nearly all of the questions come at it like they are in some kind of battle with an idiot organization that hates them for no apparent reason....Brushing over millions of unpaid taxes, failure to submit accounts with multiple rule breaches a ground that doesn't belong to the club anymore and being in administration....WOW! Donald Trump should run for MP for Derbyshire with that level of Cognitive Dissonance.
  10. I added to the previous post as Hxj's view is different and he knows loads more than me.
  11. Exactly, with your last sentence.... I'm just saying that right now the players have to be paid. Paying the players income tax must be part of the players wages, as such HMRC must be currently being paid on current wages. The 25m is for previously unpaid... HOWEVER if HMRC is not being paid currently then yes that should trigger the deduction as its the players taxes as such their money........Nevertheless, @Hxjwho has infinitely more knowledge says that it does not mean that and the Inland Revenue may not be being paid....WOW. What a mess....
  12. Thanks Lads. Yep I was a member of their board for three years (well before this hit the fan) for a number of reasons, but got kicked off! ok here we go! Ok so the administrator will be publishing figures and unless there is something strange going on they must be what is being handed to the interested party’s. Who obviously will be doing their due diligence internally prior to a Letter of Intent. Do we know if they have received a LoI? Yes the appeal always looked a Hail Mary to add some value, however it was sliced. Yes interested party’s is a very loose term. I’m interested in lots of things! I suppose it goes back to my previous comment about an LoI. Also what is in the minds of the purchaser. Some might like to rebuild a club and not bother with all of the current charade with appeals or over paid players and huge debt to HM GOVT. The idea of appeals could be completely flawed, but the administrator gets paid either way. Ok so if I’m understanding correctly Derby start next season minus three if wages are not paid to players. I guess the income taxes are a part of that, so we can all assume HM REVENUE are getting paid players taxes and NI contributions. we are unclear as to FFP Penalty up to this point as it’s only Morris that has mentioned the number. The EFL are negotiating further with administrators, however there is nothing more sophisticated than leverage, so I would suggest the EFL could end them at any time and are only in them to try and give the administrators a fighting chance of them selling the club (Derby fans take note) So to be clear @Hxjthe missing three years accounts to the EFL is this another points deduction issue, or does this form part of the administrators negotiations? Thanks all this helps and anyone can pop in to this thread and know where we are at from here.
  13. We will stop shortly. But oh effing yes. A judge elected on political grounds is in no way ever going to give you skewed decisions! There is a 3/6 majority of Trumpian **** wits in a co equal branch of government. Its just another example of the fallibility of a hacked constitution that politicians judges and the media project infallibility on, on a daily basis. Meanwhile we gonna win today?
  14. I mainly live in the USA, the concept of natural justice is a completely different animal here. As you my know. However what will happen is branches of local, national and corporate government will hear appeals on the basis of someone at a higher level does not ‘like personally’ the earlier decision and not on the fallibility of an earlier ruling but not hear them when the shoe is on the other foot. The concept of The Supreme Court here gives the Prolls the idea you can keep appealing decisions because you don’t like the earlier decision all the way up as The SC is rarely seen to say we can’t hear that as the decision was not wrong and their is no new evidence. However Plucky little Derby bless them could use a couple of those guys at the EFL justifying themselves.
  15. Unfortunately he has been awful since Afobi got injured. He reminds me of a dreadlocked Tony Dinning that’s blocking the path of one of our kids, who would be equally useful as a bench sitter. For the love of god I just got a vision of Engval. LJ did buy some shite.
  16. A peak at the books. Has anyone had one of those since 2017? :laugh:! I do take your point, that an entity that is considered serious in any MnA will assess the financial data provided and reach a decision based upon book value AND strategic value in many cases. The purchase of Derby County would be considered a strategic in most people’s view as clearly the current suitors in all cases are looking to own a football club in a certain division with a past and not trying to buy just the book value. Derby would not have the ability to be broken down and sold piecemeal unless the club would become defunct which pretty much leaves one reason to own them….Because you want to! NOW as I have taken a few days off from this god forsaken place (the whole of OTIB not just this thread) what is the summarized state of play @Mr Popodopolous @Hxj Dave Fevs AND anyone else? oh and @Mr Popodopolousi was banned over there too. 1 Does anyone outside the club including all prospective buyers the EFL HMIR etc know anymore about the real financial situation at the club now and over recent years? 2 Do we know for certain there is an appeal regarding a perceived Force Majeur and that Derby are claiming that Covid is responsible for its fall into administration? And what are their chances (personally I think that’s a Hail Mary unlesS the EFL have something in their rules that states this may be considered a factor) 3 How many prospective purchasers are there? 4 Derby have a suspended points deduction as I understand it plus a further points deduction possible for not providing their accounts to the EFL where does that stand? All answers and other summarized detail would be great as this thread is multi faceted and most will find it difficult to keep what appears to be one of the great fuckfests of football history straight without regular summaries.
  17. Exactly as you say. It is depressing that so many appeals are even heard by institutions on the basis we don’t agree with the decision and that most people think that disagreeing is grounds for appeal in of itself. Nevertheless I have seen decisions appealed with out grounds at City Councils and internal and external employment tribunals.
  18. Read my response. Clearly you are not keeping up!
  19. There in lay the problem. If you refer to a source and link to it then ok. But In this case the post was direct naming individuals. The excuse being as above it’s already out there. Im not completely sure what already out there means but in this case almost no one on this forum would know or care. However in this case these people have their names put up here in order to justify a cheap response to another poster. In case no one has noticed the atmosphere here and at the WBA Game was toxic and the naming of those guys here in that atmosphere in that context is inexcusable for no reason whatsoever but as a response to a two bit post, they are just employees of the club! Some need to ******* grow up!
  20. I’m not really very comfortable of people’s names put on a faceless forum by a faceless poster. Whatever your rationale for doing so, it is completely unnecessary.
  21. What have the Romans ever done for us? New stands, New bars, new training facilities, New…..FFS I can not be bothered.
  22. We can’t pass that is evident by our possession stats and just watching them try and retain possession. I believe they call that empirical and anecdotal evidence. Bentley boots the ball because of this. Yes it comes back but if he knocks it to one of ours it will go long within four touch’s same net result but ensuring we do not lose the ball in our own final third!!
  23. I don’t know. Here we are again. im completely behind Nigel Pearson as I think he is not the problem, but the nearest thing we had to a solution since Steve Cotterill fell out with SL, which after months of pouting ended withSC being fired and Lee effing Johnson being installed to piss everyone’s money. However 18 games without a home win quite rightly gets people’s blood up. Particularly as we keep throwing away winning positions. Its not disloyalty, its just an effing fact! Bollox about patience is just that utter bollox. As a group of supporters many many have lived and died being patient for this club. Perhaps a little bit of impatience is what we need. Turning in school boy performances and then reading horse shit on here about, premier league club/s in waiting and effing rebuilds is galling. We have have three games of utter gutlessness (I couldn’t bring myself to watch today, so I will go by anecdotal evidence) utter utter garbage. More sackings at the club this week make it pretty clear we are going to be shite for a while longer. But I no longer have the band width for gutless capitulation and that needs to stop by next Saturday at 2-59pm!
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