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Everything posted by REDOXO

  1. Yes. It’s fascinating the depths people will go to ignore the obvious and blame someone else! Cognitive Dissonance at its finest. We wuz framed by The EFL and a cabal of deep state football chairman lead by someone named Gibson guv!


    Everyone has a platform in the internet age! Having supported this club home and away right through from the late 60s until I emigrated, I can say un-equivocally there was a couple of times I was bloody happy that they were there. Self fulfilling prophecy maybe but there have been some real nasty attacks. FFS Millwall went as far as to drop concrete blocks on us and turned up on a Friday night looking for trouble not long ago Yeah it is a bit of a shit article in a week where there is no football as I implied earlier. But there it is. There is still a group that call them selves The CSF but does anyone really care outside of a bored journo at the post!? Has starting any violence been attributed to The CSF in recent years? I honestly don’t know!!


    I hate International week too!
  4. Forbes Phillipson-Masters was always a fave of mine. Did he not appear on Skinner and Badeil wearing a top hat and monocle
  5. This thread has cease and desist all over it! For the record. I met Jackie’s first Mrs dozens of times. She was a Pan Am flight attendant. Lovely girl!
  6. Chris Martin is an international footballer and a very good player. Anything written on here that’s negative about the fella just emphasizes the amount of numpties that this place gives a voice too!
  7. Didnt know he was Irish? I guess I have a few years on you!
  8. I like the clock there. It explains why we drive on the left!
  9. Yep I agree with all of this! Wells dropping out before KO worries me!
  10. Gibbo and SL are tight as Chairman. (In the familiarity sense) Both former or current channel island tax exiles, with a sense of right and wrong and a sense of their hometown. Both have spoken out to be ignored by the wider football world, however an epidemic that no one two years ago saw coming has changed everything and made them seem like clairvoyants. Problem is that current contracts still stand. As Nathan Baker and Andy Weimann have found out new ones are much reduced. Wage deflation is here unless your in the top six. But it’s only a matter of time that Barcelona and Real Madrid are joined by a Spurs or an Arsenal. The hope of the Super League will not go away for those clubs!
  11. I do agree with you on SL and his check writing. However he appointed the guys that made the purchases backed them to the hilt and Signed off on the contracts. Mr Lansdown is well aware of his culpability in the over spending, but he also stands up and takes responsibility! Which is where the difference lay between the two gentlemen. It also helps that SL is massively more wealthy and is handicapped with a fraction of the hubris of MM. TO your general point, MM has put Derby here and as such I have little sympathy with anyone and football spending is insane. Truth be told we were lucky to have so many out of contract in June. The natural attrition was a bit of a god send financially
  12. About twenty minutes later he broke his leg poor bugger. It was hilarious when he did that(the shrug) And we won 2/0. Good day! (And we all sang, bring on the dustbin while the bloke was on the floor. For the song theme. Bless him). Tell kids today and they would be traumatized for years. Going away with City could be hectic too!
  13. What an excellent idea. Of course a massive pain in the arse, but as no one at the club seems to care about the quality of the service despite numerous complaints and have consequently pushed everything back to the service managers I think it could be called for!
  14. The devil is always in the detail. I suspect more will be revealed when the back accounts are at the EFL. IF I am following correctly, The board Of Derby have agreed the accounts pre Covid were not in order and there may well be another four point deduction looming. Or am I wrong about that?
  15. Thank you @Norn Iron that’s good of you. The only thing I can say at this point is WTF!! It says right on it for any issues for the App only contact XXxxxx and I was referred specifically by Jerry to the FAQs. I would again ask that the mods if they would allow a pinned string regarding bctv as there service is just ridiculously poor. And missing the match particularly because of audio faults has been endemic for years! Also can this be bought up at the next supporters trust meeting with the club.
  16. https://robinstv.bcfc.co.uk/faq/ After much Gnashing of teeth and cries for help over an extended period, multiple threads and matchday moans etc Jerry has given the clubs definitive answer to what to do when the TV and audio don't work on his Ask The SLO section. Contact these people as soon as a problem is noticed (BELOW). For those asking for refunds they will only been given if these people are contacted and there is a record. Its no use contacting anyone at BCFC as they will never get back to you and refer you to Them eventually (after years of groans)....HOWEVER this is just for the App! I'm not completely sure what that means if you don't use the App. But I do almost always so I will leave it to others to ask those questions. However this inbox should be monitored on matchday is what I am advised! The full FAQ's as above. I'm not sure if the mods feel this is worthy of pinning at least for a while I will leave this to @Dollymarie @phantom but it might really help everybody. (if you wish to alter my comments I am fine with it, just trying to help) supporterservices@bristol-sport.co.uk
  17. Yes Now they have those natty little crowns etc, its not immediately obvious! However welcome to OTIB circa 2001
  18. Mmm if you are not. Derby fan then clearly I was?!
  19. Like the anecdote. The non knee cap version would be to be top of the creditors list I guess. Good luck with your club. As much as people are wound up about this most accept that the supporters are pretty helpless. It seems the Mel til I die contingent are diminishing fast Which I think helps with the image. Hey from a club that has spent a lot of time in divvy three, it can have its compensations, if the administrator can get the club sorted enough for an interested party.
  20. I would get your head down Pop. The scenarios are endless! The idea of a transaction even for a pound happening prior to the administrator extracting the maximum for them selves/doing their due diligence is laughable. This could be over without cash and a willing buyer in days! Who the hell wants a club and stadium if the new variants start rearing up!
  21. I try not too. However as has been said many times forums do tend to be a decent cross section. As for Villa, who knows what will happen unless they get relegated and the four years of we dun nuffin wrong gov out of Derbyshire will ensure that everything gets looked at in that light.
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