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Everything posted by REDOXO

  1. I think we are starting with Boro. Again there is no protection from the corporate veil now. Even approved accounts will be trawled through. Watch this space. Keep in mind there is prize money for league places too. FYI As I was having my rant you posted about Boro doing what I thought. Bet Gibson is on his hotline to Lansdown giving it loads as we speak.
  2. I’m not sure of how far back the EFL will can go once they are inside the books but quite apart from Wycombe becoming a creditor, PNE and Middlesbrough will be looking closely as they would have been in the play offs in a couple of seasons. The manual manipulator at Derby admitting they earned a four point deduction for earlier seasons makes me furious. Edit. I see from Pops post borough have started proceedings! Ffs Derby supporters
  3. They will be relegated one day! Just like QPR
  4. Amazon might want something. :laugh:! This whole shitfest is tiring. So many disappearing up themselves trying to explain away this financial nightmare over months and years. The lies that have been told to cover up years of idiocy are horrific and now a diminishing group of supporters are prepared to keep arguing black is white. The hubris of some on the outside and inside of this is also insane, those on the outside often being egged on by people inside the club. The idea that the EFL are acting against the supporters of Derby County is insane, but they now finally have indisputable evidence that the owner and board of the club have been cheating since 2016 and that cheating has cost the league positions of other clubs (the points deductions would have relegated Derby at least once) this will cause problems for years to come Pick the bones out of this! The EFL having to appeal a decision made by an outside party that effectively exonerated this effed up nightmare of a club! Who on earth thinks that was a good idea! I read a thread earlier on DCFC FORUM about how the rules of the EFL should be changed. Yes they should, to stop a shiester from appealing to external panels and somehow obtaining rulings that are clearly flawed. Guess Mark Ashton could be brought bacK to the EFL THAT WILL LEARN EM! SIGH!
  5. https://www.forestforum.co.uk/threads/44511-The-demise-of-Wayne-Rooney-s-D***y-County-(in-Administration) This thread on The Florist forum is interesting. Predicting Derby’s demise and trouble between Pearson and Morris in 2016.
  6. Exactly! Most Derby County supporters are so confused they don’t know where they are with accounts or anything to do with the current board. Many just want to argue the position of MM, that it’s all the EFL (Bastards) and a cabal of deep state football chairman headed by Lansdown and Gibbo that are directing an operation to wreck Derby from under a pizza parlor in Nottingham. Delusional but as a conspiracy it’s worked before! Years of this ineptitude, but it’s all everyone else fault, for a good deal it seems on their website. I get denial is a stage of grief but it’s time now. As has been mentioned the corporate veil has been pierced by the action of going into administration. So the laggards will in time actually be shown what’s gone on with the club and grounds etc. The issue is, is Derby a big enough name for someone to come in and buy them and how much is the ground worth as the club without ground vice versa are limited value. I hope for the sake of the sane Derby fans a solution can be found that doesn’t lead to Division 4 of The Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire Border League. Watch this space!
  7. Yes the 82 events are that. Ask Aldershot Newport et al.
  8. Milk from a bull. Good luck with that. Are you a biology teacher?
  9. @Hxj The corporate veil is/has been pierced. Where this goes now no one knows. Good Luck!
  10. The whole thing with reporting is sketchy. What will be found now is anyone’s guess. I really don’t know the rules regarding arbitration so I will defer to you, however this is now a shiftiest that breaks or could break completely new ground….Which anyone with an attention span longer than a goldfish could have predicted. Asfor who would get pursued who knows. But that will all be about what becomes uncovered and enters the public domain. This is about to get uglier than ugly because the EFL for whatever reason didn’t relegate a club that six games later it was found were an utter financial mess. The EFL and the appeals commission have a lot to answer for as do the board of Derby and the main player, who will I suspect bring loads of people down with him. The EFL has been severely compromised and now looks like a weak Lilly liveried institution..That’s not good for anyone!
  11. No not really. The posts about the EFL being somehow at fault or are picking on Derby over the last few days are also nauseating. Good luck to Derby and there fans rebuilding. Also good luck to Wycombe with all the impending law suits that are bound to follow. The administrators have one hell of a job with this one. And that’s not even taking criminal law into account.
  12. BuckTaylor spelled it all out in April 2019 and didn’t he catch shit for it. God I hope some people have given the decker an apology. Probably not!
  13. I have just taken this from The DCFC fans forum…Nicely sums up a lot for me….particularly as it forecast this shiftiest….Good luck to the fans of Derby, one or two may want to have a little more humility in the future mind you! DCFC Supporter as below I have posted this on my personal facebook but want to let everyone else know as well hence why I have started a new thread. As fans we need to be collectively acting now on the back of the group Club 84 raising various issues over the past week or so. Do no bury your heads in the sand any longer. I am concerned. Spent this last week focusing on something that means a hell of alot to me, Derby County. This past year has been tough on me, sure you all know that and my primarily focus has been on my business and family. A new addition in Phoebe, a house move that now risks having houses built at the back of us replacing the green belt land that reside on the land and then working most nights delivering Uber to bring some income in, not to mention home schooling. So I haven't had the time to think about Derby County but it has now come to a tipping point where I am very concerned about our club. Regardless of the result on Saturday, this club in my opinion is in serious danger and when I say that I mean it in the strongest of terms. Should this takeover not happen then I worry that we will have no club to return to. Over the past few weeks many supporters group and the local press have requested that either Mel Morris or Stephen Pearce just come out and gives us fans some 'reassurance' that our club will be secure in the event of the takeover collapsing. This has been refused many times. I have been involved with the club for around 15 years now and have attended many meetings including the supporters committee that meet every couple of months and improving the atmosphere etc etc... Always had a very good relationship and a mutual respect with both Mel & Stephen. There was plans for a protest after the game on Saturday (now been called off due to safety concerns with the Arena Vaccines) and originally this could have simply been avoided by either of them coming out to give us fans reassurance. I asked the question a couple of days ago and they have refused to come out and say 'anything'. It does not need a genius to work out that this is an absolute disgrace of respect for us fans. The same people who asked fans to donate their Season Ticket money to the club in the middle of a pandemic to help it be run as opposed to having a refund. The absolute pure cheek of it is astounding. When things go silent and when people in authority refuse to speak to the biggest stakeholders of this football club, which if you didn't know, is us fans, then questions and concerns need to be raised and answered and unfortunately certain people are hiding - draw your own conclusions on that. The focus without doubt needs to be on the game on Saturday but irrespective of the outcome, Derby County are in serious danger and as fans we need to act. Do not say to me that it will all be okay if we stay up, it won't be. Do not be naïve to think that. We are in a huge mess. There is a reason why accounts get published and that is so fans can understand the situation of our club. This is way overdue, why?. Mel Morris has invested alot of money in this football club but whilst doing so has made us an absolute embarrassment in the football world and has failed. Selling the stadium to himself was done because he overspent and screwed up. So many thought it was clever, it really wasn't - it was hiding his mistakes as custodian to this football club which resulted in the football club no longer owning the biggest asset which in turn will make any takeover complicated. Let's not even go there with the Arab failed takeover, due diligence of any interested party failed big time there and weeks were wasted with it. Under his command we have seen absolute appalling recruitment. This has never been addressed despite being raised time and time again. In fact, we may as well appoint him as manager as I always thought it should be the football club manager that targets & buys players. I dont need to name names with this one but there is a player at this club who has never played second time around and is getting paid very well, wonder why... Clearly our season has been nothing short of a shambles. You cannot blame the kids and you cannot blame the players to a degree, it isn't there fault they are not good enough. The captain of the ship is responsible for this. Important we back the lads tomorrow and hope and pray they get us over the line to keep our Championship status. This post is not a rant. Its reality that our football club and the fab Derby people that work within it are in serious danger of being no more. Please do not say to me that this derails tomorrow, I am sorry but the situation is far worse than the potential relegation we face tomorrow. Feel free to bury your heads in the sands but things need to change at Derby County and quick before it really is to late. I would say to Mel & Stephen, feel free to respond and give us reassurances, but they have already refused to do so. That my friends is all you need to know about who we currently have running our beloved Derby County. Stephen Pearce needs to resign. Any CEO of any business does not hide like what you have. Mel Morris needs to depart this football club and take all the debt with him. The stadium should be given back to the football club and included in any sale. He should swallow his pride and sell this great football club to the 'best' candidate and not just who he prefers. We both know there are offers on the table and you know who they are from. After all, you are Derby through and through - said no one ever but you. Nick
  14. Yes the schadenfreude can be galling, but to be fair some of the hi jinx of the club and the myopia of some supporters is galling too. All that, we’ve done nothing wrong stuff on here, when it now appears that the EFL have let the board of Derby disappear up their own rectums at the expense of a freshly relegated Wycombe Wanderers. I expect that will run and run! But I do take your point. There will be a lot of suppliers with a headache this morning expecting pennies on the pound and maybe not even that if a buyer can not be found. I would be furious if I were a Derby fan and most are furious for Derby fans, particularly as now they (Derby supporters) ALL have to admit its not a conspiracy against them, by other clubs, its always been other clubs and there supporters pointing out Derby County’s constant shiftiest de’ jour and gaminess with the rules and by extension with their competitors and fellow clubs, who try to stay within the common bounds of decency and integrity expected in sport!
  15. This is heading toward classic thread territory. Some people may want to start thinking about changing their handle!
  16. Can anybody do that thing so we can see them overseas as well?
  17. I don't think he was out of his depth at all. He was targeted in the first half, without doubt, but as we went in 1-0 up that kind of tells a bit of story! He did not look out of place, so I would beg to differ!
  18. I posted on here some time before anything got announced on any subject (M&A related) that the club at the time were not letting any information out of the club and this felt like a quiet period before an announcement. (It’s in my posting history) People at the time were concerned of the lack of info from the club! Subsequently the Ipswich thing became common knowledge and SL went on a podcast stating his intent to look into investors/investment from outside. Your scenarios. Are thAt your scenarios. What has happened is relatively clear and has already put OUT there. No breach of rules has occurred to the best of anyone’s knowledge. The rule makers would include FA EFL IRS FBI HMIR UEFA FIFA et al. Mark Ashton has not been charged with any kind of misconduct and has clearly complied with rules to the best of anyone’s knowledge as of today. He is not in any danger of being barred from holding future directorships to my knowledge and anything else that is stated/speculated on here or anywhere else to the contrary could get people into a world of pain! Edit. I still don’t like him much, but have never met him so he could be a good bloke to have a beer with. Either way the man is not stupid enough to put his entire career in jeopardy particularly as he has been on the EFL board!
  19. Yes But I didn't say that he was not devoting some time working on non City projects, in fact I made it clear he was. Its a matter of knowledge!!! The issue is did SL and the board not know what he was doing. The breach of confidentiality, not to mention the breach of trust to an employer paying him 500k would have been enough for any suiter not to have gone through with the deal with him as it would have been clear that the person they were doing business with was not to be trusted. When you are paying out that kind of money having trust in the person/s you are doing business with is key! The idea that all this went trough while Ashton THE CEO of a rival business was not being open with his employer/Ipswich/The Buyer is fantasy born out of the dislike for the man, that many of us, including me, have for the individual! UK Fiduciary duty rules are in the link https://www.diligent.com/en-gb/blog/main-fiduciary-duties-uk-company-directors/ Furthermore under IRS and regulations in the USA deals of this kind are scrutinized by the IRS and in the case of big deals the FBI, this is to minimize money laundering issues in sport which are rife. furthermore The FA and The EFL dont wake up one morning to be told...Oh by the way Ipswich have new owners....! If someone has implied that Ashton breached his fiduciary duty no wonder threats/cease and desist notices have been issued ALLEGEDLY!
  20. You would have to ask Ashton and SL that. My tuppence is that probably not. If a deal was being struck for Ipswich that the owner and board of Bristol City were not aware of in some capacity then it’s highly likely action would have been taken long before it became public. The idea that an industry can keep a secret from others in the industry is almost laughable The board and the Lansdown family have now have connections. M&A is often about signaling. And the signals from the owner are pretty clear. It is now about kissing frogs until one turns into a Prince to use an awful industry metaphor.
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