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Everything posted by REDOXO

  1. 38 years ago I was slagging a bit of stuff at Sunderland Poly. Delipdated Shithole (no don’t do it) with 60s shopping centers. Always remember being told in a pub there she couldn’t have a pint of lager but they would do two halves. What a place! Mind you I have Roker Park on my CV!
  2. Is that the Combined Counties League? I have been to at least 50% of those grounds!
  3. Henry is a ledge, but there are others closer than me on this forum!
  4. Who knows I live in Milwaukee!
  5. I wish I could watch that rather than this!!
  6. Again the title of this thread is...Semenyo is not a striker they score goals! Semenyo is not playing at the pinnacle of our attack as a goal scorer, as using your term, a Striker, more than implies! Fammy is being played as an old fashioned center forward, (number nine) that is clear. With multiple defensive duties I would suggest he would get a kick out of his name being mentioned with the players you mention The other forwards you mention are world class goal scorers that you prefer to call strikers, most of whom are being played as a one roll goal scoring forward, (your term striker) which Semenyo certainly is not. However it makes my point perfectly as these guys are few and far between and all have played at the highest level with the exception of Bamford who might. We have forwards, we don’t have an out and out goal scorer (your term Striker) and it certainly has not been Semenyo. Thus If you had titled the thread Semenyo is not a forward they score goals, it may have made more sense, but still would have been wrong!
  7. I don’t agree with the whole notion of striker. I thought that was clear. We have forwards. The nearest to an out and out goal scorer is Wells, which I think I mentioned earlier in the thread. However Holden has played him out wider not centrally, by and large with Fammy more centrally, nevertheless Fammy has a defensive roll to play that he is complemented on consistently, of which I’m sure you are aware. At this time we are not playing with an out and Jimmy Greaves style “Striker” who has only one roll to score (to be frank many clubs don’t currently as they are few and expensive) Could Semenyo become an out and out goal scoring striker....? Of course....Is he being played as one, no!....Mainly because of all of his excellent work he unsettles himself in front of goal. Will that get better of course, because he’s got the makings of a great player, we will see where that leads. I’m not sure what difficulty you think I or anyone else is having. I don’t agree with the premise of the thread and have now said so three times. Your last paragraph has some resonance. He needs to add more goals which I said in the comment you are replying to. More goals and he may get played down the middle at the pinnacle of our attack as a striker, however right now he offers more as a running forward and as impressive in that role, not in the role that he isn’t playing which you are criticizing him for. I hope that my thoughts stated again are clear. FYI. The club profile for the lad has him listed as a forward
  8. Semenyo is a forward. He played well on Saturday and was our best player. The commentator was impressed. The idea of Striker is largely due to a cartoon. We have forwards who need to get more goals and that is a fact but the whole premise of this thread is just plain wrong.
  9. One of the players from earliest days watching us. Thanks foe everything Bobby. You were the man!
  10. I don’t card what anyone says anywhere this is utter utter garbage. Has LJ Been reappointed.
  11. I think it really took hold in England because of a newspaper cartoon, but you may well be right about Germany. Let’s be honest it sounds sexy, however skews the view people have of football and particularly the role of forwards as the implication is out and out goal scorer and that’s rarely the case. Yes Antoine needs another goal soon but the premise of the thread is completely wrong and I thoroughly agree with your analogy of Semenyo and Wells.
  12. Because I’m old and really don’t care anymore, I will make an observation of this thread that really gets on my tits. Semenyo is not a “striker” he is a forward. The constant reference to the word striker implies goal scorer. Where as the term forward implies he plays in front of the team and tries to create and hopefully take chances. should Semenyo be getting on the score sheet more often. Of course. But he has six/seven assists in his role as a forward. semenyo is not as effective with Fammy but very effective with Wells and Martin. A few goals will come, however it’s pretty obvious FD AND AS really are not that dangerous together. Anyway the point IS we have good forwards with one real goal scorer which is Wells. If you want to call him a striker I could just about stomach it. The other three are forwards.
  13. Joking aside. If he was coming here to play for Dean Holden last season I wonder if that would have made a difference. More than a bit academic I guess.
  14. I knew was in the moment Bentley took his position
  15. Bentley was way to left. He invited that. It wasnt even right in the corner
  16. Force Majeure is in every contract I have ever signed, at a minimum, and there have been more than a couple.. In theoretical terms if FM prevents performance under a contract it could be used as a negotiation tool at a minimum, but that would work both ways and a lot of players could then say **** it and become free agants, which would again in theory become our worst nightmare. Problem for them is no other club would trust them, this thing could be back in October. I would be amazed if this was the only get out for either party if a season were to be suspended/finished, but hey we once gave a ten year contract to a 29 year old (I Pray the clubs attorney’s and contracts people are better than that) Hopefully sense prevails and players and agents don’t kill the goose that lays the golden egg at all our clubs. Side note SL would not stand for shenanigans from greedy players under these circumstances. This is where we should all be thankful for The Lansdown family!
  17. Not sure if this has been mentioned, as I have not read the thread, but I hear that postponing the Euro's is on the agenda. Sorry if previously mentioned
  18. That’s kind of what I thought. If this is correct any meanderings on tort law need to be on the grounds of what Swiss law allows one would think. Any Swiss law scholars on here?
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