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Everything posted by REDOXO

  1. Horace and Aizoon are going so a defeat is on them! However 3-0 Home Win! Wilbraham to get on the sheet and JET gets unleashed! But I'll take a scrappy one nil!!!!!!!!!
  2. What are the estimates for support! I understand around 3700 tickets sold but now pay on the day as well up to 6500
  3. Horace isn't well!...Thoughts are with you Horace! Get well soon my spikey friend!!
  4. I dont like the look of this....prove me wrong SC!
  5. It doesn't matter that you're a winner SC....Are your players!? It does not matter if they are not your choices, it matters that you do the job you were employed to do....Keep Us Up! Can you and Can they do it!???....And will they bother showing up next Saturday....about 3000 season ticket holders wont! I remember 82 very well. The only time I felt worse than this was the day we thought it was all over only to be saved at the 11th hour, the rest of it you took because it was the way back....But this is as bad a feeling as I've had since then... Osbourne skinned at FB while Maloney sits on the bench El Abd is poor Osbourne needs to partner Flint...Why cant you see the wood for the trees....?
  6. Dont understand not playing Cunningham from the start.... But pleased Wes is starting....433 looks weak on current form at CB, but here's hoping Im wrong and El Abd/Flint gels!
  7. Anyone with a clue who SC is talking about?
  8. Beat me by seconds Aizoon. See you in the chat room!
  9. A lot of sympathy for the above.
  10. Someone in mind or waiting in the wings that you know of?....I heard there was an Arab in the stand today!
  11. Shameless bump!.....being replayed after 6 on Radio Briz!
  12. That's funny!..... We are sh1t though....I thought we had found a way of playing last week....So we drop Taylor and move JET where he cant effect the play!!! Match that with Flint who is incompitent and.....
  13. A really good interview with the major shareholder this afternoon! I'm sure there will be a link put up soon, however the main points! Bristol City costs a huge amount of money, SL makes up the shortfall He does get upset about some of the (undue) criticism He has felt like walking away at times, but will not as he is commited to Bristol City FC and the new stadium AG redevelopment is most likely but AV not ruled out Bristol Rugby will be played at AG/AV Money is available to SC and he will back his manager Invited people to come down to speak with the club if they have a genuine concern rather than post faceless comments on this and other internet forums Bloke sounded very passionate and intent on shutting a few people up! Hope it Works!
  14. So much for goal line technology
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