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Everything posted by REDOXO

  1. Well done Ole. Good research and very brave of you to go ahead and post twice! This is now looking like something very sordid indeed as it is not a stretch to think others on the board listening to the application were aware of this almighty conflict of interests and as such were party to the supression of the information! The Mayor's office and the City council have a lot to think about right now and it would seem a lot to answer for.
  2. And the really irritating thing is I know you are right! Still the heart should have what it wants sometimes is that not right Mrs. Oxo! Come on Wednesday
  3. Wednesday to beat palace and the drop for me! While I like to see the mighty fall every once in a while Vis-a-vis Leeds Nottingham, Newcastle etc, Wednesday bring a lot of fans and a lot of value, Palace on the other hand bring nothing but spiteful comments and a half full minibus of fans (slight exageration but you know what I mean)...I will be cheering for Wednesday as hard as i'll be cheering for our boys to stop Holloway...(Now what was that I was saying about spite! )
  4. He would oversee the footballing progress of the club. Such as Ensure and be responsible for the scouting is properly ran and staffed (Pete Johnson etc) Ensure and be responsible for the accademy and it is producing good talent, has a good pipeline and the instruction/coaching/SCHOOLING of kids is of a good standard EABRF that our U14 - U21 teams are coached assessed to a good standard EABRF for the future of the football club Assist with transfer and wage negotiations Assist with First Team activities Assist with Marketing of the team and its players And ensure continuity...of footballing activities Quite a lot I would say and all of this currently being overseen by the first team manager...Who I would rather be spending time making the first team competitive on the field.
  5. Brilliant With no disrespect to anyone you are actually right in many cases, but as the other fellow says it is a forum to aire points of view rather than a debating society. For what its worth my money is on Steve Coppell as Director of Football with responsibility right through our scouting/academy and reserves right up to assistance with First Team issues, as we have been crying oufor that since we started the Accademy. The fiirst team manager/coach is to be named but I have a suspiscion it may well be from outside the club wit KM keeping the assistant role....But all will be revealed soon

    Bristol City

    You are of course right not much. a few promotions with as many relegations. However after a moment of quiet introspection I would like to point out the following (apologies in advance if these things have been mentioned already) We have a Chairman that I am reliably informed is wealthier than the Queen The best team since the late 70's The best manager since the late 70's Have apeared in the Premier League play off Final Have a very good chance at gaining promotion this season Are in the process of building a BRAND NEW STADIUM (This will not be for sharing with North Bristol Pikeys....Sorry lost it there for a minute) The list goes on.... Our best days are in front of us...I'm not so sure about the Gas, but I wish them good luck in meeting their rent payments and generally providing a source of good humour..Thanks Chris and Friends
  7. Do you really want to read this??....To late Born in Guildford Surrey in 1962...Dad was a City fan and veteran of the war time Hot Wells Road blitz etc thus giving me no choice as to where my real loyalties lay...Despite the fact I was being beaten up by supporters of Chelsea/Arsenal/West Ham/Man U and other London clubs for much of my youff I was pretty much married to the City....largely because my Saturdays consisited of hauls down the M4/A4 from the age of 4 (about 1967) Since then I have pretty much spent all available time/cash following the City home and away despite never having lived there (However my brother and his family live in Winterbourne Down now...extra info) Married a yank in 98...and was offered a partnership in a Chicago based IT corporation in 2005 where I have lived since etc etc etc.........You asked!!!!!!!
  8. 22A... How about trying to organize a convoy from Membury...(Dear Lord I hate that place)
  9. I'm not coming for the match from Chicago, however its 50/50 that I come over the awards on Tuesday...Dad is in the mix for fan of the year...and I might not be able to resist the temptation to kiss Gary Johnson (no tongues) at the promotion party. Keep Smiling everyone only three days to go
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