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Everything posted by MarcusX

  1. It's an outside environment and not face to face contact, so based on current guidelines in the UK masks wouldn't be necessary or any safer - from what I've read. No different to sitting in a pub garden with someone on the table next to you. Its definitely the concourses and facilities plus getting in and out of the ground in crowds that is the big issue here - sitting in your seat distanced from the next group of people is the easy bit
  2. I can’t see the club doing something that complex. They won’t please everyone no matter how they do it so I’d expect them to just allocate people every other game or 3 game rotation. If you can’t make it maybe you have the option to sell back your ticket or swap with another ST holder. The club will want it to be as simple as possible IMO
  3. Kings Lynn received promotion to the national league on PPG but chairman was on TV yesterday saying they can’t afford to play games in empty stadiums and would even struggle in 30% capacity, they need the revenue from match day to survive. Such a shame for a club that’s just achieved promotion and should be celebrating. There might be some L1/L2 suffering but the real problem will be in the lower steps. I think that’s where the pro game will see issues, not from the top down but from the bottom up
  4. Then you have to consider who sits around them, presumably people couldn’t sit directly in front of behind? Or maybe they could as not face to face. That isn’t even the biggest obstacle IMO it’s the concourse, the queues, the outlets and the toilets.
  5. A shot from Afobe and the Williams? header from the long throw. Feels like there were a couple more but only 2 shots on target according to flash scores
  6. Winning? Heard of it, remind me what that is again?
  7. I know, I was one of them, but definitely seemed a lot busier after the goal. Page took ages to load and loads more posts waiting to refresh each tjme
  8. This thread gets infinitely busier when we’re losing. Sad really
  9. Definitely a free kick. Ball gone and Weimann kicks him late! Reckless and unnecessary, and absolutely not LJs fault on this occasion.
  10. Why is that specifically LJs fault? Think he’s got the team set up and play right tonight, the players need to do more on the pitch. Take a risk, be more clinical.
  11. Ridiculous, he’d lost the ball and he’s on a yellow. No need at all.
  12. Half time seems to have gone on a bit long? Or is my stream not coming back on ?
  13. Felt we could have been 2 up very early on with Afobe. One forced the keeper into a low save at the post and a header?
  14. Andi just put one back on the guy who “did” COD at the start?
  15. Pretty good, front line pressing high on their defence. Nagy pulling strings in the middle. Defence reasonably sound so far and 2/3 half decent chances. Worlds apart from the last 2 games
  16. Always bemuses me when people talk of players getting injured as if it’s the player’s fault or something they like happening to them. Just said so callously. i bet it’s ******* horrible continuously picking up injuries. Our attacking press is looking good, where has this come from? It’s like 17/18 City
  17. Try the main site, it’s worked for me for free
  18. warehouses and sorting offices will have social distancing in place, and are more of a necessity to the country than football There’s a difference between “a dose of reality” and exposure to risk for no real purpose other than money at the very top. Admittedly if we’re talking in July when we’re on the next phase then there may be an argument for football continuing but not while most workplaces aren’t open. agree to disagree though, both entitled to opinions
  19. Why does earning a lot of money suddenly mean it’s ok to be put at risk? Utter nonsense. He makes a valid point and so do the other players, why should they and their families be put at risk just for entertainment? Lets get all the film and tv productions back on to? Clearly he meant the people going back in the second phase last week
  20. Especially as they weren’t even top of the league! Also didn’t quote it but thanks for the reply, you made good points about responsibility of testing that I hadn’t considered
  21. Because workers in a warehouse probably have many policies in place to ensure social distancing. Dont forget going back to work isnt a free for all now, its under strict 2m distance guidelines (or should be) and if it isnt they'd definitely have a case to answer. Footballers dont have that same protection, its a contact sport they have to come within 2m distance of their opponents.
  22. We had to send 50k tests to the US because they couldnt be processed in British labs, I dont think the capacity is there at all whilst the demand certainly is. 73% of a yougov poll said football wouldnt boost their morale so thats more bollocks from Boris. I agree its a case of when, obviously it will return at SOME point, but I cant see how it can be summer unless numbers of cases drop dramatically IMO. People returning to work is a necessity and its only those that can distance that are going back. Plenty that involve physical contact arent. How do you test footballers? lock them up til the end of the season between games? Else they need to be tested before every training session and every game, because they could go home after a game and catch it from their partner (or their kids who might be back at school).
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