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Everything posted by MarcusX

  1. Would love to see this, but I just cant see it being safe. Currently being discussed on GMB Firstly how can we justify testing every footballer when frontline staff still arent getting tests/results quickly enough? Our capacity for testing has dropped since we hit that debatable 100k target. 60k people tested on 11th May. Secondly, you cant trust fans not to congregate. People will meet in parks, round houses etc to watch the football. If Liverpool / Leeds are about to win their first league in years, do you think their fans will all stay at home and watch on their TV, in the hight of summer? No chance I'm afraid. Then there's the argument that people cant see both parents/grandchildren etc but 20+ football matches can take place across the country?
  2. One PL team has suggested finishing the season in China... https://www.givemesport.com/1560281-one-premier-league-club-has-proposed-to-finish-the-1920-season-in-china
  3. How do you know what people are and aren’t doing/giving? It doesn’t always have to be made public
  4. I'm wrong, sorry as someone else pointed out they've just summarised what was on the Gov site that I hadn't seen! Must admit I switched off a bit last night after the announcement to wind down YOu can if you play by yourself ?
  5. Surely it’s quite clear by now this ISNT advisory, its government orders. You play with your own health by all means but if someone at risk doesn’t care about catching it but then ends up in hospital is taking a bed from someone else. Why take the risk ffs I’m fairly sure she knew it wasn’t real I’m grateful for this, still not sure I should be travelling across the country next Wednesday for a funeral, but I missed my last chance to see my Nan due to this virus, not sure I could miss the funeral. That’s not what Michael Gove has just said, this isn’t clear from the government. Where are the Sun getting this? They’ve made this up as far as I can see. Promising news but can’t find that original tweet now, only one I found says a proposal.
  6. Close. Considering the ill father in law, partner decided to go for a drink Friday with a friend before picking up the takeaway. Completely unnecessary and irresponsible Just told me I better be careful who I come into contact with at my Nans funeral next week and shouldn't stay too long. Fair point on it's own, but didnt like the double standards being pointed out *i did get sent home to work today though, so this is day 1 of who knows how many at home together... ?
  7. I'm STILL here today ? albeit we have a staff meeting at 9 with an "update" from the MD. There's absolutely no reason I should be in an office (especially as I have a high at-risk father in law living with us at the moment so we can provide the assistance he needs without travelling back and forth). I work for a company in distribution so we have a factory full of agency staff with no distancing measures in place yet and honestly, little idea who is coming in and out and what they are carrying. If we aren't told to work from home today I'm going to either have to make a case to HR/Directors (with the potential to single myself out whilst I'm still on probation) OR my partner is going to have to move out for 12 weeks and live with her Dad. update as I type this - people have moved desks so their a little bit further away... forgetting we all use the same toilets, canteen, doors in and out etc. A token gesture really edit again: someone just walked in (i sit by HR so hear things I probably shouldnt) and someone's just come back from being off ill with some symptoms on Thursday and Friday. Why are people not taking a safe approach and enforcing the 7/14 days??
  8. You could get an MRI pretty quick with private health cover - which is effectively what Americans have?
  9. It might be ok if you have insurance, I can’t get my head around having a complete accident and leaving hospital with a 6 figure bill. Health care based on financial standing is awful. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theatlantic.com/amp/article/563519/
  10. Ah didn’t realise that and hadn’t read the other replies. should have known actually as someone brought a McDonald’s into work yesterday! Pneumococcal Vaccine apparently, for bacterial pneumonia. Quite common for over 60s in Germany (read this on reddit)
  11. How come they weren’t covered under restaurants on Friday? also just seen Angela Merkel has gone into quarantine / self isolation as a doctor who gave her a vaccine has tested positive
  12. Don’t you remember? If we went into lockdown too early we’d all get fed up after a few weeks and start going out too soon... we couldn’t manage a couple of days!
  13. Budweiser (or their parent company) are using all left over alcohol from production to make hand sanitiser too
  14. I think more needs to be done for businesses that aren’t complying. I see the concerns they have about going under, and I completely understand but we still haven’t sent people to work from home yet except any one who has a cough (and some came in before being sent home). i wouldn’t personally want an army enforced curfew, but I can’t see any other solution. People aren’t listening and they’re being selfish. its really sad because following brexit this was an ideal opportunity for the whole country to pull together for a common good and could have gone a long way to bridge divides.
  15. Stay at home, if you possibly can thats really going to hammer the message home!
  16. Perhaps not everyone posts on twitter when they’re ill? I know it was the last thing on my Mind when I had whatever it was at Xmas. I couldn’t even reach over to pick up my phone ? it would be surprising if no one caught or spread the virus at such a large gathering though. Many people voted for Brexit because of a bus slogan to spend more money on the NHS. The problem is since then no one has held the government to account for not actually giving the NHS any more money. There’s also the mismanagement that needs to be sorted before they throw money at it. I saw places doing this, I appreciate they have to survive but people queuing up at the pub to have their bottles filled up with beer etc is as bad as them going to the pub in the first place - defeats the point
  17. Personally wouldn’t count it as social media, maybe it is... but also didn’t mean everyone obviously
  18. The same people on social media moaning about panic buyers are now out for “1 last night out” based on the news tonight are we confident the government are pulling through now or is it talked the talk, wait and see if they walk the walk? It does sound a bit better effort from them, but a little too late in some situations.
  19. Thanks again, yourself and everyone else for the kind words. Hope everyone is staying safe.
  20. Just saw that, at least it's not a cancellation announcement ?
  21. We're usually in the top 6 at the half way stage, I'm game for it ?
  22. Do you think that would be something you have to apply for or just given out somehow? I have savings, I'm ok I'd rather someone else got my share that needed it. Also as a side note thanks for all the kind messages. I dont blame myself as such, but maybe I should have been more careful even if it was just a seasonal flu. It would be good to test if I have had it so that I can continue to help look after my father in law without risk of infection (if he/we havent had it already)
  23. This has all just got a bit too much for me. Following the info I posted above and my Nan being in hospital since that chest infection / pneumonia I sadly got a call this evening to say she’d passed away. I don’t know if I had CV, I don’t know if I passed it to her and I don’t know if she had it, but anyone who isn’t taking this isolation and social distancing seriously (especially if it’s because you think you’ll be fine) please re think your decisions and who it could impact. I was a bit dismissive of the panic at first and thought maybe some people were being over the top worrying but do what you’ve got to do people. I’ll be the last to compete about a lockdown now, and I certainly couldn’t care less what happens with football anymore. please stay safe everyone x
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