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Everything posted by MarcusX

  1. Didn’t help that the PSG players then went outside on balconies and celebrated with the fans that turned out, almost condoning it
  2. I was thinking more about the money. You’re right they probably wouldn’t, I think what I was suggesting is some money should filter down so save the smaller clubs. I said Sky but meant all broadcasters, BT cover some non league football so do have an element of interest
  3. Looking at the bigger picture, there needs to be some help given to non league clubs from Sky/Premier league etc. I know of clubs that have already gone 6 weeks without a home game because of the weather. That’s a long time to have no income, do players still get paid? Club staff? Easy to say no but even at that level footballers are paid a not insignificant amount of money and could need that to get by - especially as you tend to get a lot of self employed / tradies at that level so that’s a double hit. incidentally this is obviously outdated but for example Bradford towns schedule before the cancellation announcement 17 games in 40 days. No one can be expected to perform (and avoid injury) almost every other day for over a month. Add to that family and work commitments
  4. I think it would be pretty logical that the transfer window wouldn’t open until the end of the season
  5. A proposal from German FA is to increase the number of Bundesliga teams to 22 next season and promote the top 4 teams from below with no relegation. Slight difference there is usually the top 2 teams go up and then the 3rd play against 16th in a playoff for promotion/survival so lower teams will benefit. One idea here could be to scrap the play off system and just do two up / two down? Still probably have teams that feel hard done by though.
  6. I tend to agree, I still cant see it being outright cancelled there are just too many complications. I could possibly see a situation where players and staff have been isolated for a period of time (assuming thats what they intend to do) and then remaining fixtures played behind closed doors from the end of april in the safety of knowing the players are all clear) I can't see the Euros going ahead now with all the travelling across Europe. That will have a huge impact the economy though especially with the number of countries involved expecting increased travel, tourism, bar and pub sales etc
  7. The FA should show the same disregard for player's wellbeing that they do with non-league players and make them play every other day, or in some occasions on consecutive days
  8. Football's been suspended for the player's / staff though, not specifically the crowds. I agree though and I've said this all along that it seems insane we can see football matches postponed while that huge gathering is going on in Cheltenham
  9. They've also said if we go to soon with school closures it will immediately weaken NHS, care services etc as parents stay home to look after children. OR they go and stay with grandparents who are more at risk? Also if we lockdown like Italy, people will get "bored" of it and revert back to normal behaviour too soon and right in the peak of the situation
  10. This is one of the issues with doing it now, come 3rd April (according to government) we wont have reached our peak so if they start playing again there will still presumably be a substantial risk if not more so if more people are infected. Personally I think they should have took steps to isolate players with potential symptoms and confirmed contacts, then postpone individual games but allow others with no known complications to continue for now.
  11. Not necessarily. Players and management have tested positive, therefore teams are in isolation so obviously those games would be postponed. I don't think it's defying government policy unless they say they will postpone / cancel games because of the crowds/fans gathering
  12. No one has said young people can't catch it. In fact most people's arguements are that young people will catch it but show few / mild symptoms and then pass it on without realising they had it. Your statement that young people are just as likely to die seems to be scientifically and statistically incorrect.
  13. Not particularly a fan of this government (that’s probably an understatement) but they seem to be acting on medical and scientific experts advice about the right time to make certain decisions. listening to them earlier it seemed to make sense, I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt for now and hope their plan is the right one.
  14. And a different class of people (for the most part) enjoying a jolly at Cheltenham all week. Far, far bigger crowd than any football match
  15. Interestingly uefa refused wolves request to postpone their game with Olympiacos so they don’t seem interested in cancelling anything unless they really have to
  16. I think I see what you’re saying now sorry, it seems the forest players were being tested before making a decision - presumably they can’t test until a few days after contact as it may not show up or the delay was simply because they weren’t aware there was a potential issue until the owner announced it? Seems like they are all negative so should be ok to go ahead
  17. A friend just came Monday from a mediterranean cruise, including parts of Italy that are now locked down (albeit there end of Feb before lockdown). No screening, no tests (and he actually has a cough, though he had it before)
  18. Sensible approach where it's possible without impact to business. We started preparing our teams last week but most people are still in the office at the moment. Anyone coughing gets a stern look mind ?
  19. Millwall staff have, according to BBC article today. Forest are waiting on feedback from an EFL investigation into circumstances. Reports state that he met players and staff on the day. Why is there little point self isolating after contact? The point is to stop it spreading
  20. Arsenal played Olympiacos recently and some of the players met with the owner after the game. Also this was a Premier League decision, no that's likely why no mention of Forest - but based on the fact he was at the Forest game the other night and met with the players, I would assume they will take similar measures. Would be odd if they didnt I think you're being unnecessarily pedantic, it's like a kid whose just learnt something new and keeps repeating it every chance they can
  21. How can you be so sure? If Arsenal players are self-isolating because of their contact with him then surely Forest players should do the same?
  22. Last I heard they sent quite a serious email about the number of memes etc and basically telling staff they aren’t to engage with or share these memes. I believe some of their sales have taken a hit especially in China but mostly due to people not going out rather than any issues with the name. incidentally sales increased in the US by 5% in the 4 weeks up mid February
  23. I read a bit about the Spanish flu and why it was so deadly. It’s not in the best interests of the virus to kill its host as it needs to spread further. Because the Spanish flu came from a strain of bird flu originally it hadn’t adapted to human life and therefore was more severe initially. Over time the virus adapts to become less lethal so that it can spread further, so it’s possible your thoughts above are correct. https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20181029-why-the-flu-of-1918-was-so-deadly
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